March 6, 2025
CT scan showing implanted microchips in forehead of a targeted individual
CT scan showing implanted microchips in forehead of a targeted individual

Inside America’s Targeting, Gangstalking, Torture, and Mind Control Program

The United States is conducting nonconsensual human experimentation, torture, social engineering, and mind control experimentation on U.S. citizens without their informed consent. For people who aren’t in this program, you can’t understand the overwhelming cruelty that targeted individuals are subjected to.


The human nervous system transmits electrical impulses, called synapses, via extremely low frequency (ELF) electro-magnetic energy (ELM), and muscles, organs, emotions, and any human bodily system can be manipulated, disrupted, and controlled, by internal transmissions from microchip implants, or from external sources including military-grade ELF/ELM, acoustic, and microwave directed-energy weapons.

Related: A Chronological History of Torture and Assaults from U.S. Government Targeting – Interest-Driven
Related: United Nations Studies Neurotechnology to Protect Human Rights and Promote Fundamental Freedoms – Interest-Driven
Related:  Texas Group, Targeted Justice, Inc., Sues FBI, DHS, and high-ranking U.S. Officials for $1.3 Billion – Interest-Driven

In the United States, there are hundreds, if not thousands of US citizens that have been illegally microchipped and are being tracked, tortured, and passively monitored, using various nefarious technologies.  Some of these technologies, practices, and techniques are described below from someone who has been victimized and tortured for over 20 years by internal and external manipulation of their body and mind.

Here’s the true account of a 20+ year survivor.  For him, this is what it means to be targeted and gang-stalked by U.S. Intelligence agencies.

“For me, it started in February 2000, but for other victims I’ve spoken to, it started earlier.  And from several corroborating factors and incidents so far during my period of torture, I’m certain that for me, this originated with the FBI.  However, from scope and scale of the operations, there are most likely multiple agencies either directly or indirectly involved to support these programs of torture, mind control experimentation, and systemic deprivation of rights.

“And so, before we really get started, let me show you it’s real.”

CT scan showing implanted microchips in forehead of a targeted individual
Figure 1: CT scan, June 27, 2003, showing microchips

“This is a CT scan of me from June 27, 2003, that shows implanted microchips in my forehead.  This is a 1/8″ slice closest to the surface.  Notice the circular one on the right side of the scan.”

Figure 2: CT scan, June 27, 2003, showing interference from transmissions around circular implanted chip

“This one is from a slice 1/4” deeper, showing the front of my skull.  When zoomed in, you can see concentric circles emanating from the circular chip from the transmissions disrupting the CT scan.  This chip is transmitting my location and/or my thoughts to the agency monitoring me.

“This is what it’s like to be targeted, gang-stalked, and continually monitored.” 

Interrogation, Data Mining, Hazing, Threats, Death Threats, Thought Manipulation, Mental Conditioning, and Programming

Detective enforcement to a man

“Throughout the course of the past 22 years, I’ve never been alone in my head.  Through synthetic telepathy and voice-to-skull (v2k) sound transmission, voices and sounds are transmitted directly into my mind around the clock.  I awake to verbal hazing, listen to conversational voices interacting with my thoughts throughout the day, listen to more verbal hazing, taunting, threats, and then go to sleep to more verbal hazing, if I get to sleep.

“The use of v2k and artificial or synthetic telepathy has progressed throughout this time.  It’s been used to interrogate me, data mine my memory through constant questioning and even through random thoughts and suggestions that trigger memories, and queued stimulation such as mentioning every name they can mine and then investigating each relationship from memories they can trigger.  They query my interests in relationships, guns, explosives, violence, murder, race, sexual orientation, politics, religion, friends, family, and anything that comes to my mind.

“Throughout the nights, the same technologies are used to train my thoughts and groom my behaviors, and I awake with ‘preconceived’ thoughts of liking or disliking people, and/or other beliefs.

“They listen to my thoughts, so they know all my passwords as soon as I create them. This also means that when I’m with my wife and family, they are with them, too.  They narrate thoughts into my head using my own voice, so it’s more believable that they’re my own thoughts.  They’ve even impersonated the voices of my dead relatives as if my relatives were speaking to me from beyond.

“They also manipulate my thoughts while in dream state.  I’ve repeatedly dreamed I’m in a game-like simulation where everything I tried, I failed, or everywhere I went, I was confronted by someone and I had to fight or die—and I always lost, no matter what I tried.  I would die and start again on a new level.  Most of the time though, when I awake, I can’t recall anything except a song continuously playing over and over to wipe the conscious memory of my dream-state.

“They dominate my attention to the point that I often don’t hear things around me or only capture half of conversations because my thoughts are constantly engaged, even if it’s just acoustic tones and audible electronic white noise, or the continuous rant of their bullshit.”

Sleep Deprivation

Man on bed with a headache

“They push me to the point of exhaustion by keeping me awake throughout the night, multiple nights in a row.  I’m subjected to various assaults while trying to sleep, some coming from outside of my home, some from inside, and other stimulation from inside of me.  Some nights I’m just targeted with frequencies that cause severe discomfort, that keep me rolling back and forth and force me into abnormal or stress positions to avoid the assaults.  Other assaults cause intense pain or discomfort, such as head targeting, all over body assaults, targeted assaults and stimulation to my genitals, or transmission of wave frequencies through my knees causing a pins and needles sensation I can never sleep through.

“In the past year to year and a half in particular, the head assaults also consist of keeping my brain stimulated and in active thought, during which I’m interrogated, harassed, threatened, and hazed.  By disrupting sleep, they disrupt all other aspects of my life, including work, social interactions, personal relationships, energy levels, desire to work out, mental acuity, memory, sexual activity, and mental state.  Sleep deprivation for days at a time is an effective way to break a person down and really incapacitate them.

“On pretty much any night before a day I have plans or have something I have to do, I can expect it to be restless.”


Man asleep on the computer keyboard.

“Besides being kept awake throughout the night, they also force me to sleep.  I can feel frequencies causing intense fatigue and I have to shut down and sleep or drift into unconsciousness.  They’ve made me sleep at work, various times at home, and have pushed me to the brink of sleep while driving my car, even with my family onboard.

“These episodes also occur when I’m attempting to be productive and trying to get things done.” 

The Brown Note

Man sitting on toilet bowl

“Via stimulation of my colon, I have had to defecate multiple times per day—somedays, as frequently as every 15-30 minutes throughout a day, for days at a time.  This stimulation causes severe discomfort, inability to socially interact, and lack of focus and productivity, making it extremely difficult to work in a corporate office environment, sit through meetings, and interact closely with other people.  Even mundane tasks like getting a haircut, having my teeth cleaned, and any type of close social interaction became dreaded events.

“Of their numerous torture techniques, this has been one of the worst and most disruptive.  It made me almost thankful for COVID and all the opportunities to work from home.”

Stabbed Through the Heart

Heart attack

“Since early on in this journey, I have frequently felt the sharp discomforting sensation of a directed energy beam going straight through my heart.  It feels like it’s about a ¼” wide and goes straight through.  Being stabbed through the heart made me feel very uneasy.  It’s made me fear for my safety.  

“Being stabbed through the heart regularly gave me the feeling there’s an imminent threat of death.  Then through months and years of the repeated assaults, I just became used to it and more tolerant.  Other than discomfort though, I don’t know their full capabilities or if these could result in death.  I assume they can.”


young lecturer, suffering from fear of public speaking, standing on podium tribune and hiding face

“I feel stimulation at the base of my skull and back of my neck which causes my neck to seemingly lock up and my head to tremor.  On occasions when I’ve had to speak before a group, am leading virtual meetings, and am sometimes in social situations, I feel this stimulation and am unable to stop it.  It’s not nerves from speaking publicly but makes me look terrified in front of an audience.” 

Social Isolation


“I’ve been isolated from friends and colleagues via various means, including combinations of any of their tactics to make me appear unsightly, make me tremor and stink, and sometimes make me unable to even speak coherently or stay engaged in a conversation.  In addition, because of the extent of the physical torture and manipulation, there are many social situations I would just as soon now avoid.”

Job Loss and Financial Instability

business, firing and job loss concept - fired male office worker with box of his personal stuff.

“Because of the type of work I do, I’ve been blessed to work for some of America’s most respected companies and work in their corporate headquarters. But make no mistake about it. There are no safe zones. Stalking and torture continues wherever I am, through chip implantations that enable signals transmission, V2K, directed energy weapons targeting, microwave assaults, acoustic assaults, and laser targeting, and I believe symptoms of these assaults have led to job loss and financial insecurity. In addition, I’ve found that coworkers in certain situations have most likely been perpetrators, because this even happened in a programming class I took before I started on this career path. And, following the evolution of all the nefarious technologies and torture techniques, my situations evolved with them.

“Here are just a few examples, but I have many:

  • Severe IBS causing me to have to go repeatedly throughout the day and making it difficult to participate in any meetings or close-quarters events.
  • Severe head tremors when trying to give executive level presentations.
  • Symptoms of Havana syndrome and mental scrambling that kept me from being able to complete my projects.
  • Facial scarring between interviews that immediately caused me to be eliminated-My first interview was a panel presentation to 8-10 VPs and directors in the company headquarters and went very well. I awoke before the second interview with microwave burns on my face so that I was bright red, and have a network of scars laser-burned on the right side of my nose. I was immediately eliminated as a candidate. This is the second time they’ve laser burned my nose.
  • New job as a contractor for significantly less and no benefits, microwaved so my face is bright red, and some burns so severe they cause my face to break out and my skin appears orange. These assaults have occurred frequently, even while I’m in office.

“Job loss and unemployment has caused lack of income. The work disruptions and lack of job security has subsequently caused me to have to also cash out my 401k and other savings on multiple occasions. In these instances, I have lost wealth not just to cashing out, but the loss of potential income from those savings over the past 20+ years.”

The physical torture is secondary to the psychological torture.

Learned Helplessness

“In the late 1960s, two doctors at the University of Pennsylvania, Martin Seligman and Steven Maier, came up with the theory of ‘learned helplessness’ by experimenting on dogs.  They put dogs in kennels with wire grid in the bottom, and through application of electric shocks, discovered that if the dogs became conditioned to believe they couldn’t escape, then they wouldn’t try to escape the electric shocks, even if they could. 

“Similarly, when people feel they have no control over their situation, they also give up and stop trying to change or escape their situation.  In my situation, and for others being targeted, gang-stalked, and tortured, it’s an overwhelming experience to be under a continual state of mental and physical duress—from the constant verbal barrage, mental manipulation, physical assaults, sleep deprivation, fear, and not just perceived, but the real inability to escape.  This is because once chipped, we are remotely, silently, and perpetually tortured, everywhere we are.  I’m targeted in my bed at home, at work in corporate offices, in hotels, in my car while driving, even walking through a grocery store or other public places.  I have been tortured and assaulted by U.S. Intelligence in over 25 states in the U.S., in Mexico and Canada, and even on commercial air travel.  They are always doing things to let me know that they’re always there and constantly watching and listening and can get to me at any time.

“Learned helplessness and the real or perceived lack of control is shown to be linked to depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and can increase anxiety, stress, depression, and other health problems.”

Pavlov’s Dogs and Classical Conditioning

Sad Old Homeless Dog in Shelter Kennel

“Besides learned helplessness, many of my experiences seem based on classical conditioning.  Throughout my ‘programming,’ I’ve continually existed in a system of rewards and punishments.  Simply stated, thoughts or behaviors they approve of, they have allowed.  Thoughts, behaviors, actions, or work or life changes that may cause upward mobility and that they disapprove of, have been quickly met with increased hazing, sleep deprivation, disruption of my thoughts, shocks, and other tortures—anything to limit positive change, growth, or mobility.  Sometimes the punishments will continue to the point where I just shut down because of the overwhelming stress or pain.  I’m assaulted to the point that if I had a legitimate medical emergency, I probably wouldn’t recognize it as one in time to react.

“Like Pavlov’s dogs, when I began to drink hard alcohol, I immediately heard a high-pitched tone in my head like a rush coming on, training me to associate alcohol with a more powerful stimulation and making me want it more.  In addition, they stimulate my privates throughout the nights to deliver positive reinforcement while they manipulate my thoughts to implant behavioral tendencies.  This has been used to attempt to reprogram my thoughts, beliefs, sexual orientation, and preferences, and to train me for desired responses.  I awake fully aroused, but again, can’t remember anything consciously, except the same song that was played over and over to erase my conscious memory.  Sometimes, depending on the level and length of the programming, I can’t get past the song until almost midday. They also regularly inflict a lot of pain to derail my days, ambitions, and positive thoughts, and to normalize their tortures and conditioning for me.”

Sexual Humiliation

Portrait of couple having problems and crisis. Divorce separation erectile dysfunction concept

“I’ve gone through alternating periods of penile stimulation and chemical castration.  When following normative sexual behaviors, I’ve been chemically castrated.  I’ve awoken from sleep with my entire privates numbed for days at a time and have experienced nonfunction humiliation for months at a time, despite using testosterone and medication for ED. 

“As recently as December 6, 2021, I awoke feeling the after-effects of another injection into my privates.  I awoke with numbness in the glans, or head, and loss of sensitivity in the frenulum and glans tissues.  The frenulum is an area of scar tissue left from circumcision on the backside that is often very sensitive, and thus, it reduced sexual stimulation.  

“With the glans area, urethral process, and urethral orifice numbed, it also makes it difficult to voluntarily restrict urine flow.  Additionally, I feel they’ve added another implant to stimulate urination, and so now I have frequent urgency with little ability to turn off the faucet. On April 6, 2022, I had regained partial feeling in the frenulum, but still have difficulty contracting to restrict flow. This has happened again on March 4, 2024. I awoke and immediately in the shower, felt the stabbing pain from the injection site. Now I am again numbed in the area where I would contract and restrict flow—in another attempt to cause incontinence. If this doesn’t creep you out, think about your neighbors and people you see regularly, working in an extrajudicial federal capacity or as federal contractors as representatives of the U.S. government, rendering you unconscious with ELF/ELM frequencies while you sleep, and then coming into your bedroom at night, pulling down your clothing, and injecting your penis with a nerve-blocking agent. The latest indignations in a long series of grievous human rights atrocities.”

They Silence My Voice

Words Can Hurt: Conceptual image of Speak No Evil written on duct tape covering mouth.

“Through a combination of sleep deprivation, infliction of pain and other physical manipulation, thought and emotional manipulation, and disruption of cognitive ability or cognitive impairment, my voice is silenced for long periods of time.  Either I’m tortured through intense pain, kept awake thoughout the night, or my thoughts get scrambled so severely I can’t even carry on anything but basic conversation.  At other times, when I attempt to do anything, I’m immediately overcome with fatigue and forced to sleep. 

“After nights where I’m targeted very severely, it feels like I can barely breathe, and I’m almost to the point of being incapacitated.  I walk around the house whispering or mumbling to myself and them under my breath, still locked in futile conversation.

“If you search terms like targeting and gang-stalking, there are many websites and forums from victims and supporters trying to tell this same story.  But then many of the sites or boards become overrun by spammers writing Orwellian-oriented disinformation in overwhelming volumes just to drive others away.

“Often, victims trying to tell their stories are discredited as being schizophrenic and marginalized.  These chips are detectable either by imaging or ELF/ELM scanning. People reporting hearing voices or having symptoms of schizophrenia should be physically examined, and not just mentally evaluated.”

Becoming the Victim

If as you read this story, you feel like things couldn’t get any worse, but with each new paragraph you read, it does get worse, then you can start to understand what it’s like being a targeted individual. As technology and tactics evolve, so do the methods and severity of torture and the compounding of multiple methodologies into simultaneous assaults. With the advent of artificial intelligence and artificial speech, I anticipate it will get much worse.

“My torture has continued now for 24 years. That’s 8,760 days, which means I’ve easily been assaulted verbally and physically tens of thousands of times, and my homes has been entered surreptitiously hundreds of times.

“I used to roll with this every day. Tolerable. Not that big of a deal most of the time. I’m still going to live my life. It’ll stop someday…

“Over time, the torture has escalated. Their technology has evolved. The constant torture and abuse, verbal berating, stalking, isolation, and the infliction of noticeable physical and mental symptoms have led to me feeling like the victim.

“I used to lead meetings, facilitate classes, and work with teams on large change projects.

“Now I’m different.

“I know if I’m in front of a group, they will make my head tremor. If I’m in a closed space, I’m overcome by spastic colon. If I’m going into my office, I’m getting cooked by microwaves while driving in my vehicle and get to work with my face bright red—not looking sunburned but rather, cooked.

“My face has been microwaved enough now that it appears the top layer of skin, the epidermis, is burned off. My skin is now rough and blotchy and all my pores are visible. My skin is also reactive to short exposures to sunshine, temperatures, alcohol, and any medications that change blood pressure, so it turns red intermittently.

“Before my current contract position, I was interviewing for a high-profile position to develop training for all of accounting for a global company. I interviewed virtually and made the next round. I went into their headquarters on a Wednesday for a panel interview and presented to a group of VPs and directors. I was then invited to a third meeting on Friday to discuss how to make training interactive. I knew I had high potential to land this role.

“Then overnight on Thursday, I was assaulted again. They disfigured me. They laser burned a network down the side of my nose and a couple of additional bars near the tip of my nose, effectively eliminating me from the interview process. It’s been over a year and I still have visible scarring, even after cosmetic lasering. Instead of the job I was interviewing for, I ended up landing a contract role with no benefits for $30k less annual salary.

“Now, anticipating similar responses, I tend to avoid any advancement or leadership roles, even informal ones. I work independently on project-based work and at times am struggling to cover the cost of living. I live in doubt and my life is always on hold because of job insecurity and being unsure of what’s to come next. If I could work remotely all the time, I probably would.

“I avoid social interactions for all the same reasons.”

I became friends with one of my neighbors through shared common interests.  Our sons played sports together and so we began to hang out a lot.  Over time, we became close friends and spent much time together, watching football, off roading, and even camped together and did family activities.  After so many years, he began to try to create distance between my wife and me.  Later, I was assaulted by directed energy weapons in his living room while watching football.  Then he ruphied me to keep me from going home and to dinner with my wife.  My “friend” turned out to be a treacherous, treasonous perpetrator. He served in the Air Force and now serves other interests, but definitely not his country. He undermines American values and freedoms for compensation.

Now I suspect other neighbors are also involved. 

Other Tortures and Abuses

“Attacks, abuses, and tortures I’ve endured include everything already mentioned, plus:

  • Vehicle tampering.
  • Attacks on my credibility and reputation.
  • Stimulation from along my spine that radiates sensations through various body parts and extremities; spinal charts show the relationship of each part of the body to each spinal region.
  • Deep inner ear vibrations causing un-scratchible intense internal itching.
  • Vibrations in my thigh that feel like my cell phone ringing in my pocket, repeatedly.
  • Pain in various levels and forms, from intense headaches, joints being targeted, and acoustic bullets to my head.
  • Undermining my confidence and sense of identity by implanting thoughts and then guilting or shaming me for having those thoughts; ongoing verbal hazing.
  • Head tremors, facial tics, involuntary lip tremors, and involuntary muscle spasms and twitches, up to and including whole-body shivering and a seizure-like state.
  • Involuntary jaw opening.
  • My eyes involuntarily and rapidly going in and out of focus while working, and even while driving.
  • The sensation of random bee stings, one after another over all parts of my body.
  • Psychological torture through all the experiences, programming, shaming, beating me down day and night, and mood and feelings manipulation such as vibrations through my core simulating butterflies and anxiety, instant switches from extreme anger to sedate, and from calm to dark anger levels.
  • Reading the words off the page into my head while I try to read books, articles, or study.
  • Religious interference, ridicule, and again reading the words off the page while I’m trying to read the Bible.
  • Things done to me while asleep to let me know they were here again, like trimming my hair.
  • Nonconsensual permanent chip implantation including intracranial implantation; I’ve awoken with pain points around my head from being in a head halo and had the resulting effect of the left side of my mouth droop for most of a month.
  • Havana Syndrome – Awakening to targeted assaults on my head and violent brain assaults that l can best describe like waves sloshing back and forth in a bucket, or when I awoke to rapidly oscillating beams targeting the top of my head, greatly disrupting memory and cognition, maybe even causing permanent impairment.
  • Instances of job loss and associated financial insecurity due to the severity of impairment, head tremors, and other symptoms of ongoing assaults and torture.
  • Forming new relationships that appear to be friends, but are just another way to get closer to me.
  • Temporarily blinded with infrared laser, once while at work where I couldn’t see for over 30 minutes, and once while driving.  Fortunately, I glanced at my stereo at that moment and so was only partially temporarily blinded and was still able to drive.
  • Since commenting for this article and finding new contract employment, I’m subjected to microwave assaults which burn my skin and make me appear bright red and have caused tinnitus and cognitive disruption.

“The U.S. Government and other nations torturing their citizens should be headline news in every country in the world, except there seems to be vast numbers of people working to protect and advance these programs, and they’re only investigating attacks on their own because they’re facilitating these programs.  This is our current level of government invasiveness, and there is collaborating information everywhere you care to look—stories of victims in media, testimonials and investigative reports, books people have written of their accounts, news articles on the technology, ‘Voice of God weapons,’ directed energy and non-lethal crowd disbursement weapons, Havana syndrome, and other victim accounts in many notable sources.

“If you think Neuralink and like technologies are great ideas, you should also consider the potential for abuse.  These technologies may have a legitimate use for locked in or paralyzed patients, or for coordinated strategic military and covert operations, but the risks to human rights and human dignity far outweigh the limited benevolent applications.”

Sources estimate that there are as many as 170,000[1] to 200,000[2] Targeted Individuals in the U.S., and more than 1 million worldwide.  This isn’t mass hysteria or conspiracy theory.  This is happening here, now.

Involuntarily chipping and monitoring people like this is illegal, and anyone participating should be criminally and financially held accountable for the damages inflicted on others, just as police officers are held accountable for violence and murder in conduct of their official duties. This is a perverse systemic deprivation of our constitutional and human rights.

Section 2340A of Title 18, United States Code, prohibits torture committed by public officials under color of law against persons within the public official’s custody or control.  Torture is defined to include acts specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering.  (It does not include such pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions.)  The statute applies only to acts of torture committed outside the United States.  There is Federal extraterritorial jurisdiction over such acts whenever the perpetrator is a national of the United States or the alleged offender is found within the United States, irrespective of the nationality of the victim or the alleged offender.[3]

The punishment for torture is imprisonment for up to life in prison, and everyone associated with this program or agenda deserves it.  Make no mistake about it.  They are traitors to the United States.  They defy and defile the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

[1] Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults (accessed 17 January 2022) Eric Karlstrom
[2] Targeted Individuals – About Us – TARGETED JUSTICE (accessed 17 January 2022)
[3] 20. Torture (18 U.S.C. 2340A) | JM | Department of Justice (accessed 13 January 2023)

3 thoughts on “Inside America’s Targeting, Gangstalking, Torture, and Mind Control Program

  1. V2K Voice to Skull (Mind Reading and Mind Control / Brainwashing) is happening here in Brisbane, Australia by a Military Group using transmitters. They are reading our minds, listening to our thoughts & trying to Mind Control (Brainwash) us without our knowledge and without our consent. This goes against Human Rights Laws, it’s invading our privacy in our own home, mind and body, without our knowledge and consent. This is inhumane treatment of a human being. We are their Allies! These covert human experimentations need to be stopped! It’s a war crime! They are doing this to ‘unsuspecting’ people, innocent Australian citizens. Using us as lab rats for human experimentation (brainwashing). I can hear the frequencies, they are ear piercing, and I can hear them changing frequencies. I also get a constant ringing in my ears which makes it extremely difficult to fall asleep. I can hear the talking (voices in my skull/head) through the frequencies, and it happens nonstop 24/7. This is Electronic Harassment and Electronic Torture. I’ve begged them for over a year to stop doing this to me and they won’t stop. They’ve been doing this for over 6 years now apparently, and they are selling our personal private information. They are hacking our brains without our consent. They are f**ing with our brains without our consent. They should be building robots and programming them to do what they want, instead of trying to robotize human beings without our knowledge and consent. It’s constant harassment and torture and it’s ruining my life. It is unliveable being forced to live with no privacy whatsoever. No one should need to know what we are ‘thinking’ and it’s none of anyone’s business either! I’m being used for human experimentation against my will. Every human being has the right to privacy, especially in their own home, mind and body. This needs to be stopped! Who monitors the cell phone towers satellite transmissions? They need to be checking these constantly! I’m a Mind Control victim; TI without my consent. My apartment is a Mind Control Brainwashing dungeon without my knowledge & consent. It is Non-Consensual Human Experimentation. They are doing a covert Brainwashing Experiment on innocent Australian citizens. It is sickening.

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