March 6, 2025

Texas Group, Targeted Justice, Inc., Sues FBI, DHS, and high-ranking U.S. Officials for $1.3 Billion

Lawsuit Alleges Torture, Involuntary Human Experimentation, and Violation and Deprivation of Rights

January 11, 2023 – Texas non-profit group Targeted Justice, Inc., and members filed a lawsuit against the FBI, DHS, and high-ranking officials in both entities in Texas Southern District Court. Interest-Driven Media has obtained a copy of the lawsuit from Targeted Justice.

Related: Targeted Justice lawsuit: tj-lawsuit-11jan2023

The suit includes a Writ of Mandamus, a Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief, and damages.

A Writ of Mandamus is an order from a higher court for a lesser court, authority, or individual to perform an action, or to stop performing an action. In this case, the Writ of Mandamus is to compel federal officers and appointees to perform their duties “under 28 U.S.C. § 1361; and the United Nations’ Convention 1753 against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, ratified by the United States of America in 1994” and bring an end to unconstitutional practices and an illegal targeting program, and to remove the plaintiffs from the program.

The Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief is intended to award plaintiffs’ court costs and attorney fees “since this action is brought against officials of the United States acting in their official capacity as well as agencies of the United States.”

Related: United Nations Studies Neurotechnology to Protect Human Rights and Promote Fundamental Freedoms – Interest-Driven

Damages are requested for physical and psychological pain and suffering in violation of the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ratified by the United States of America in 1994, and for the violation and deprivation of rights from the:

  • First (freedom of speech and right to petition the government),
  • Fourth (unreasonable search and seizure, search warrants, and probable cause),
  • Fifth (right to due process),
  • Sixth (right to public trial and to confront their accusers, retain counsel),
  • Eighth (cruel and unusual punishment), and
  • Fourteenth (due process and equal protection (The lawsuit also alleges disproportionate targeting of women and conservatives)) Amendments.

The lawsuit alleges that for decades, agencies of the United States have been conducting illegal and covert human experimentation and provides brief histories of the programs, including:

  • MKULTRA (1953-1966) – The CIA conducted non-consensual covert experimentation on unwitting subjects to develop brainwashing and interrogation techniques.
  • Counterintelligence Program known as COINTELPRO (1956-1971) – The FBI used illegal tactics such as extreme surveillance, persecution, IRS audits, group infiltration, discrediting, assaults, “psychological warfare,” false imprisonment, and even financed and armed rivals to eliminate persons or groups they deemed as threats.
  • “Las Carpetas” meaning, “The Folders,” or “The Program” (mid-1930s to present) – The Program began as a population division and suppression program in Puerto Rico, is run by the FBI, and now includes elements from MKULTRA and COINTELPRO. Las Carpetas was “used to imprison people, ruin their careers, get them terminated from employment and/or education, and permanently discredit them. It was used to control the politics and society of Puerto Rico: through fear, intimidation, and outright blackmail.” Las Carpetas now leverages many other subversive and criminal tactics enabled by advancements in technology and communications—and is used to target thousands to hundreds of thousands globally, including thousands to hundreds of thousands of American citizens within the United States—to subdue, manipulate, and control.

People targeted in the program are referred to as “Targets,” hence the name, Targeted Individuals (TI). They are stalked, surveilled, targeted, and tortured around the clock, through nefarious means and military-grade weaponry including acoustic, electronic frequency, and microwave-emitting directed energy weapons, and are subjected to remote neural monitoring, Voice to Skull (V2K) sound transmission, and other means. In addition, once targeted, victims are targeted, surveilled, and tortured indefinitely and/or permanently.

Related:  Inside America’s Torture and Mind Control Program – Interest-Driven
Related: A Chronological History of Torture and Assaults from U.S. Government Targeting – Interest-Driven

Targeted Justice researched and documented The Program for the past five years and have provided evidence that those that are targeted are added to the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) in categories for individuals who are exceptions to the “reasonable suspicion standard,” and are not considered to be “known or suspected terrorists.” However, once added to this list, they are condemned “to a life of premeditated torture” and covert human experimentation in many instances to their death.”

Those targeted are added to the list covertly, without consent, without rights, without due process, without representation, and without recourse. According to the suit, “The persistent and permanent languishing of individuals on the TSDB’s NIS/Handling Codes 3/4 subcategories despite the lack of particularized derogatory information tying them to acts of terrorism and/or a reasonable suspicion that they are a known or suspected terrorist (‘KST’) constitutes an unconstitutional deprivation of their property and liberty rights, destroying their lives.

The TSDB is maintained by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center. The Program and the list are funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars.

Plaintiffs (Individuals are not named here out of respect for their privacy.) include Targeted Justice, Inc., 15 adult members, and two minor children, ages 3 and 8. They all report being targeted for differing lengths of time up to as long as 19 years. Collectively, the plaintiffs allege they are victims of V2K, Directed Energy Attacks (DEW), and Havana Syndrome.

Havana Syndrome, named after initial assaults on U.S. Embassy employees in Havanna and China, is suspected to be caused by energy pulses or microwaves and is diagnosed from “a range of ‘psyogenic symptoms.'” The plaintiffs, upon examination, were reported to be experiencing headaches, memory loss, sensitivity to sound, eye movement dysfunction, ear pain, tinnitus, and brain abnormalities, without any previous history of head trauma or brain injury.

“Other symptoms of Havana Syndrome may include sensitivity to light, vertigo, cognitive difficulties, persistent dizziness, nausea, fatigue, brain fog, trouble walking, insomnia, confusion, disorientation, and difficulty in concentrating. “

According to the lawsuit, Plaintiffs and TJ Members are victims and survivors of these crimes against humanity and the deprivation of their fundamental constitutional, civil, and human rights.

The Defendants in the lawsuit are as follows:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is alleged to be the authority in creating and maintaining the TSDB and responsible for their authority to nominate and include targets. The FBI is also alleged to be responsible for failing to comply with the Privacy Act by failing to respond to information requests.

Christopher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation with oversight and control responsibility of the Terrorist Screening Center and the TSDB, is alleged to be responsible for causing or enabling deprivation of rights and the targeting, unauthorized experimentation, and torture of the plaintiffs.

Charles Kable, Jr., Director of the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center who develops and maintains the Terrorist Screening Database and accepts list nominations, is alleged to be responsible for his failure to observe the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights and the rights of due process and freedom from torture, and for enabling their targeting, unauthorized experimentation, and torture.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for funding, creating, and approving SOPs in the Fusion Center Network under the agency’s absolute discretion and control, and is alleged to be responsible for failure to comply with the Privacy Act and respond to requests for information.

Alejandro Myorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, is responsible for ensuring that procedures and regulations at the FBI and TSC comply with the US Constitution, and for preparation, maintenance, and use of the TSDB, and therefore, is alleged to be responsible for the supervision and implementation of unconstitutional operating procedures at the National Network of Fusion Centers that implement the illegal organized and systemic surveillance and stalking procedures carried out against Plaintiffs and TJ Members and for causing and/or enabling the deprivation of their due process rights by enabling their targeting, unauthorized experimentation, and torture.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is responsible for ensuring all procedures and regulations at the FBI and TSC comply with the mandate and protections embodied within the United States Constitution, and he is alleged to have disregarded these duties in the preparation, maintenance, and use of the TSDB, and is therefore alleged to be responsible for enabling the deprivation of rights and due process, and for enabling the targeting, unauthorized experimentation, and torture of the plaintiffs.

Kenneth L. Wainstein, Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security, provides the Secretary, DHS senior leadership, DHS components, and state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners the homeland security intelligence and information used in their operations. He is alleged to be responsible for the supervision and control of the organized stalking activities carried out against the plaintiffs through the National Fusion Center Network.

In addition, the lawsuit draws into question the legality and constitutionality of the entire process with the following arguments:

  • Subjects are added to the TDSB without their knowledge.
  • Subjects are tracked on the TDSB by the FBI without the FBI having any reasonable suspicion to believe that they’re known or suspected terrorists.
  • The TDSB is kept secret, and therefore many subjects never know they’re on the list or have the ability to challenge it.
  • The nomination form and process are illegal and unconstitutional as the form is unapproved under the Administrative Procedures Act and the Privacy Act.
  • The list creates a means to blacklist subjects as it’s distributed to at least 18,000 state, local, county, city, university and college, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies and approximately 533 private entities through its National Crime Information Center (“NCIC”) system.
  • Unauthorized disclosure of an individual’s inclusion in the TSDB is prohibited under the Privacy Act.
  • TSDB records are not appropriately generated, updated, or removed as required by the Constitution.
  • The process allows nomination by private individuals and corporations without oversight which allows for abuses such as personal or commercial revenge.
  • Use of the list is not consistent with a presumption of innocence and the right to a hearing.
  • Furthermore, “The persistent and permanent languishing of individuals on the TSDB’s NIS/Handling Codes 3/4 subcategories despite the lack of particularized derogatory information tying them to acts of terrorism and/or a reasonable suspicion that they are ‘a known or suspected terrorist (KST)’ constitutes an unconstitutional deprivation of their property and liberty rights, destroying their lives.”
  • There is no mechanism for people who are on the list in subcategories 3 and 4 to get removed from the list.

The process by which subjects are nominated to the TSDB is also illegal, in that HSPD-6 that mandated the creation of the TSDB required that it be consistent with the provisions of the Constitution and applicable laws, including protecting the rights of American citizens, and that the FBI, in nomination, must have reasonable suspicion to believe the subject is a “suspected or known terrorist.”

The nominations are also in violation of Executive Order 13526, Section 1.7, that precludes the defendants from shrouding the secrecy of the targeting and experimentation program from the plaintiffs and other victims—“In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error.”

Nominees are added to the list through nomination from multiple agencies, including the State Department, CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, NSA, FBI, DHS, and foreign governments, without their knowledge or ability to challenge the nomination.

The lawsuit seeks a permanent injunction against the plaintiffs and requests they remove all of their names from the TSDB, recall any disseminations of the lists, and stop the stalking and torture.

The lawsuit continues with other challenges to cause and reason, and with many citations and accreditations to existing precedents in case law, including statements made under oath by individuals from the defendant agencies that support the allegations.

To view the original suit, refer to the Targeted Justice website or to Justia Dockets and Filings.

The plaintiffs have amended their suit in February and March 2023. Details will be added to this article at a later time.

5 thoughts on “Texas Group, Targeted Justice, Inc., Sues FBI, DHS, and high-ranking U.S. Officials for $1.3 Billion

  1. Good Day. I am a targeted individual in Massachusetts since 2013. I continue to be stalked, surveillanced and brutally harmed by direct energy weapons on the ground and from the air. I am a single Christian mother of two children and a small business owner who lives by the law. The FBI/Dept of Defense has targeted me due to whistleblowing illegal grotesque activity conducted covertly using my company as a front. The number of targets has grown tremendously in Massachusetts and justice needs to prevail over this unconstitutional corruption. Consequence and liability must be served to dirty leaders who call themselves defenders to innocent US Citizens

  2. I have suffered many if not all and more of these illegal challenges to life as an American citizen. I have very thorough and documented material that I would like to bring forward. Many of these documented pieces of information were notated with dates and times. I am able to remember and recall very vividly every episode that has taken place over 3.5 years. I am a father to two young children, work with hospitals including high profile ones where the ‘voices’ tend to alter dramatically when I am inside places like the Michael DeBakey VA Hospital in Houston TX. I am not a criminal and I am a good person who does not deserve this.

    I am a person.
    I am not a ‘personality’ which is what they keep driving the ‘Inside self’ to say.

    If any of this makes sense to the people reading this then please reach out. This article is exactly what I have been searching for. They chose the wrong American citizen and I want justice in whatever form it shall come to be.

  3. The targeting of civilians has been exposed by the Senates Weaponization of the government committee, although the endless crimes have yet to be exposed.
    I have been targeted by the FBI and DHS for well over a decade and now reside in Vidor Texas, my gf is also a longtime victim as is close friend Sarah Degeyter.
    Hopefully Targeted Justice will prevail in this lawsuit and further expose what is little more then a continuation and expansion of the exposed decades of FBI directed illegal cointelpro stalking/ psychological warfare, assassination operations.

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