January 22, 2025

A Chronological History of Torture and Assaults from U.S. Government Targeting and Gangstalking

“Targeting” and “gang stalking” are practices perpetuated by the U.S. Government where FBI, CIA, and government contractors use military-grade electromagnetic (ELM), acoustic, microwave, and other Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) to target, assault, and torture U.S. civilians. Assaults are an everyday occurrence once selected as a “targeted individual.” What I have recorded here is only a small fraction of this reality and the deplorable crimes against me and other targeted individuals being conducted by the U.S. government. These are filthy people committing terroristic acts against American citizens.


Thursday, 1/2/2025 – Slow heat burn over hours while sitting at home desk coming from direction of Lewis’ house. 1:00 p.m. face now reddening. First burn since 12/20/2024. Tinnitus all day since awakening. 
Friday, 1/3/2025 – Start day with light red burn to face and loud tinnitus.

Sunday, 1/5/2025 – A disturbing story was posted online in People Magazine Crime section that has all the hallmarks of a targeting victim

Marisol Vazquez was charged with killing her 21-month-old daughter by smothering her.

Woman Charged with the Murder of Her Young Daughter, Whose Death She Blamed on ‘Voices’ in Her Head

According to the arrest report, per CBS News, Vazquez made “incoherent statements about being trapped by electronics and that everyone has been raped” when she was questioned by detectives. She also allegedly told detectives that “the voices were in her head and that the voices told her that she needs to kill herself with her daughter in order for the devil not to eat her daughter,” the outlet added.

Commentors immediately started giving feedback on schizophrenia, with one troll calling it “physcophrenia.” I don’t personally know what the schizophrenia voices say, but I know what the perpetrator voices say.

Over the years, I’ve seen multiple cases with similar details, such as Chad Brant Hagamen, who on February 23, 2002, in Gwinnett County, Georgia, walked into an elementary school and assaulted an 8-year-old girl, Elizabeth Leake, with a hammer. He struck her twice in the head and embedded the hammer in her skull, because voices told him he must kill or be killed.

And on May 1, 2019, in Gosport, U.K., a teen killed a professor and lecturer with hammers and drills, because “voices had made him kill the lecturer.”

Also, Aaron Alexis, who on September 16, 2013, killed 12 people in the Washington Naval Yard Shooting. He claimed to be the victim of harassment and that he was hearing voices in his head.[47] According to an FBI official after the shooting, Alexis was under the “belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low-frequency electromagnetic waves“. A message later obtained by federal authorities from Alexis’s personal computing devices said, “Ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last 3 months. And to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this.”[48]

There is more than enough public information on targeting and gangstalking to conclude that the U.S. government is conducting terminal experimentation where unwitting targeted individuals are pushed to their breaking points. For people who aren’t perpetrators or targeted individuals, you cannot comprehend the overwhelming cruelty that targeted individuals are subjected to.

Thursday, 1/9/2025 – Awoke with targeting to my head. I rolled left out of the directed energy beam. Then I stuck my arm into its path and my arm trembled where exposed.

Friday, 1/5/2024 – Home from Bellingham. No sleep.
Saturday, 1/6/2024 – No sleep. Tinnitus.
Sunday, 1/7/2024 – No sleep. Tinnitus.
Monday, 1/8/2024 – Awoke early morning to vibrations all over.
Tuesday, 1/9/2024 – Face burned while on drive to work.
Wednesday, 1/10/2024 – Face burned while on drive to work.
Saturday, 1/13/2024 – No sleep.
Sunday, 1/14/2024 – Attempts at loss of bladder control. No sleep.
Monday, 1/15/2024 – Light sleep.
Tuesday, 1/16/2024 – Sleep deprivation.
Sunday, 1/21/2024 – Stomach muscles suddenly contracted all at once.
Tuesday, 1/23/2024 – Severe IBS throughout day, including during a candidate interview. At night, feels like my lungs and sinuses are burned. Probably occurred during drive home. I tried to sleep but it’s not going to happen. Kept awake most of night.
Wednesday, 1/13/2024 – Loud V2K verbal hazing all afternoon while at work.

Thursday, 2/1/2024 – Tinnitus.
Friday, 2/2/2024 – Awoke to whole head assault. Felt like targeting from different angles with overlapping waves.
Saturday, 2/3/2024 – More of same assaults as last night.
Sunday 2/4/2024 – Awoke at 1:00 a.m. ELF/ELM assaults, ribs, torso, legs, sleep deprivation.
Tuesday, 2/6/2024 – Awoke at 2:30 a.m. and kept awake. Microwaved on way to work. I could feel my face burning as it was occurring when I was driving past Denver West on I-70 but think it’s coming from inside my truck.
Wednesday, 2/7/2024 – Awoke with face already burned bright red. Tinnitus is loud today.
Tuesday, 2/13/2024 – Microwaved, face red all day.
Wednesday, 2/14/2024 – Awoke at 1:00 a.m. and kept awake most of the rest of the night. During morning, feels like I can barely breathe. At night, sleep deprivation and light feeling ELF/ELM keeping me in semi-conscious state.
Thurs-Sat, 2/15-2/17/2024 – Sleep deprivation at night.
Sunday, 2/18/2024 – Hit with infrared laser in left eye while watching TV in living room. Saw flashes in eye for over 30 minutes. Again, awake most of the night. 
Monday, 2/19/024 – At work, really tired, fuzzy, can’t think clearly.
Tues-Thurs, 2/20-2/22/2024 – Face pink at work.
Friday, 2/23/2024 – Face pink at work, plus tinnitus.
Mon or Tues, 2/27-2/28/2024 – Feel like I got another penile injection while in bed overnight. Feels like stab site in glans.
Thursday, 2/29/2024 – Urine dribble confirms what I suspected.

Friday, 3/1/2024 – Face pink at work.
Saturday, 3/2/2024 – Deprived of sleep overnight.
Sunday, 3/3/2024 – Tinnitus throughout day.
Monday, 3/4/2024 – Pink face in morning. In evening, Norman called regarding errata statement for rule making challenge. At night, Lot of V2K verbal hazing and sleep deprivation.
Tuesday, 3/5/2024 – High pitched squeal in right ear while driving to work. I’m pretty sure it was directed from inside of vehicle. Severe IBS while sitting through class all day. Pink face.
Wednesday, 3/6/2024 – Face burned red and is rough looking. When severely burned, my face breaks out. IBS through class again but not as severe. Super loud tinnitus all day.
Thursday, 3/7/2024 – More of same as yesterday but not burned as bad. Just pink today. All over body assaults overnight and into Friday morning. 
Friday, 3/8/2024 – Stiff and sore in every joint and muscle. Hard to walk up and down stairs. Overwhelming fatigue.
Sunday, 3/10/2024 – Gave blood at Vitalant again. Little or no sleep again overnight.
Monday, 3/11/2024 – Red face.
Tuesday, 3/12/2024 – Body cooked overnight. Morning, head tremors, hard to breath. Heavy chest.
Saturday, 3/16/2024 – Significant ELM, microwave, or acoustic body assaults overnight. Hazing. Kept awake through night.
Monday, 3/18/2024 – Red face. Significantly burned to point my forehead is showing signs of blistering.
Wednesday, 3/20/2024 – Lying in bed at 5:40 a.m. Felt beam move across my face and then back up and refocus on my face. I rolled over immediately but still feel my face slightly burned. Also, heavy chest from assaults.
Friday, 3/22/2024 – Heart assault overnight and left leg feels like I got an injection. Feel it on left outside of thigh just below hip.
Sunday, 3/24/2024 – Sent request for assistance to John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennett.
Tuesday, 3/26/2024 – Sammie Martinez, Constituent Advocate, reached out for me to sign privacy release form. 
Tuesday, 3/26/2024 – Red face again. Filed complaint with Hickenlooper office with privacy release. Named a few suspect parties.
Wednesday, 3/27/2024 – Red face. More severe and different targeting over last night. Different frequencies.
Thursday, 3/28/2024 – Microwaved. Red face and tinnitus.

Monday, 4/1/2024 – Red face at work again.
Tuesday, 4/2/2024 – Very red face in morning and starting to break out because I was burned so severely. Face stinging from burn and loud tinnitus. Lacking flow restriction and very little feeling.
Wednesday, 4/3/2024 – Red face again. No feeling at all when I try to contract to restrict urine flow.
Thursday, 4/4/2024 – Frequent bathroom trips because of no flow control.
Friday, 4/5/2024 – Overnight sleep deprivation. Kept awake until past 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning. 
Tuesday, 4/9/2024 – Microwaved. Hit chest hard. Less facial burning but still red and skin feels burned.
Wednesday, 4/10/2024 – 8:20 a.m., loud tinnitus and face is very red.
Saturday, 4/13/2024 – Another headache. Been frequent in last two weeks. Filed U.N. complaint. Kept awake all night.
Sunday 4/14/2024 – Lot of anxiety about how red my face will be tomorrow.
Monday, 4/15/2024 – Heart getting targeted regularly. Feels like it’s getting squeezed. Knees also targeted. Hard to climb stairs again today.
Evening of 4/16/2024 – Company over. Face burned.
Wednesday, 4/17/2024 – Face burned in morning and turning pink.
Thursday, 4/18/2024 – Early evening, lot of euphoria like I was about to pass out while sitting awaking in recliner and driving to Little Bear to see a band.
Friday, 4/19/2024 – Face felt burned while driving to work on N. Wadsworth. Mild redness but with frequencies that cause my skin to break out.
Monday, 4/22/2024 – Face burned again, red and broken out. Heart assaulted again over last night.  10:00-11:00 a.m. in office felt like ELF/ELM or microwave assaults while at desk trying to work. Great physical discomfort, difficulty breathing, chest pains, head tremors. At night, sleep deprivation and V2K verbal hazing, awoke in middle of night to body assault, beam moving up my torso toward chest. Face lightly burned.
Tuesday, 4/23/2024 – Seriously feel ill from effects of assaults to chest and lungs. Feels like internal damage. Nighttime, another painful chest assault while in bed. Moved to couch. 
Wednesday, 4/24/2024 – Brief beam focus on face while in bathroom in morning at home. Vibration coming up through chair while at work.
Friday, 4/26/2024 – Significant decline in vision overnight. Hoping it’s just eye strain.

Monday, 5/6/2024 – Microwaved. Red face.
Tuesday, 5/7/2024 – Microwaved. Red face. In afternoon, dizziness and euphoria like I’m going to pass out at work.
Monday, 5/13/2024 – Starting workweek out with face burned red.
Tuesday, 5/14/2024 – Face pink, really sleepy, lot of tinnitus.
Thursday, 5/16/2024 – Felt face targeting while in shower facing shower head. Turned away immediately.
Monday, 5/20/2024 – My son saw a strange man walking down our driveway away from our house around 10:30 p.m. He did not approach the person. We live in a rural setting and so this is very rare for us to see anyone but neighbors.
Wednesday, 5/22/2024 – Lightly burned face at work. Reddening and breaking out later in the day.
Thursday, 5/23/2024 – Right side upper lip involuntary tic. Face lightly burned. Lot of tinnitus.
Sunday, 5/26/2024 – Lot of sleep deprivation through past week.
Tuesday, 5/28/2024 – Face burned.

Sunday, 6/2/2024 – Awoke to feeling of whole bed vibrating and active thought manipulation.
Monday, 6/3/2024 – Face burned when in work bathroom. Face reddens through next few hours. Mid-morning, chest heavy, labored breathing, rancid breath, tinnitus. At night, vibrating bed sensation again, sleep deprivation and thought manipulation with V2K.
Tuesday, 6/4/2024 – Loud tinnitus, red but not as significant as yesterday, lot of V2K verbal harassment at work.
Thursday, 6/6/2024 – Tinnitus, light face burn, face broken out, IBS.
Saturday, 6/8/2024 – Nighttime, head targeting while in bed. Felt overwhelming fatigue and slight nausea, directed energy attack from outside my house.
Sunday, 6/9/2024 – Sleep deprivation and hazing.
Monday, 6/10/2024 – Feels like I was targeted in center of chest last night. Discomforting feeling. Midday, no longer feeling contraction when urinating. At night, sleep disruption and more hazing.
Tuesday, 6/11/2024 – Overnight was targeted in forehead. Pain radiating out, severe lack of focus. Extreme fatigue through day. Mid-morning, stabbing chest pains repeatedly. At night, sleep deprivation, hazing, thought manipulation, trying to guide my thoughts with conversation. Awoke to ELF/ELM or other wave pulsations through my head and neck, and V2K challenging me to come outside.
Wednesday, 6/12/2024 – Felt like I would pass out in 1:1 meeting with my boss.
Thursday, 6/15/2023 – Family went to Red Rocks for concert of Brent Cobb, The Record Company, and Whiskey Myers. At this concert, I got ruphied by vendor carrying beer tray. He used same move the sports parent had used shortly prior to this event. He leaned in right up to my face and said he had to pop the can. During Record Company, I tried to stand up and couldn’t, and don’t remember anything after that until I awoke in bed. Family and a stranger walked me out of Red Rocks.
Monday, 6/17/2024 – Kept in semi-conscious but active mental state while trying to sleep. 
Tuesday, 6/18/2024 – Drilled in center of forehead in morning. Extreme fatigue all day. Kept in semi-conscious but active mental state while trying to sleep. 
Wednesday, 6/19/2024 – Kept in semi-conscious but active mental state while trying to sleep. 
Thursday, 6/20/2024 – Face burned again. Could feel my face stinging all day.
Friday, 6/21/2024 – Burned bright red. Tinnitus.
Saturday, 6/22/2024 – Foot, ankle, and knees targeted while trying to go to sleep.
Sunday, 6/23/2024 – Face burned very badly. Bright red and unsightly all day. In evening, face color is really odd and almost orange from being burned severely. Not sure if it’s from targeting but my scalp and head have been tingling all week.
Monday, 6/24/2024 – Very severe rosacea and unnatural color in morning. Targeting in office increasing in frequency and severity.
Tuesday, 6/25/2024 – Face microwaved in morning. Lunchtime, my whole torso getting microwaved while in cubicle. Sickly feeling and hurt all over. Face rosacea and reddening.
Friday, 6/28/2024 – Awoke at 4:00 a.m. with center of chest being targeted. Heart doesn’t hurt today but lungs, throat, and through core hurt. Throat feels raw. Very bad breath.
Sunday, 6/30/2024 – Phone weak and so I put it on charger. Couldn’t use earbuds and listen to music. Was forced into continuous thought conversation with V2K for hours while doing yard work and work around the house.

Tuesday, 7/2/2024 – Face burned while in work bathroom. Loud tinnitus. Afternoon, drilled with DEW from floor beneath me.
Sunday, 7/7/2024 – Core targeting early in morning, sickly feeling through morning. Red face, tinnitus, face burned so badly it’s puffy, broken out, and skin has orange tint again.
Monday, 7/8/2024 – Early morning while sleeping, manipulated dream of staying in grandparent’s house. There were illegal aliens outside, immigrants all around house begging for help and food at every window and door, but all cookware was broken or missing. Stress of trying to help but couldn’t. Verbal interruptions to the dream saying that I can’t solve complex or difficult problems. Then verbal threatening that I’m never going to get out of this. Face burned again on drive to work. Very loud tinnitus. Multiple burns throughout day. By end of day, my face is deep, dark red.
Tuesday, 7/9/2024 – 8:15 a.m., first burn and face is turning red. At team lunch, I felt like I was going to pass out.
Wednesday, 7/10/2024 – Very loud tinnitus. Caustic inhalant in car again. Didn’t smell it this time but had immediate coughing fit. Proofed petition for Norman on 50th anniversary of Protection for Human Subjects Law of 1974. Anniversary is on Sunday.
Thursday, 7/11/2024 – I still feel the burn in my throat and lungs.
Sunday, 7/14/2024 – 50th anniversary of Protection for Human Subjects Law of 1974.
Wednesday, 7/17/2024 – Awoke with vibrating bed sensation. Evening drive home, caustic inhalant in car. Probably 3rd time in less than a week. Driving with windows down every day.
Thursday, 7/18/2024 – 
Awoke with vibrating bed sensation. Targeting of my privates, lucid imagery and vivid dream. Midmorning, my chest hurts badly today. At night, kept awake really late before early travel the next day.
Monday, 7/22/2024 – Knee assaults while trying to sleep after being awake for many hours.
Wednesday, 7/24/2024 – Awoke really fuzzy, head still targeted with DEW assault well into workday up to early afternoon.
Thursday, 7/25/2024 – Parked at King Soopers to talk to Dawn, front range TI. Almost immediately, a car and truck parked next to me. Woman in car on my driver’s side kept her door open the whole time we talked. I think it was a dark beige Subaru. She stayed there parked next to me until after I shopped even.
Wednesday, 7/31/2024 – Penis numbed again. Probably occurred Monday night.

Monday, 8/5/2024 – Penis so numbed I can’t feel urination or constrict flow, or feel orgasm.
Thursday, 8/8/2024 – Awoke at 4:30 a.m. to loud tinnitus, verbal barrage lasting until hours later when I got up.
Thursday, 8/15/2024 – Awoken at 2:00 a.m., kept awake with constant hazing until my alarm at 5:00 a.m. ELF/ELM assault through head causing dizziness, mental disruption. 11:00 a.m. Lot of face tics, involuntary lip movements, at start of training a class.
Friday, 8/16/2024 – Kept in REM state, active thought for a good part of the night again.
Monday, 8/19/2024 – Face burned. 9:00 a.m. at work, lot of hazing, head tremors, anger over weekend motorcycle ride to Grand Junction and back and then over Loveland Pass and back. Rode shoulder and lane split in bad traffic, so probably pulled away from them at times.
Tuesday, 8/20/2024 – Awoke with lungs feeling affected, burned or congested, continuous DEW assaults. 3:00 p.m. Face burned while in bathroom at work.
Wednesday, 8/21/2024 – Can barely read my handwriting. I think it says face burned while driving to work. Some assaults very severe and not just causing skin burns. Some cause full bodily discomfort, pain, mental disruption. Evening, email complaint sent to Bennett, Hickenlooper, and State Representative Petersen. Complaint also included Rabin petition text.
Saturday, 8/24 and Sunday 8/25/2024 – Nighttime, our dog barking at activity outside late. She very rarely barks at anything like this.
Monday 8/26/2024 – Loud tinnitus.
Tuesday, 8/27/2024 – Loud tinnitus at work at 7:20 a.m. Face feels burned. Will see if it turns reddens. Assault came from left side.
Wednesday, 8/28/2024 Awoke at 2:00 a.m., kept awake in active mental state. Assault like on 8/15. Super loud tinnitus. Vision impaired at work. Feels like ELF/ELM transmission.
Thursday, 8/29/2024 – Targeted Justice rally at Schriever AFB in Colorado Springs.

Monday, 9/2/2024 – Kept in REM sleep and had verbal assaults all night.
Tuesday, 9/3/2024 – IBS all day while working in office. Awoke at midnight to directed energy head assaults coming from direction of driveway and/or stairs outside house beyond bedroom. Sensation felt like standing under shower head with low water pressure spraying outward from a focal point.
Wednesday, 9/4/2024 – Awoke with more nose scarring. Looks like I received injections into spot on the right side of my nose. Took pictures of the injection spots. The two angled scars on my nose left from 9/23/2022 assault now have a triangular puffy lump at the end so it looks like a penis on my nose. Again, at home in bed while I slept.
Face burned while I was in work bathroom again. BRIGHT red. 
Sunday, 9/8/2024 – Very little sleep. Disrupted dreams.
Monday, 9/9/2024 – Awoke to all over bed vibrations. More disrupted sleep.
Tuesday, 9/10/2024 – Face is burned this morning and I have tinnitus.
Tuesday, 9/17/2024 – Sent another report to United Nations with my story link.
Wednesday, 9/18/2024 – Severe IBS during day. Facial tics in afternoon. Note that I’ve now had multiple nights in a row (at least 5) w/ REM sleep, little to no sound sleep. Verbal hazing.
Thursday, 9/19/2024 – 9:00 a.m., loud tinnitus all morning since awakening, face red today.
Saturday, 9/21/2024 – Urination on carpet and baseboard at closet entrance. Note, in past two years, had issues with elderly cat peeing on carpet but was in small areas around litter box. After cutting up carpet due to lot of urine odor, found large areas that look to be human. Singular pee stains covering areas of 2-3 square feet. Had to rip out carpet in bedroom and throw away new area rug in living room because of large urine spots. Also had urine splatter over a foot from floor up the side and front of my dresser. 
Monday, 9/23/2024 – Face lightly burned. By midday at work, face is deep red color, and I’m burned bad enough that my cheeks are breaking out. 
Tuesday, 9/24/2024 – Face burned overnight. Feel like I went through programming again overnight. I awoke to a song by Rainbow Kitten Surprise that I couldn’t get out of my head. At work at noon, face burned again while in work bathroom.
Saturday, 9/28/2024 – Vibrating sensation in back while lying in bed in Yurt in Paonia.
Sunday 9/29/2024 – Overwhelming dizziness and felt like I was going to pass out after arriving at home. More vibrating sensation in middle of back.
Monday, 9/30/2024 – Awoke with red face and loud tinnitus.

Tuesday, 10/1/2024 – Microwaved bright red again. Face turned orange when I applied lotion. Looks like epidermis is burned off again. Pores and blood vessels highly visible.
Thursday, 10/3/2024 – Knees and legs assaulted by directional beam causing pain and waking me in the night.
Monday, 10/7/2024 – Red face and dyskinesia at work.
Thursday, 10/10/2024-Sunday, 10/13/2024 – Lot of anger and hatred directed at me for four days. Constant hazing and verbal attacks.
Saturday, 10/12/2024 – Knockout out on couch from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Monday, 10/14/2024 – Microwaved light red while at work.
Tuesday, 10/15/2024 – Microwaved red.
Wednesday, 10/16/2024 – Monitor and docking cables loose again at work. Cognitive dysfunction throughout day. Finding simple tasks to be more challenging. Tinnitus. Fuzzy brain fog. Even took multiple attempts to just login this morning.
Thursday, 10/17/2024 – Cables loose again. Feels like I’m getting zapped by directed energy weapon while sitting at work desk hitting me directly in face. Loud tinnitus. Noon, face purplish red. My chest hurts and I’m having labored breathing.
Friday, 10/18/2024 – Slow lower heat burn while driving to work. 10:00 a.m. red face, right cheek broken out, super loud tinnitus.
Sunday, 10/20/2024 – Right side of nose swollen and puffy in triangular area.
Monday, 10/21/2024 – Face burned while in lobby bathroom. by 10:00 a.m. face if very red. 12:00 p.m., 2nd burn while in upstairs bathroom near my cubicle. 3:00 p.m. my face is orange. Nighttime in bed, lot of targeting, sleep interference. Hazing. Awoke in a.m. to another long barrage of hazing. Took long time to refocus from night assaults.
Wednesday, 10/23/2024 – Pinholes on nose around puffy area. By 10:00 a.m., I’ve been burned a couple of times. By noon, face is deep red. 
Monday, 10/28/2024 – Face is white and clear while driving to work. Then burned while driving up Indiana. Loud tinnitus when I arrived. Burned again in facility restroom. More loud tinnitus. At night, awoke to knee targeting in middle of night.
Tuesday, 10/24/2024 – Awoke with very raw throat. Very bloody stools all day long – red toilet water.

Monday, 11/4/2024 – Significant day of torture. Their goals seem to be to destroy my work image. Lot of dyskinesia, lip pursing, rolling, floating eyes, red face all day long.
Thursday, 11/7/2024 – Extreme fatigue to point of almost nonfunctional while getting geared up for the day.
Friday, 11/8/2024 – Awoke with lungs feeling burned again with something caustic. Severe assault.
Saturday, 11/9/2024 – Feeling disconnected and exhausted. Looks like new red marks on my right temple like I’m getting electroshock with taser.  
Monday, 11/11/2024 – Awoke with headache. At night, kept in active mental state and conscious with ELF/ELM or acoustic head assaults and verbal thought manipulation. This is multiple nights in a row.
Tuesday, 11/12/2024 – Awoke with headache and continual verbal assaults and angry beration. Nighttime, awake 1:43 a.m. to 5″ beam moving across my face. Felt like it was from Lewis’ driveway. Awoke again at 4:00 a.m. to groin stimulation.
Wednesday, 11/13/2024 – Chest hurts today. Face reddening at 7:00 a.m.
Sunday, 11/17/2024 – Lunch with other front range TIs Dawn and Susan.
Monday, 11/18/2024 – Awoke at 1:00 a.m. and kept awake to ELF/ELM that kept my mind alert and conscious. 7:15 a.m. face burned red while sitting at work desk. In evening, building chronological timeline.
Tuesday, 11/19/2024 – Building chronological timeline in evening.
Wednesday, 11/20/2024 – Violent and hateful assaults overnight. Heart and internal pain and discomfort. 9:00 a.m. Face burned again and broken out in office. 12:00 p.m. great disruption while talking to boss and her boss. Mental and physical and facial tics, lips pursing.
Sunday, 11/24/2024 – Face burned while playing with my dog in the driveway. Bright red for the rest of the evening.
Monday, 11/25/2024 – Face red. Burned, but white under chin because of directional microwaving, probably in car or satellite. 
Tuesday, 11/26/2024 – Awoke with headache in right forehead. Entire workday I had significant disruption in ability to concentrate and maintain focus.
Saturday, 11/30/2024 – Sleep deprivation.

Sunday, 12/1/2024 – Trying to sleep in recliner. Awoke with vibrating chair feeling originating from the center of my spine.
Monday, 12/2/2024 – Burned while at my desk at work plus resulting tinnitus. 12:00 p.m. Face red and breaking out, not severely red like other days but still obvious. 4:00 p.m. Right side of face is sore around cheek bone and temple. Reddish, very swollen. Tender in front of ear to center of cheekbone up to hairline in right front. I’m guessing local anesthesia wore off.
Tuesday, 12/3/2024 – 4:00 p.m. right side of face, temple area, cheek, and side of forehead is still tender.
Tuesday, 12/10/2024 – Microwaved red on last couple of miles driving to work. Felt like strongest hit was through chest. Breathing is labored. Red face. Stings a little. Tinnitus now that I’m in office. Bobblehead. 10:00 a.m. red face but fading. IBS all day.
Wednesday, 12/11/2024 – IBS ALL DAY.
Thursday, 12/12/2024 – Awoke at 1:45 a.m. to higher volume tinnitus and tones in my ears, hazed until 2:45 a.m. Awoken again at 4:45 a.m. to penile stimulation.
Monday, 12/16/2024 – Sunday night sleep deprivation. Very tired. Handwriting almost illegible. Tinnitus. In a brain fog all day. 12:00 noon, face reddening.
Tuesday, 12/17/2024-Thursday, 12/19/2024 – I should have kept notes. Lot of assaults but I can’t recall them now.
Friday, 12/20/2024 – Awoke at 3:15 a.m. and kept engaged with V2K. Lying facing my driveway. Face burned to point of skin breaking out. White stripe under left jaw, white under chin, and white behind left ear because of directional microwave assault. This was a very brief hot burn. IBS all day.
Monday, 12/23/2024-Friday, 12/27/2024 – In Grand Junction for holiday. No direct assaults but had five nights of REM sleep and sleep deprivation causing all the work and things I did while there to be much harder and take much more effort.
Friday, 12/27/2024-Tuesday, 12/31/2024 – Continued sleep deprivation night after night through year end. I mostly stayed home and didn’t experience any other significant events except the sleep deprivation, dream manipulation, and constant verbal engagement.

Tuesday, 1/3/2023 – Started new job in corporate office. Started severe IBS in meetings.
Wednesday, 1/4/2023 – Severe IBS while in office.
Tuesday, 1/17/2023 – Thought I had a severe reaction to something.  Turned bright red, itching. Severe microwave burn. Bright red for long period of time in office.
Tuesday, 1/24/2023 Awoken at 2:00 a.m. Kept in active mental state until morning.
Monday, 1/30/2023 – Face severely burned again. Bright red in office again. 
Tuesday, 1/31/2023 – Face severely burned again. Bright red in office again.

Wednesday, 2/1/2023 – Face severely burned again. Bright red in office again. I have begun taking face pictures at random times to document the burns.
2/20/2023 – Face burned severely red.
Sunday, 2/26/2023 – Sleep deprivation.  Kept awake until about 3:30 a.m. Monday morning. Had alarm set for 5:10 a.m.
Tuesday, 2/28/2023 – Awoke to all over body assault. All morning I had feeling of overwhelming anxiety and depression.

Thursday, 3/2/2023 – Thought interference. Mental haze came over me. Very difficult to do even simple tasks. Even my handwriting is barely legible. 3:00 p.m. until evening, severe induced fatigue.
Monday, 3/6/2023 – Awoke to head targeting at 3:00 a.m. Verbal hazing until 5:00 a.m. Face badly burned again. Face red throughout morning while in office. Headache.
Tuesday, 3/7/2023 – Still have headache, day 2.
Thursday, 3/9/2023 – Ears ringing, tinnitus, experiencing cognitive impairment in forming thoughts to trying to carry on conversation.
Saturday, 3/18/2023 – Kept awake 1:00 to 5:00 a.m. with assaults on my knees.
Monday, 3/20/2023 – Red face, off color, tinnitus.
Sunday, 3/26/2023 – Very early a.m., microwaved again while sleeping in my truck waiting for Copper Mountain to open.
Monday, 3/27/2023 – Loud tinnitus.  Sent requests for help to both Colorado Senators, Michael Bennett and John Hickenlooper.

Monday, 4/3/2023 – Microwaved again.
Friday, 4/7/2023 – Induced head tremors in team meeting with two workgroup leaders.
Sunday, 4/9/2023 – Head and groin both targeted. Kept awake through Monday early morning hours.
Monday, 4/10/2023 – Microwaved again overnight.
Tuesday, 4/11/2023 – Red faced.
Wednesday, 4/12/2023 – Red faced still but lighter today.
Monday, 4/17/2023 – Awoke to head targeting and headache. Headache persisting and changing in intensity even past 1:00 p.m. and after three Tylenol.  
Sunday, 4/23/2023-Thursday, 4/27/2023 – Four nights of sleep deprivation, three nights of head targeting and one night of chest targeting.
Sunday, 4/30/2023 – Sleep deprivation and microwaving.

Monday, 5/1/2023 – Red face all day.
Tuesday, 5/2/2023 – Awoke to chest targeting.
Friday, 5/12/2023 – Microwaved again. Face red at work. Skin feels very hot.
Saturday, 5/20/2023 – Son’s graduation, face microwave burned. Series of pictures from graduation were all red. Images disrupted.
Wednesday, 5/24/2023 – Bad tinnitus.

Monday night, 6/5/2023 – Sleep deprivation.
Tuesday, 6/6/2023 – Lot of high pitched and uncomfortable tones in ears throughout day.
Wednesday, 6/7/2023 – Trouble talking and getting words out.
Thursday, 6/8/2023 – Throbbing pain from back left base of skull.
Thursday, 6/15/2023 – Ruphied at Red Rocks concert. No memory from second band until next morning when I awoke at home in bed. Vendor sold me a drink and then leaned in close to pop tab so I couldn’t see what was happening. This was exact same move another perp had done to me when buying me a birthday drink.
Sunday, 6/18/2023-Monday, 6/19/2023 – Hazing and head assaults all night, 11 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.
Thursday, 6/22/2023 – Red faced at work again. Continued facial burning has caused me significant anxiety because I never know what I’m going to look like each day I’m going in office. Burns have occurred overnight while sleeping, while driving in my car, and in office. I’ve also awoken to feeling my face getting targeted and a focused circular beam moving around my head until it stops on my face.
Friday, 6/23/2023 – Side note, I’ve also experienced very blurred vision all week. I’m not sure the exact date it happened but one day I awoke to not being able to read hardly anything on my phone without glasses.  From overnight rapid decline, I’m certain it’s a direct result of targeting.
Sunday, 6/25/2023 – Filed second United Nations complaint with Neuroelectronics Questionnaire.

Tuesday, 7/4/2023 – Returning from out of state. Loud hazing began as soon as I crossed state line into Colorado. Physical DEW assaults when I tried to sleep once home.
Tuesday, 7/11/2023 – Awoke throughout night, head tremors. Left eye sore, repeatedly out of focus from external method of control.
Thursday, 7/13/2023 – Sleep deprivation overnight, assaults and hazing.
Tuesday, 7/18/2023 – Left eye has been irritated last five days. Inability to focus, cloudy vision.
Wednesday, 7/26/2023 – Body assaulted, upper torso from midnight on. Kept awake. Feels like shot in right hip with sting in same place repeatedly.
Thursday, July 27, 2023 – Sent another complaint to Representative Tammy Story. This follows a string of emails I need to follow up on.
Monday, 7/31/2023 – Microwaved on top of sunburn.

Tuesday, 8/1/2023 – Microwaved red.
Wednesday, 8/2/2023 – Awoke to really harsh rapidly pulsating wide beam through my heart. Felt like it was going 200 bpm. Very unpleasant.
Friday, 8/4/2023 – Microwaved in truck while driving to work. Arrived with ears ringing and face reddening worse up to an hour later. By 2:00, face was very red. Also felt like ELF ELM coming up through the floor beneath me while trying to work, 1:50.
Tuesday, 8/8/2023 – Microwaved again. Face red.
Wednesday, 8/9/2023 – Experiencing noticeable lack of focus and memory cognition.
Thursday, 8/10/2023 – Red face, oily bad skin, looks like the whole top layer of skin is burned off. Face very bumpy with red veins on surface. Left eye out of focus for 3+ hours.
Friday, 8/11/2023 – Uncontrollable lip quivering through team meeting.
Sunday, 8/13/2023 – Awoke to another assault on my head similar to 8/2/2023.
Tuesday, 8/29/2023 – Right eye very red and painful. Sensitivity to light.

Tuesday, 9/5/2023 – Red face at office. Microwaved on drive home. I can feel it all through my chest. Overnight, lot of active thought manipulation, constant verbal barrage all night.
Wednesday, 9/6/2023 – Red face at work.
Saturday, 9/9/2023 – Sent Targeted links to Times of India and Human Rights Watch.
Sunday, 9/10/2023 – Headache all day and after-effects of all over body assault. All joints hurting. Simple things like climbing stairs painful. Trouble breathing.  
Tuesday, 9/12/2023 – Face burned while sitting in my truck at Anytime Fitness to get Wi-Fi. Awoken in middle of night and didn’t sleep rest of night. Lot of verbal hazing.
Wednesday, 9/13/2023 – Microwave assault in truck while driving to work. Very hot and I could feel the heat burning my face. Face red in office all day.
Tuesday, 9/19/2023 – Microwaved on drive to work. I believe it’s from a device in my truck. Feel burning and labored breathing. Heavy chest.
Wednesday, 9/20/2023 – Exhausted, running on three hours of sleep because of last night hives. Tried to sleep in recliner but awoken to pins and needles sensation through my knees. I wasn’t allowed to sleep.

Monday, 10/2/2023 – Afternoon, chest and lungs burning like I inhaled something caustic while driving home. Stabbing pain in top of right thigh. Overwhelming tinnitus.
Tuesday, 10/3/2023 – Shared legal research with Federal Rulemaking Challenge group. Joined Targeted Justice. Completed registration for TSDB search. Sleep deprivation almost all night. DEW attack through chest while lying in bed. Extended assaults after I went to living room to sleep on couch. Very poor balance into Wednesday morning.
Saturday, 10/7/2023 – Been experiencing lack of bladder control and urgency for most of this week. I think it’s been going on for about a week or more. Difficulty constricting to restrict flow. Attempts at enuresis and incontinence have been a recurring thing at times for the past 20 years.
Wednesday, 10/11/2023 – Slightly red face upon arrival at work. Burned lungs and sinuses, rancid breath.
Saturday, 10/28/2023 – Sleep deprivation.
Sunday, 10/29/2023 – Sleep deprivation.  
Monday, 10/30/2023 – Sleep deprivation. Kept in active thought and thought manipulation. Dream state of trying to get through busy airport with urgency to catch flight to cause stress and keep me from relaxing. When I came close to sleeping, knee assaults began to wake me.

Tuesday, 11/2/2023 – Awoke with tinnitus. Right side of face breaking out from microwaving.
Tuesday, 11/14/2023 – Long periods of loud verbal hazing.
Wednesday, 11/15/2023 – Microwaved lightly a couple of times. Severe neck/base of skull disruption, mental disruption. Afternoon, again, overwhelming feeling of depression, weight in chest while driving. Light hazing and tinnitus while at dining room table. As soon as I closed my eyes to sleep, loud verbal hazing from 10:00 p.m. until past 2:00 a.m. DEW assaults on knees causing pain and sleeplessness. Targeting continued to follow me from bedroom to living room recliner to couch and back to bed. Tinnitus.
Thursday 11/16/2023 – Really loud tinnitus and head wobble at work.
Monday, 11/20/2023 – Assaulted overnight. Headache going down through skull from top to left base.
Tuesday, 11/21/2023 – Microwaved on my way to work. Not severe but still red. Severe headache. Three ibuprophen and still feeling it. Stomachache, vision impaired, burned nostrils and lungs, pain in right lung. Sent articles to New York Times. I don’t know if they’re getting through.
Wednesday, 11/22/2023 – Loud tinnitus.
Monday, 11/27/2023 – Garage door opened at 2:00 p.m. while working from home. Hit with DEW in left side of head while eating dinner at dining room table. Vibration transmitting through my groin for hours in evening.
Tuesday, 11/28/2023 – Severe euphoria/vertigo while standing at work.
Wednesday, 11/29/2023 – Loud tinnitus.

Saturday, 12/1/2023 – Light EMF hit while lying in bed reading. It came from direction of my driveway, front right.
Sunday, 12/2/2023 – Tinnitus all day.
Tuesday, 12/5/2023 – Rulemaking Challenge meeting.
Wednesday, 12/6/2023 – Microwaved again on way to work. Burned face and I can feel the heat and sting on my skin. Tinnitus. Sleep deprivation overnight and into next day. Altered mental state. They are also targeting torso and major organs much more severely now.
Thursday, 12/7/2023 – Assaulted on drive to work. Face and torso. Because of the severity, I turned around near work and came back home.
Friday, 12/8/2023 – Face burned on way to work. Very red when I left work at 12:30.
Monday, 12/11/2023 – Sleep deprivation. High frequency keeping me awake.
Tuesday, 12/12/2023 – Loud tinnitus.
Wednesday, 12/18/2023 – I awoke burned and it got progressively worse. In office, so burned again. Skin red to mid-afternoon. 3:00, still stinging. 
Wednesday, 12/20/2023 – Awoke early morning to verbal tirade at a very fast cadence. I couldn’t get a thought in edgewise, then realized I was being programmed in my own voice. As soon as I began waking, it tapered off and stopped. 
Friday, 12/22/2023 – Sent story links to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada, and Mexico governments, and to French press. 

Right around Christmas, my eyesight suddenly got a lot worse so I need glasses all the time to read on phone or monitor, except very large print.

Wednesday, 1/19/2022 – Feeling of motion like rocking on a boat in bed. Felt vibrations all through body even a half hour later after showering.
Tuesday, 1/25/2022 – Annual wellness visit. Told Dr. John what I’m going through. He did quick memory test. I was borderline 27 out of 30.

Friday, 2/4/2022 – Awoke again to all over body vibration.
Tuesday, 2/8/2022 – Active mental state at bedtime with intense itching all over causing sleep deprivation.

Thursday, 4/14/2022 – Feeling in frenulum starting to return. Still dribbling with sense of urgency. Constant burn in head disrupting cognitive abilities, focus, attention, retention. Sleep disrupted multiple nights in a row now. Difficult to read my own handwriting when I write while in this state. During this time period, I was also going to Advanced Dermatology for hair lasering and vein lightening. Later noticed reverse “4” shape lasered on bridge of nose.  This area wasn’t treated by dermatologist.

Saturday, 5/14/2022 – Lot of ELF/ELM assaults through night.
Thursday, 5/19/2022 – Awoke feeling hung over from head assaults overnight.

Sunday, 6/5/2022 – Kept awake most of night from ELM and acoustic assaults. Kept in active mental state and hazed while also getting targeted in knees with infrasound. All over body assaults seemingly from different directions and large wave very unpleasant vibrations through chest.
Monday, 6/20/2022 – 2:00 p.m., work disrupted by extreme fatigue to the point I had to stop.
Tuesday, 6/21/2022 – Have awoken last couple of days with head specifically being targeted while I sleep. Intense confusion, lack of focus.
Wednesday, 6/22/2022 – Urgency to go, without control two times during night. Had to get up and go immediately. 

No notes again until Wednesday, 9/7/2022. Job hunting through this time. Lost job due to symptoms of Havanna Syndrome. My thoughts were really scrambled, and I had trouble completing assignments and even simple tasks.

Wednesday, 9/7/2022 – Again assaulted throughout night. Sleeplessness.
Thursday, 9/8/2022 – Awoke feeling hungover from extent of the assaults in morning. Nighttime, another night of sleep deprivation and all over body assaults.
Wednesday, 9/14/2022 – Video interview with global logistics company.
Wednesday, 9/21/2022 – In office interview with global logistics company. Prepared presentation and delivered to senior leadership in Accounting. presentation went well and I was 95% certain I would get the job. 
Friday, 9/23/2022 – Had brief second video interview on how to build engagement in training. Awoke microwaved and with significant laser scarring down across right side of nose, effectively eliminating me from position. Resulting impact was that I began a job as a contractor with no benefits and $30,000 less in annual salary. Moves seemingly right out of the COINTELPRO playbook.

Sometime within this timeframe, I don’t recall the specific date, but I recorded these timestamps in a phone list app: 10:40 p.m., 3:28 a.m., 4:13 a.m., and 4:55 a.m. I was home alone because my kids are in college and my wife was traveling for work. At each of these times, my smoke detectors went off, and I awoke and tried to find the cause of the alarm. I had just recently installed the detectors and still have the paperwork from the installation. I had purchased them through Amazon on 4/13/2022. When I looked at the instructions, I found that the same code I had heard each time during the night – beep beep beep pause beep beep beep – was the test code for the alarms. Someone had been in the house triggering the alarms during the night. 

Friday, 12/18/2022 – My truck was completely dead when I came out of Vitalant after donating blood. I opened the truck with manual key and it was still completely dead. No power at all for lights or anything. Small car like an Altima or Hyundai near me idling. Couldn’t see people in it. After few minutes I was able to start my car and leave.:

In 2021, I didn’t record a lot of notes. I went through a time when I was trying to ignore everything and thought that all my documentation was just a waste of time. I later returned to taking a lot of notes because of the severity of assaults and changing tactics. This is a story that needs to be told.

Thursday, 1/1/09 – Muscle spasms in arms while trying to go to sleep-middle of forearms making arms jump.
Friday, 1/2/09 – Worked over last night. Frequency less strong, at least I feel it less, but effect is still the same, fatigue, achy joints. Starting morning with heart manipulation, aches, right ear stabs of pain, IBS, pushing me to edge of sleep, loss of balance.
Saturday, 1/3/09 – Kept in REM, very light sleep. Worked over and lots of thought manipulation.
Monday, 1/5/09 – Worked over again last night. Deep muscle aches all over body. Tired. Achy joints.
Tuesday, 1/6/09 – Bad balance, head tremoring throughout day. Painful stabs through stomach, trunk, continuous vibration in left shin most of day. Right heel itching. Facial manipulation. Afternoon, torture increasing in intensity. Instead of single head jerks, tremors are in combination such as L-R-L, etc.
Wednesday, 1/7/09 – Severe IBS, tremoring, loss of balance, general discomfort all day long. Both bosses stopped by cubicle today. I’ll probably be unemployed soon if this keeps up. Also, eye and facial manipulation. Night-REM sleep, lots of thought manipulation. Frequent waking attempts to cause bed wedding w/ thought manipulation.
Thursday, 1/8/09 – Lots of combination head jerks again today. Very, very severe IBS all day long.
Friday, 1/9/09 – Very severe tremoring, very severe IBS, spasms around my right eye. Face broken out all day long, Severe discomfort mentally and physically, disruption of mental processes, euphoric feeling. Trying to quit coffee to ease stomach issues, but with sleep disruption and deprivation, I cannot.
Sunday, 1/11/09 – Read that exposure to ELF/ELM causes disruption of chromosomes in cell division. Long-term effect is cancer.
Monday, 1/12/09 – Awoke feeling burnt all over. Skin is sensitive to the touch.  Migrating head pains and head tremoring.
Tuesday, 1/13/09 – Awoke with penis numbed again. Can’t feel myself urinating this morning.
Wednesday, 1/14/09 – Lots of thought manipulation while I slept. Dreamt of smoking pot with Ozzy and going to a lot of places to try to find a safe location. Again, common theme of not being able to find what I’m looking for or can’t quite get what I want.
Friday, 1/16/09 – Center of penis still numb. Severe torture throughout day, IBS, tremoring, loss of balance, pushed to sleep/unconscious state, interruption of thought, verbal abuse, migrating headaches, migrating muscle pings, deep pain.
Monday, 1/19/09 – Still numb all through core of penis, also around anus. Lots of tremoring today. Head tremoring even while sitting still. A lot of eye manipulation. Difficulty focusing, general feeling of fatigue in eyes. Face is red again. Some painful ear pings. In evening, worked on typing another year of calendar notes, sent letter to Debbie Seagraves of ACLU. I may sound crazy, but I feel if my details match other unknown victims’ symptoms and descriptions, it gives me and my account of details credibility.
Tuesday, 1/20/09 – Bad day-really having oppressive feeling all day. Pushed to edge of sleep and unconsciousness most of day. Lots of eye manipulation. Very, very uncomfortable. While driving home, vibration through whole lower face, teeth, quivering lower lip. Again, pushed to sleep while reading with daughter.
Wednesday, 1/21/09 – Instead of tremors today, big waves causing euphoria, loss of balance. Coughing. Hawked up blood and crusty white stuff. Did not save it.
Thursday, 1/22/09 – Privates numbed again. This time, entire penis, ½ of scrotum, pubic region up to just below my waistline, and extending all around anus. Local anesthesia, maybe. Eyes out of focus/cannot focus at work.  Frequent tingling through abdomen originating from around anus, IBS. Feeling in nostrils now-raw and burning. Really rancid breath.
Monday, 1/26/09 – Entire left side of body that was facing my mattress is very sore today, including my heart, pushed to very drowsy state at work. Face broken out again with no apparent reason. Face has been breaking out repeatedly for weeks now. Also eyes glassy in morning regularly, despite workout, not drinking, no drugs, no vitamins. Very severe IBS all day.
Tuesday, 1/27/09 IBS. Pushed to very drowsy state. Began itching all over as soon as I got into bed. Deep itches below skin on right shin and left knee.
Wednesday, 1/28/09 – Broken out again, face too, on side I slept on again. Again, very drowsy state. Drank an energy drink. Anus numb again. The bitches are irritable and very abusive verbally today. Night-more efforts at incontinence.  Penis numbed all the way through again. Lots of verbal manipulation.  Frequently awoken with urgency for #2 and heart pains.
Thursday, 1/29/09 – Head tremoring and facial manipulation this morning.  Night-feeling more urgency and lack of control when I need to pee. Artificial stimulation so I feel I have to go more frequently when I don’t.
Friday, 1/30/09 – Soreness and irritation in tip of penis. Break in skin near tip.

Sunday, 2/1/09 – Migrating headaches causing foul mood, irritability, intolerance, and impatience with kids. Sleep deprivation at night. Awoke with focused beam through my side.
Monday, 2/2/09 – Unsteadiness. Frequent interruption of thought, bad head tremoring, unsteadiness. Migrating headaches through frontal lobe.
Tuesday, 2/3/09 – Again, migrating headaches. Trying to cause irritability. Facial manipulation-jaw, downturned corners of mouth, head tremoring.  Lungs/sinuses burning. Constant feeling of need to urinate, even immediately after going. Foul chemical odor on my breath.
Wednesday, 2/4/09 – Many different frequencies transmitted from many different internal locations causing almost seizure or palsy-like state. Greatly elevated levels of physical and mental stress today. Severe tremoring, including arms, legs, head. Lots of facial manipulation. Lack of balance and coordination.  Severe IBS. Have to go as frequently as every 15-20 minutes for a couple of hours. Face breakout. Minimized by drinking lots of fluids. Jaw and mouth manipulation. More harsh verbal hazing. But at least I can feel when I urinate again.
Thursday, 2/5/09 – Starting out day with head tremoring. Pulsations and tingling from base of skull/back of neck. Penis numb again today. 5 second deep bass vibration in left ear while working.
Friday, 2/6/09 – Acute chest pains.
Saturday, 2/7/09 – Awoke with back out, chests pains, heart. Heart ached all day.
Sunday, 2/8/09 – Heart ached all day long again today. Back is even worse today.
Tuesday, 2/10/09 – Very shaky. Strong feeling of discomfort. Interruption of most of cerebral nervous system though frequency transmission.
Wednesday, 2/11/09 – Penis numb again. Lot of jaw and facial manipulation.
Thursday, 2/12/09 – Lots of jaw and facial manipulation, manipulation of lips and mouth. Again, very uncomfortable during lunch. Pain in top of right foot. IBS in evening.
Friday, 2/13/09 – Itching right heel. Jaw and facial manipulation.
Sunday, 2/15/09 – New intense burn in groin-right and left of pubic region simultaneously. Suspect part of attack on my identity includes hair trimming. Haven’t had haircut recently, but previously awoke with short, spiked area on back top, very short Julius Ceasar bangs. I think this is second or third time this type of manipulation has occurred.
Monday, 2/16/09 – Thought manipulation throughout night.
Tuesday, 2/17/09 – Awoke very fatigued. Severe tremoring, facial manipulation, mental distress. Strong discomfort. Can feel tingling in back of neck through head. Lots of eye manipulation and fluttering of eyes, IBS. Trouble talking at times. Not stuttering but stumbling on a lot of words. Thought manipulation throughout night. Blanketed pulsing all over body. Even when on toilet, felt vibrations coming up through floor into feet.
Wednesday, 2/18/09 – Again, awoke sore and very fatigued. Sore in back of mouth from tongue-rolling. Trouble breathing, chest manipulation/suppression of central nervous system. IBS throughout day. Overwhelming fatigue and sleepiness. Evening, again difficulty breathing.
Friday, 2/20/09 – Worked over all over during night again. Despite going to bed early, very fatigued. Migrating headaches upon waking. Severe IBS though lunch with my boss.
Sunday, 2/22/09 – Severe IBS began when wife got home, tremoring. As soon as I went to bed, itching started all over, then blanket body assaults. Sleeplessness. Lots of thought manipulation, lucid dreams.
Monday, 2/23/09 – Awoke very fuzzy feeling. Hard to think clearly and get moving. Repeated sharp jabs in right knee. IBS all day, tremors, fatigue, fuzziness.
Tuesday, 2/24/09 – Completely numbed again all the way through pubic region, can’t feel it when I urinate. Impotence. Severe IBS through evening.
Wednesday, 2/25/09 – Shooting pains up right leg, through knee, and into thigh muscles.
Thursday, 2/26/09 – IBS, tremors, facial manipulation, severe disruption of thought at times.
Friday, 2/27/09 – Pulses through torso, neck, head, headaches moving all over head with worst originating at base of skull and strong enough to almost cause nausea, pushed to extreme fatigue, edge of unconsciousness.

Sunday, 3/1/09 – Shooting pain up right arm. Migrating headaches. Squeals in right ear. Lot of thought and dream manipulation.
Monday, 3/2/09 – Headaches again while driving to work. Pains in right arm again. Strong IBS in morning. Extreme fatigue in afternoon. Night-kept awake/REM state. Awoke to focused blast in left side. Worked over throughout night.
Tuesday, 3/3/09 – Eye manipulation, IBS, facial manipulation. Right ear squeals.  Pinpoint sharp burning and itching under skin several times today in scrotum, penis, and rectum area.
Wednesday, 3/4/09 – Repeated ping in right arm that feels like electrical surge causing muscle contraction and arm jerk from elbow down.
Sunday, 3/8/09 – Headaches throughout afternoon.
Monday, 3/9/09 – Penis completely numbed again. Sleepiness/unconsciousness in morning at work. Headaches begin around noon.
Tuesday, 3/10/09 – Itch deep inside left ear off and on throughout day. Sharp pains in arm muscles. Overwhelming fatigue throughout morning.
Wednesday, 3/11/09 – Beginning day with intense itch deep in right ear, more spiking pains in arm muscles, sleepiness.
Thursday, 3/12/09 – Feeling in penis is back, but feeling constriction and tingling in head of penis when trying to urinate resulting in inability to go. This sensation has been occurring frequently for days now.  In addition, scalp has been itching all week.
Monday, 3/16/09 – Mental fuzziness all day. Night-shallow sleep, lot of thought manipulation. They impersonated my dead brother in my dreams. We were on the square in Carthage and a very severe storm was rolling in.
Tuesday, 3/17/09 – Severe IBS all day. Put under conditions of extreme physical and mental stress, great discomfort, tremoring. I’m very unsightly today. Facial manipulation, eye manipulation, IBS, interruption of bodily functions/disruption of nervous system. Continued through daughter’s gymnastics trial. Sleep deprivation-kept awake or woken up frequently. IBS and directed energy assaults on various parts of body. Awoke with legs being targeted several times.
Wednesday, 3/18/09 – Fuzzy again this morning. Penis is completely numb again, even the skin, not just core. Don’t know if from something given to me last night. I drank a protein shake, but it wasn’t granular and bitter this time. Lot of facial manipulation already while on way to work. At work, lot of eye manipulation. Eyes pulsing in and out of focus and causing fatigue, difficulty concentrating.
Monday, 3/23/09 – While at work, shut down until almost passed out.  Very difficult to maintain focus and keep working.
Tuesday, 3/24/09 – While at work, shut down until almost passed out.  Very difficult to maintain focus and keep working. Believe numbness is combination of local or Botox and spinal block. Can feel difficulty in even clenching buttocks and pushing pelvis forward when lifting weights.
Thursday, 3/26/09 – Awoke with sore spot on right side of head approx. 1.5” above ear, tender/sensitive area at base of skull, top of neck. Entire penis and pubic region are numb again. Hair on my left front appears to have rapidly thinned again. Pulsed sensation at tip of penis throughout morning. Nighttime sleep deprivation, all over body assaults, awoke at 1:00 a.m. to assaults.
Saturday, 3/28/09 – Awoke with very sore back, not just out, but felt like entire length of my spine would crack and break apart when I moved. Very sore and stiff. I gave my son a breathing treatment at 2:00 a.m. and was fine then. IBS while playing cards at neighbor’s house.
Sunday, 3/29/09 – Lot of thought manipulation/REM sleep. Slept lightly and awoken frequently. Lucid dreams of Spike having a litter of kittens and one puppy, homosexuals kept hitting on me.
Monday, 3/30/09 – Head tremors, IBS, pulses through my right eye causing eye twitching. Evening-interference with nervous system-trembling in mouth, facial manipulation, general overall feeling of great discomfort. 1:30 a.m. awoke to directed energy assault in middle of back.
Tuesday, 3/31/09 – Severe IBS throughout day, lot of facial manipulation, eye manipulation, head tremors, disruption of nervous system/brain. Great physical and mental stress all day. Extremely severe IBS while trying to sit through haircut. Night-blanketed physical assault again. Awoken several times. Light sleep.

Wednesday, 4/1/09 – Awoke to all over tingling, trembling through legs. Numb again. Also starting day with IBS. Afternoon-intense acute itch deep in right ear. Knees are getting really bad.
Thursday, 4/2/09 – Itch in right ear. Worked over throughout day-sleepiness, interruption of thought, IBS, headaches.
Sunday, 4/5/09 – Awoke at 5:27 a.m. with 6” directed energy beam though middle of back. When I rolled into it, it made muscles in my arm contract.
Monday, 4/6/09 – Middle of back is sore and sensitive. Wrists and knees also very sore. At work, drilling pain through both temples, tremors, IBS, disruption of thought, sleepiness/trance-like state throughout day. Evening, more drilling pains through sides of head.
Tuesday, 4/7/09 – Head tremors, IBS, putting me to sleep again.
Friday, 4/10/09 – Awoke to ultrasound through knees while sleeping on couch.  Blanketed all over assault while I slept in bed. Awoke a couple of times to it-it’s even causing my eyes to twitch back and forth.
Saturday, 4/11/09 – Whole body is stiff, sore, and weak this morning. Very, very sore and achy all over all day. Night, blanket assault again, but not as severe or I am building up tolerance.
Sunday, 4/12/09 – Again, sore, achy, lethargic. Severe pain throbs in my head.  Drilling head pains through back of head behind and below both ears. Night while in bed, assault focused mostly on head.
Monday, 4/13/09 – Severe head tremoring this morning. Again, headache through back of skull, both sides. Fatigue, stupefying trance. Evening, disruption of thoughts, mental ability while driving. I can feel strobing pulses on back of my head and base of skull when I place my hand there. Bed, head assault again as soon as I went to bed. Lot of dream manipulation and penile stimulation. Feeling again like some of it is through spinal block or spinal stimulation.
Tuesday, 4/14/09 – Fatigue, sleepiness, inability to concentrate again. Severe IBS all day and into evening. Anxiety or apprehension about going to sleep. Assaults began as soon as I went to bed. Thought manipulation while I slept.
Wednesday, 4/15/09 – Awoke feeling burned, hung over, today. Mentally spent. Awoke to “My Humps” playing continually in my head but can’t remember any dreams. I know I slept lightly and awoke several times. Can’t get song out of my head. Lot of eye manipulation during day including one point where at least a dozen points around both eyes were firing impulses causing eye flutters and floating and facial tics. Head tremoring in evening.
Thursday, 4/16/09 – Severe head tremoring.
Friday, 4/17/09 – Began testosterone. My level is 96. Should be 500 for someone my age. IBS, fatigue, body assaults while I sleep.
Saturday, 4/18/09 – Very sore and achy. IBS, fatigue, body assaults while I sleep.  While watching TV, induced sleep, while trying to sleep, ultrasound through knees and increased mental activity.
Sunday, 4/19/09 – Very sore and achy. IBS, fatigue, body assaults while I sleep.  Lot of thought manipulation while sleeping.
Monday, 4/20/09 – Awoke to directed energy through center of back along spine.  Approx. 6” directed beam. Chest pains throughout day. Severe IBS.
Wednesday, 4/22/09 – Head tremors today. Even while working at computer compiling my journal notes, I feel directed energy in the middle of my back and feel shortness of breath, discomfort. REM sleep and lot of thought manipulation.
Thursday, 4/23/09 – Awoke to penile stimulation from point inside head of penis + all over low soft frequency body assault. Muscles very achy and feel pumped up as if I worked out.
Friday, 4/24/09 – Harsh frequencies in right ear, silent, but strong and uncomfortable enough to make me flinch.
Saturday, 4/25/09 – Sleepiness/fatigue all day.
Sunday, 4/26/09 – Headache all day. Night-severe pain in left arm while working out. No strength in muscles. Everything difficult. Sleep deprivation, thought manipulation, all over body assault.
Monday, 4/27/09 – Sleepiness/extreme fatigue. Night-tried to send James Walbert email to Stew, but my emails aren’t going through. Resent from work 4/28 to Mike and Stew.
Tuesday, 4/28/09 – Awoke with hemorrhage in right eye, lower right and partly below bottom eyelid. Approximately ¼” area really bloody. Respiratory system suppression-feels hard to breath. Every inhalation is labored. Mid-morning sleepiness, stupefying trance. Noon, tingling buzzing through head causing dizziness, euphoria. Mid-afternoon, again fatigue and near unconsciousness. Sent email letter through ACLU regarding torture to President Obama. Assaulted throughout night. Awoke to all over assault a couple of times.
Wednesday, 4/29/09 – Full body assaults every night now. Constantly weak and achy all over. Muscles, joints, hands, facial redness, appearance of elevated blood pressure. President Obama 100 day press conference. He denounced all forms of torture. Sleep deprivation from increased or stimulated mental activity. Watched TV on couch, deep muscle pain in right thigh. Went back to bed and to all over body assault.
Thursday, 4/30/09 – Awoke very stiff and sore, especially in hands and arms. Face bright red. I think I’m getting micro-waved. Effects of assaults are different in the last couple of weeks and are much more harsh and detrimental. Wrote letter to President and faxed + 2.5 years of torture log. Stupefied all afternoon. It’s all I can do to focus and keep concentrating. Very fatigued and tired. Head buzzing and lot of eye manipulation.

Friday-Sunday, 5/1/09-5/3/09 – Motorcycle trip in Tennessee. Constant voices still, but minimal torture while in Tennessee. I noticed that transmission of voices are varying in intensity based upon my location as I ride through the mountains.
Monday, 5/4/09 – Severe IBS all evening. Lucid dreams of being a player in a fantasy game where I must kill other players to escape the fantasy world. Very lucid and a lot of external thought manipulation to put me in player scenarios. Each person in game had special characteristics like woman with hard skin that couldn’t be stabbed. She also had a permanent fixed smile. I lost and missed elevator out of fantasy world, so remained trapped in game.
Tuesday, 5/5/09 – Awoke to brain feeling fried. I can feel where my brain meets my skull. Starting morning with head tremors, jaw and facial manipulation, migrating head pains. Mid-morning, difficulty keeping focus of thought. Brain feels stimulated, but not in good way. Varying levels of mental discomfort, ELF activity. Lunch, extensive interruption of mental processes and nervous system causing severe distress and discomfort. Severe IBS after lunch. Evening, itching in both arms, under skin, near inside of elbows, severe IBS, lot of facial and eye manipulation while lying in bed.
Wednesday, 5/6/09 – Awoke to mild assault targeting middle of back with vibrating pulsed directed energy. Morning and afternoon, pushed to sleep/unconsciousness. Nearly impossible to focus and work. Eye and brain manipulation, eye twitches. Very severe assaults today. Morning, lunch, and entire afternoon, brain shut down and pushed to edge of unconsciousness while at work coupled with severe IBS in afternoon. Very unproductive day. When I was working, I could barely keep attentive of subject matter. Recorded 5/21/06-5/28/07 calendar notes.
Thursday, 5/7/09 – Beginning day with pressure inside head, slight headache.  Jaw opening involuntarily, deep itch in left ear, left eye twitching. Feel anxiety of today because of torture yesterday. Mid-day, again pushed to unconsciousness making work pretty much impossible. Almost complete impairment. Night-every time I wake up, I feel targeted over most of body.
Friday, 5/8/09 – Awoke out of balance, tired, achy, hands swollen. Ultrasound or infrasound through knees while trying to nap on couch. Extreme fatigue/exhaustion to point of inability to work.
Saturday, 5/9/09 – Tremors.
Saturday-Sunday, 5/9-5/10/09 – More of above average all over body assaults leaving me sore, stiff. All joints feeling arthritic. Hands swollen. Tired all over. Lots of thought manipulation in my dreams.
Monday, 5/11/09 – Twitches/pings through my eyes. Right eye, repeated twitching and tics. Mid-day, intense itching under skin in several locations on my arms. IBS. Afternoon, very strong facial manipulation. Mouth turned down on corner, bottom lip curl. Head tremoring. Night-lot of dream manipulation. Awoke several times. Light sleep.
Tuesday, 5/12/09 – Awoke to all over body assault again. Not as severe as the past days have been. Migrating head pains, very light ELF pulsations causing euphoria, dizziness. Mid-morning, sleepiness, extreme fatigue. Afternoon, again, pushed to sleep, unable to work or stay conscious.
Wednesday, 5/13/09 – IBS all day. Strong hateful verbal hazing most of day.  Afternoon, knocked out/shut down. State of mental angst all evening. Vibrations felt through my teeth. Went to bed at 1:00. Sleep deprivation. Mind put into agitated/active state. Couldn’t sleep until after 3:00, then very lightly.
Thursday, 5/14/09 – Awoke feeling like brain was burnt. General all over discomfort.
Saturday, 5/16/09 – Ping in left ribcage under armpit through evening.
Monday, 5/18/09 – Start day with lots of facial manipulation. Vibration through lower lip, fighting to keep my jaw closed. Mid-morning, both eyes twitching, barely able to stay conscious. Now doing it when I walk too so I can hardly keep balance. Have feeling of room growing dark. Early afternoon, head pains, most of afternoon spent trying to stay awake and focused. Evening, not feeling good. Disruption of brain activity and nervous system to point of extreme mental anguish and mental and physical dysfunction. Light sleep. I was aware of a lot of thought and dream manipulation, but upon waking, could not remember specific details.
Tuesday, 5/19/09 – Severe head tremoring this morning. Stinging in tip of penis.  Pushed to sleep again in morning and afternoon. Twitching in my right eye again, periodically in left.
Wednesday, 5/20/09 – Brain feels cooked this morning. Stinging all over so I can feel the boundary between my brain and skull. Sleepiness at work. Repeated vibration in right leg beneath pocket that feels like simulated cell phone vibration. 1:15 p.m. severe fatigue, head nod. Waking up to head snap to find row of /////////////// across my computer screen.
Thursday, 5/21/09 – Vibration in right leg again. Sleepiness throughout day but not knocked out. Just after 2:00 a.m., directed energy beams cutting back and forth through me while I lay in bed, moving up and down my body.
Friday, 5/22/09 – Facial manipulation and IBS while neighbor here. Right after he left, strong disruption of brain activity causing discomfort, pain, lack of balance, head tremors.
Saturday, 5/23/09 – Awoke at 7:15 great. By 9:40, achy all over, back stiff, lot of pain everywhere, joints and muscles cooked again. Lethargic and achy all day.
Sunday, 5/24/09 – Awoke at 7:15 great. Achy all over, back stiff, lot of pain everywhere, joints and muscles cooked again. Lethargic and achy all day.
Tuesday, 5/26/09 – Butt leakage again. This hasn’t happened in a long while but has for past week or so. Mid-day, pushed to sleep again. Dizzy most of evening.
Thursday, 5/28/09 – IBS all afternoon turning really severe in evening when wife got back from regional meetings.
Friday, 5/29/09 – Awoke to penile stimulation. It lasted for ½ hour, into and during shower. Feels like same sensation of when I can’t urinate, but stronger.  IBS now at 7:40. Mid-day, elbow pain. Sharp head pain. Not headache, just a ping. Night-cooked all over both Fri. and Sat. night, so all day Sat. and Sun. very stiff and sore. Painful to do most anything, in particular, back along spine and knees.
Saturday, 5/30/09 – Still went swimming and worked on powder room. Want to work out again but left arm still unable to handle weight since 4/26.
Sunday, 5/31/09 – REM sleep. Lot of thought and dream manipulation of being with another woman while my wife was with us.

Monday, 6/1/09 – Back not bad today. Worked over again, but with less intensity of Fri. and Sat. night. Midmorning sleepiness and inability to focus. Interruption of concentration. Inability to think. Disruption of thought process, eyes fluttering compounding fatigue. Went to bed to all over ELF, awoke to same thing Tues. morning. Arms and hands sore and achy. Breathing feels heavy, suppressed.
Tuesday, 6/2/09 – Frequency transmitted through chest inhibiting breathing. Also causing discomfort in stomach and occasional coughing. Increasing in strength since lunch. Through afternoon, pushed to edge of unconsciousness. Great difficulty concentrating and maintaining focus. IBS on demand. Every time I was next to wife, sudden urgency to go. REM sleep, thought manipulation, conscious of a presence in my dreams.
Wednesday, 6/3/09 – Very, very severe trembling, lips quivering, jaw grinding.  Sleepiness again and again. Strong mental and physical discomfort from ongoing assaults, disruption of nervous system.
Thursday, 6/4/09 – Awoke to eye manipulation and another assault I can’t recall right now. Squeals in right ear on way to work. Very brief sharp pain first in right hip joint, then in muscle at top of calf, then in left hip joint while walking to car at QuikTrip. This new and I suspect is from external directed energy weapon.  Sleepiness/overwhelming fatigue at work. Eye manipulation, pings or pulsations in eye muscles, repeated spasms. Suppressed respiratory system so that I have labored breathing.
Friday, 6/5/09 – Typed up notes from 7/21/08-1/9/09. Went to bed at 10:30, by 11:30, awoke from lucid dream. All power out in Marietta. My car died in intersection of Sandy Plains and E. Piedmont. Thick fog and people running around. I had daughter with me and was afraid.
Sunday, 6/7/09 – REM sleep. Lot of thought manipulation. Awoke many times.
Monday, 6/8/09 – Awoke tired, brain and head feeling burned. Shaky. Lot of eye manipulation, lack of focus causing sleepiness, fatigue. Burning vibration in penis and anus. Random pains-fingertip, bicep, leg, head, etc. Very, very severe IBS at home and at neighbors’ house in evening. REM sleep. Lot of thought manipulation.
Tuesday, 6/9/09 – Head feels burned out again. Head tremors. Heart and chest pains throughout afternoon. Migrating headaches, mostly moving around crown of head. Again, severe IBS throughout afternoon while trying to finish a work project.
Wednesday, 6/10/09 – Head tremoring. General mental discomfort today.
Thursday, 6/11/09 – Awoke to very strong eye fluttering, then induced sleep again. Tired and fatigued, disruption of thought processes at work.
Friday, 6/12/09 – Today was the day to finish journal notes and write letters but I did other things. Loud verbal hazing this a.m. Feeling of something on top of head or wiggling in crown of skull. Migrating headaches most of day. Not real severe but frequent all over head.
Saturday, 6/13/09 – I have tingle through Adam’s apple and back of throat that keeps causing me to cough. Going on three weeks now despite decongestants and antihistamines. Feeling of something moving on top of my head again. Electric ping in right leg making leg muscle spasm repeatedly.
Sunday, 6/14/09 – Headache all day long, intensifying each time I take ibuprofen or Excedrin. Severe headache like at Rob’s Dad’s funeral, except hit very rapidly while working on bathroom. Excruciating pain at back of skull lasting 90 minutes.
Monday, 6/15/09 – Again, suspect chemical castration. Sleepiness / fatigue, inability to work. Headache migrating around right, then back to left. Still feel discomfort in head/base of skull most of day. Saw Dr. M. Sleep deprivation. As soon as I lied down, directed energy assaults started with very discomforting frequency on legs. Severe IBS most of night. Forced to get up frequently. Directed energy assaults continuing while on toilet.
Tuesday, 6/16/09 – Still feel discomfort at base of skull. Strong eye twitching in right eye, eye manipulation enhancing fatigue. Strong eye twitches in both eyes are not almost daily occurrence. Brutal headache in back of head again onset with sneeze like before. Kennestone ER, Dr. thinks it’s pulled muscle on back of head.
Wednesday, 6/17/09 – Fluttering eyes, twitches, sporadically in both eyes.
Wednesday-Thursday, 6/24-6/25/09 – Dreams at night not just manipulated but completely taken over. Thoughts manipulated, then completed by someone else.
Friday, 6/26/09 – Pushed me to brink of sleep/unconsciousness while driving my grandmother and son from Neosho to Carthage for my birthday dinner. Shot in heart while sitting on back deck by pool. Directed energy weapon again.
Saturday-Sunday, 6/27-6/28/09 – Bad head tremors, IBS, facial tics, lots of manipulation from external sources while amongst friends.
Wednesday, 7/1/09 – Cell phone was fine. I stopped at Fraterville Leach Cemetery at Miner’s Circle. Returned to car and cell phone was completely fried.
Thursday-Tuesday, 7/2/09-7/5/09 – Back in Georgia. Migrating headaches, body assaults while sleeping, verbal hazing intense again. Completely lethargic and weak from getting assaulted while sleeping. Muscle pains. No tolerance for things like son talking. Another weekend stolen from me. Dizzy and lightheaded for most of past three days.
Monday, 7/6/09 – IBS. Walked in park for exercise. Assaults on legs while in bed.
Tuesday, 7/7/09 – Head tremors, IBS, but more minor. Twitches in right eye.  Jolts of pain in right leg. REM sleep, dream manipulation. In dream, a friend and I had a large quantity of marijuana. People were chasing us and trying to rob us throughout the dream.
Wednesday, 7/8/09 – Awoke at 5:30 to IBS. Again, IBS through shower, ceasing as soon as I tried to go. Very fatigued and sore in upper torso today. Arms and muscles in chest, heart, and lungs feel like they were targeted last night. Lot of jaw manipulation already while at work. Lots of eye twitching, occasional deep muscle pain and contractions in legs. Worked late on familyrecord.us, so expected sleep deprivation. Got it. Lot of verbal hazing, mental stimulation, torso assaults. Directed energy-about ½” beam passing through heart causing stabs of pain, high level of discomfort. Jaw manipulation while trying to sleep.
Thursday, 7/9/09 – Severe facial manipulation. Stupefying state at work. Both corners of mouth involuntarily downturned, severe head tremors, deep ear itching on left.
Friday, 7/10/09 – Deep ear itching on right.  Now up to date with calendar, but have a lot of old notes to add.
Monday, 7/13/09 – Deep muscle pains in right thigh, jaw manipulation, IBS, head tremoring throughout evening at neighbor’s house for dinner.
Tuesday, 7/14/09 – Awoke to light frequency over head and shoulders. Left arm that was facing mattress is very sore and weak today. It even hurts to lift it. Left eye twitches. Severe fatigue despite large Starbucks this a.m. Fuzzy feeling for days now, like being tired, but different; induced. It causes lack of concentration and difficulty maintaining focus. Eyes affected also and eyelids feel heavy. Yesterday while driving home, I kept floating out of my lane and had issues maintaining control of car.
Friday, 7/17/09 – Emailed 4+ years torture logs to James Walbert and most of news and media contacts on his distribution list.
Tuesday, 7/21/09 – Awoke tired. Mild headache. Deep ear itches on right. At work, heavy dull headache, buzzing, fatigue. More lethargic and slowing my thoughts.
Thursday, 7/23/09 – Sore on left side of forehead approx. ½” above temple, red marks occurring across left eyebrow. Don’t know if it has anything to do w/ chip there or trying to move or remove it.
Monday, 7/27/09 – Getting worked over every night. Am sore and tired all of the time. My left arm still won’t let me lift weights. Now achy in right too. Lot of thought manipulation while I sleep. Am conscious of voices interjecting thoughts and statements to change my dreams. Severe IBS.
Tuesday, 7/28/09 – Severe IBS. At night, soft steady frequency assault all night from when I went to bed until after I awoke. Woke up several times with aches, especially in wrist joints. Severe IBS.
Wednesday, 7/29/09 – Very tired this morning. Achy muscles. Begin day with migrating head pains, lot of facial manipulation at work. Jaw and lip manipulation. Feel pulsed frequency through my lips and cheeks causing them to quiver. Again, severe IBS.
Thursday, 7/30/09 – The chatter of idiots (not my words, from another TI, I can’t recall the exact source) – lots of verbal hazing from when I awoke through shower. Severe head tremoring, facial tics and facial manipulation. Feeling all morning of mental stimulation, but negative, causing distraction and intolerance to outside sound. Feeling of my brain having constant signal like snow on a television.

Monday, 8/3/09 – Continuing assaults while I sleep. Assaults on upper body are weakening my heart so I get tired faster, constantly feel chest pains/discomfort. IBS, severe head tremoring.
Tuesday, 8/4/09 – Lot of penile stimulation again this morning and in recent days. Also IBS. Have to go, get to bathroom and can’t repeatedly.  Fatigue/sleepiness in afternoon. Severe head tremoring. IBS despite medication and fiber supplements.
Wednesday, 8/5/09 – Begin day with restriction while trying to urinate. Left and right eye twitches, loud verbal hazing. Then chest discomfort/heart pings when in shower. At work, eye fatigue, overall fatigue. Eye fatigue and overwhelming body fatigue has been a theme for the last couple of days. 8:51 p.m., now beginning pain through the back of my head and more eye twitches. Pain in right armpit and right side ribs while on motorcycle. Evening, preparing dinner and throughout dinner, severe tremoring, mental angst/disruption of nervous system, face and jaw manipulation.
Thursday, 8/6/09 – Eye fluttering and muscle twitches in eyeballs and all around lids. Pain directed in rays through head, coming from area around eyes, sometimes felt through eyeballs and eye sockets. Random leg muscle pain switching leg to leg. Note: Sometime early this week I had very severe pain in my eyes from getting soap in them. Very intense stinging. I thought it was just soap although I thought it odd it had never burned so much. Now 8/13, experiencing new form of eye/eye muscle manipulation.
Saturday, 8/8/09 – Felt like back stimulation and upper torso stimulation came from spinal block type assault. It didn’t matter where I moved. Same frequency and feeling kept on me.
Sunday, 8/9/09 – Lot of assaults while I slept. Awoke tired, tremors, hands and joints achy, not able to think clearly, weak. At work, 9:00 a.m. already putting me to sleep or in trance state where it’s difficult to work. Lot of thought manipulation overnight. Dreams of truck stop whores. Awoke to electronic penile stimulation. A lot of instances over weekend where they stimulate my penis to make it feel as if I have to urinate, even as soon as I have gone, or that I can’t, even though I need to. (8/28-penile stimulation to manipulate urinary urges still happening frequently throughout every day.)
Monday, 8/10/09 – Fatigue.
Tuesday, 8/11/09 – Fatigue.
Wednesday, 8/12/09 – Most of day, interruption of nervous system causing feeling of unease, physical and mental discomfort, tremoring, IBS, intermittent eye twitches.
Thursday, 8/13/09 – Fatigue, sleepiness, disruption of thoughts, eye manipulation and blurred vision throughout day, occasional pain through midriff in midday, IBS all day.
Friday, 8/14/09 – Our son crawled into bed with us in morning. RF assaults continued even with him beside me. Afternoon, really disruptive interruption of nervous system. Tremoring, head wobble, very strong mental and physical discomfort, nauseating sensations. Not pain, but extremely unpleasant. Head wobble is not just from interruption of nervous system, but buffeting head side to side through manipulation of muscles. Back of head headache again. From afternoon through Sunday, 8/16, many periods of heart and chest pain or prolonged periods of heart discomfort.
Saturday, 8/15/09 – Awoke with left testicle hurting and burning in tip of penis. Absolutely wiped all day. All muscles and joints aching. Didn’t feel good until late afternoon/early evening. Slept off and on throughout day. Occasional migrating headaches and ache in back of head and back of neck.
Sunday, 8/16/09 – End of my penis is numb again. Sensation on outside but muscles that contract when trying not to urinate or during orgasm are not functioning.
Monday, 8/17/09 – Continuous assaults throughout day. High frequency transmitting from base of skull and interrupting my thoughts and speech. Head tremors, eye twitches, and facial tics. Another frequency transmitting from near my eye that I can feel through my mouth and teeth. Assaults overnight, but without all the joint/muscle pains. Thought manipulation. Woke up at 4:15 w IBS.
Tuesday, 8/18/09 – Hands swollen and head tremors, but feel stronger physically.  At night, dream manipulation, but can’t recall dreams or subjects.
Wednesday, 8/19/09 – Lot of jaw manipulation and IBS. Feels like anus has been stretched and/or numbed again. Continuous gas and I find it difficult to contract those muscles this morning. This morning and past week or so, torture again focused on sexual organs and bodily functions. Frequent penile stimulation making urination difficult, occasional burning buzz in tip of penis.
Thursday, 8/20/09 – Awoke with very blurred vision, cloudiness of thought. Despite what felt like decent night of sleep, I’m very exhausted. I remember thought manipulation, but again, can’t recall specific details. Madison home sick today. I slept off and on while she watched cartoons. I didn’t start feeling good until approx. 2 p.m.
Friday, 8/21/09 – Sleep deprivation last night. Itches in middle of back and high frequencies keeping me awake. Headache this morning beginning as soon as I awoke. Migrating, but steady level of pain, I take ibuprophen, pain increases. Now unpleasant burning near temples and boring through frontal lobe.  Also awoke to penile stimulation and then constriction when I tried to urinate.  Hands very swollen and sore again.
Saturday, 8/22/09 – Took kids on Raven Cliff Falls Trail. Death threats telling me I’m not coming back from this hike with my kids.
Monday, 8/24/2009 –
IBS when project managers near me, tremoring, general mental discomfort, interference with nervous system. At night-light high frequency assault overnight emanating from base of skull area, light REM sleep. Awoke frequently.
Tuesday, 8/25/2009 – Head tremoring, blurred vision. News report that FBI will oversee high profile prisoner interrogation, and the government will continue illegal rendition program. Now electronic chipping rolled out globally under President Obama, who publicly denounces torture.
Wednesday, 8/26/09 – New bump and sore behind right eyebrow approx. ½” from inside end. New facial tic while driving to work this morning. Feels like all muscle knotting up in center of my chin. Having a lot of eye manipulation today. Fuzziness of vision and inability to focus. Also, I can feel an underlying heavy, oppressive frequency numbing my mind and making me devoid of emotions.
Thursday, 8/27/2009 – Baked up and down body and over groin repeatedly with directed energy while lying in bed trying to sleep.
Friday, 8/28/09 – Heart pings from when I awoke until now, 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, 8/30/2009 – I prayed for my voice to be heard and for my words to have meaning.
Monday, 8/31/2009 – 4:25 a.m. awoke dizzy and lightheaded in the morning. Seem to be forgetful. Trouble with sharpness or acuity of thought. IBS. Deep itch in my right ear all morning. Inducing sleepiness. Lot of eye manipulation, including frequency transmission that seems to originate in my left eyelid.

Tuesday, 9/1/2009 – Deep right ear itch while in shower. Afternoon, really heavy fuzzy feeling, sleepiness/fatigue. Very exhausting and hard to maintain focus. At night, sleep deprivation, ultrasound through knees. Very severe IBS.
Wednesday, 9/2/2009 – Lot of facial manipulation, right ear itch, pain through left side of head and through face. IBS. High frequency interrupting though and heavier frequency causing sleepiness. At night, lot of facial manipulation while on computer. New tic. Big wave rolling through upper and lower lip. Sleep deprivation – multiple points of transmission at knees, torso, head. Again, high frequency keeping me awake.
Thursday, 9/3/2009 – Both arms and heart sore this morning. Very unbalanced upon waking.
Friday, 9/4/2009 – Had Windows Administrator shutdown pop up on our home PC. Filed complaint at OIG office at 60 Forsyth Street, Atlanta, STE 8M45. Again, closet-sized office with bank teller window. Complaint will be processed through Miami DOJ office (954) 370-8300. At night, back assaults so it felt like my spine would crack when I moved. Severe assaults typically follow immediately after I try to take action.
Saturday, 9/5/2009 – Again, back assaults so it felt like my spine would crack when I moved.
Sunday, 9/6/2009 – Lack of focus, eye manipulation, difficulty thinking clearly most of the afternoon. Also mood changes to anger.
Monday, 9/7/2009 – Loss of focus and vision as soon as I began to build web pages.
Tuesday, 9/8/2009 – Disruption of thought, blurred vision, sleepiness, inability to work first 1.5 hours of the day.
Wednesday, 9/9/2009 – Intermittent pain bursts. Itching deep under my skin in arm, back various other locations, eye twitches. In afternoon, induced sleepiness and fatigue. Headaches and disruption of nervous system, causing tremoring. I recorded a note of an event that I can’t recall of a fender bender at Publix and that I never saw other car but can’t help thinking it was caused by mental state disruption and continuous and ongoing assaults. I wasn’t focused or able to focus. At night, from when trying to go to sleep until after I awoke, central back was targeted by a rapidly pulsating frequency that caused all muscles to twitch. Twitch immediately was followed by a stinging sensation at a rate of a couple times per second.
Thursday, 9/10/2009 – Experiencing very severe slowdown on PC anytime I’m online.
Friday, 9/11/2009 – Lot of dream manipulation early in the morning just before I awoke. I was at Rick Babcock’s house and there was a Jeep towing a sailboat. It took two large wreckers to lift it. Through morning and drive to work, headache pains in frontal lobe, back of head and then front again. Vibration through my face coming from the back right corner of my jaw. Pushing me to sleep while I’m at work and also assaulting with a very discomforting frequency.
Saturday, 9/12/2009 – Discomforting frequency still going from yesterday causing very heavy and oppressive feeling, incapacitating to the point I’m barely able to work and am not capable of analytical thought. Lot of harsh verbals. Lots of random itches under my skin that feels like bug bites in right forearm near elbow, inside of left wrist, across forehead, right ear itch all day, occasional itch in left ear, too.
Sunday, 9/13/2009 – Back assaulted. Awoke very sore, hard to move. Wobbling all over when I got up. Afternoon, lot of heart assaults. For hours, I had a gripping feeling in my chest of beginning to have a heart attack. Right ear itched throughout day.
Monday, 9/14/2009 – Again targeted while sitting at PC working on website. Shot in back with a directed energy weapon.
Sunday, 9/20/2009 – Don’t know if these are attempts at reverse psychology, but I keep hearing the message, “I want to live.”
Monday, 9/21/2009 – Looks like I now have 1/8” incision on the bottom right of my eyeball in the white area. Eye is very sensitive to air. I tried to take a picture but my cellphone wouldn’t capture it. All morning, I couldn’t focus my eyes, frequency affecting my eyes and causing feeling of fatigue. I have a lack of emotion like from an electronic frontal lobotomy. Induced sleep and trancelike state.
Tuesday, 9/22/2009 – Right ear is popping and crackling.
Wednesday, 9/23/2009 – More stinging feelings across my forehead.
Thursday, 9/24/2009 – Right ear is itching frequently since 9/13, maybe before then. It was swollen and plugged for a while and has more popping and crackling. Now not swollen but I’m having frequent deep ear itches. Contraction muscles at end of penis are completely numbed again—deadened, more than numbed, besides absence of feeling, contraction is almost not possible. Very severe IBS most of the day. Right ear spike of pain, left ear itch.
Sunday, 9/27/2009 – Deep right ear itch while trying to build web pages. Sleep deprivation when I went to bed. Upper torso and head assaults with light tingly ELF that kept me in an active mental state. Assault on legs with discomforting longer rhythmic waves, and painful beam through my stomach.
Monday, 9/28/2009 – Awoke to a vibration going through both of my eyeballs. Also light heel itch under the skin. Lot of eye twitching and tics in my eyelids. Now and over next few days, I’m having frequent involuntary constriction while urinating.
Tuesday, 9/29/2009 – Intense right arm itch, very sharp heart pings, IBS, facial manipulation.
Wednesday, 9/30/2009 – Got cooked last night. Very fuzzy for first 45 minutes to an hour. Eyes appear very small and glassy. Lot of facial manipulation and head tremors this morning. Arm muscles are very sore and knees are weak. Right ear itches in the afternoon at work and intermittent jolts of pain. This is not an ear infection.

Thursday, 10/1/2009 – Severe chest pains, gripping feeling, not pings.
Friday, 10/2/2009 – Feeling induced to sleep in morning. IBS and severe mental disruption at work, great discomfort, afternoon, more attempts at induced sleep, deep right ear itch, more induced fatigue and sleepiness. Called Miami DOJ Mike Aiken again. Left message on voicemail.
Sunday, 10/4/2009 – At Keith and Lori’s house for dinner. Severe IBS, tremors, and facial manipulation.
Monday, 10/5/2009 – Severe IBS all day. Disruption of thought processes with high frequency tingly feeling ELF through brain. Can’t keep focus or retain what I’m reading or thinking. Lot of eye manipulation and pushing me to sleep.
Tuesday, 10/6/2009 – Called Miami DOJ office again. Spoke to Gladys. Left message for Mike Aiken again.
Wednesday, 10/7 – Thursday, 10/8/2009 – Torture seems to be getting lighter but still experiencing induced fatigue, IBS, frequencies that disrupt thought, heart pings or gripping heart feeling, but all less strong. I am still feeling itches under the skin in my arms and head. Urinary stimulation and then contraction causing feeling of need to urinate and then inability to go. 10/7, laid down on couch and was knocked out, not just induced sleep. I awoke shaky with no recall of drifting off to sleep. 10/8, lot of penile stimulation and feeling of having to urinate for a couple of hours. In evening, very sickly nauseous feeling again as soon as leaving daughter’s gymnastics. I was pushed to the point I felt I was about to black out. Barely capable of driving home. Eyes fluttering, disruption of mental processes, pushed to edge of unconsciousness while driving with my daughter in the car.
Monday, 10/12/2009 – IBS and sleepiness in morning and afternoon at work but not knocked out. Midday, ear pains and itches. Afternoon, facial manipulation and general disruption of mental processes. In evening, itches under my skin across my forehead.
Tuesday, 10/13/2009 – Awoke to body assault, pain and discomfort in muscles and tissues. Switched to pain through my head in the shower, then disruption of my nervous system, general discomfort, and ear itches. Facial manipulation at work also. In evening, called Mike Aiken again with OIG/DOJ. Spoke to Gladys. She was under the impression that I had been able to talk to him. I left cell and work phone numbers for callback.
Wednesday, 10/14/2009 – I was worked over last night. Lot of thought manipulation. Awoke to body assault with ELF. Burned brain feeling, lack of balance. Fatigue and aches in muscles and joints. I lost 9:00-11:00 a.m. because I was pushed to a near unconscious state and cannot recall anything. Transmission in my frontal lobe causing severe interruption of mental activity through late afternoon.
Thursday, 10/15/2009 – Again, lot of thought manipulation last night. I woke up again with my brain feeling burned and urinary constriction. Through morning, trying to work but experiencing very high frequency interrupting my thought, causing discomfort, high ringing in ears, deep right ear itch and left ear pain. Headache pains. Induced fatigue. Flight to Chicago.
Friday, 10/16-Saturday, 10/17/2009 – While in Chicago, minimal severe torture like usual, but still constant verbal harassment. I’m still unsightly enough with tremoring and lack of balance that people notice me.
Tuesday, 10/20/2009 – Lot of thought manipulation overnight. Awoke to itchy right ear. More inner-ear itching mid-morning. Head tremors throughout day, IBS. General state of discomfort and tremoring from disruption of nervous system while shopping.
Wednesday, 10/21/2009 – Muscle soreness, weak left arm, IBS, lot of jaw manipulation and involuntarily opening my jaw this morning.
Thursday, 10/22/2009 – Awoke to all over body assault that continued while I was in the shower. I think the source was spinal stimulation making the feeling systemic. Deep right ear itches. Pain migrating from the side of my head and temples through the top of my head and down through my face, leg, chest, and heart. IBS. Again, general state of discomfort and tremoring from disruption of nervous system.
Friday, 10/23/2009 – Hair looks thinned. 2:20, called Mike Aiken again. Gladys was out. Someone else answered and said he was in and connected me. Call went to voice mail. I left a message. 4:30, called again, someone to connect me, then I was told he was out. I asked for voicemail and was connected to someone else’s box. I didn’t leave message on this second call.
Sunday 10/25/2009 – Sleep deprivation. I was kept in active thought mode. IBS whenever lying in bed. Assaulted thoughout the night. Lot of thought manipulation. I was conscious of scenarios where I’m being tested but I was failing or not prepared.
Monday, 10/26/2009 – Very wobbly. Sore area on the back of my head. My thoughts are clouded, very scrambled. Difficult to read or focus on what I write. IBS. My whole brain feels burned out. My teeth are very sensitive today. Also, I have sores all over the inside of my mouth from moving my tongue around. Most of today I had strong mental angst and physical discomfort, difficulty thinking, IBS, tremoring, lack of balance. High-pitched right ear squeals.
Tuesday, 10/27/2009 – Mental disruption but probably about 50% the level of yesterday. Still having issues with my right ear clogging (since 9/13). In afternoon, induced sleepiness and fatigue , very heavy feeling through head all day. Very difficult to work. High unpleasant frequency though head and ears.
Wednesday, 10/28/2009 – Hazing, continuing to disrupt my thoughts, causing fatigue and sleepiness, contributing to this with eye manipulation and transmitted frequencies. I haven’t been allowed to feel good all week.
Thursday, 10/29/2009 – Repeatedly hearing cell phone rings. A long time ago it was ringtones. Now since I have my phone in voice mode, I’m hearing voice rings. Submitted NEH grant application.
Friday, 10/30/2009 – Awoke with reddish skin on my face like high blood pressure or sunburn. Very wobbly. Pain pings around my head from different points around my skull. Late morning, very severe head tremoring throughout the day. Lot of verbal hazing. Threats that I wouldn’t be around next year.

Tuesday, 11/3/2009 – While in bed at night, directed energy beams moving across my chest as I went to sleep. This type of assault hasn’t occurred for a while.
Wednesday, 11/4/2009 – Awoke, head feels burned, headache in front of head this morning and moving to back of head by afternoon, even after aspirin. Headache didn’t end until 6:00 p.m. Severe IBS all day. Chest and heart hurt most of the day. Knees feel like they will barely support me. Lot of facial manipulation, eyebrows vibrating, eye fluttering.
Thursday, 11/5/2009 – Facial manipulation, drooping mouth. Severe IBS all day.
Tuesday, 11/10/2009 – Repeated deep muscle ache in left leg, inside just above knee. Pain jolts intermittently all day long.
Thursday, 11/12/2009 – Awoke to the harsh all over assault that makes my muscles spasm and hurt while they spasm. Frequency tones in right ear, eye fluttering, in afternoon, sleepiness/fatigue, difficulty concentrating, severe IBS.
Friday, 11/13/2009 – Awoke at 5:00 a.m. to my wife’s alarm. Was getting penile stimulation and awoke from a lucid dream where Kadria was trying to sell me LSD. Went back to sleep and awoke to the song, “The Times They Are A Changing” to wash my memory away. All over assault last night. Whole upper body very sore. Feels like all my muscles are stretched. Difficulty concentrating. More eye fluttering.
Monday, 11/16/2009 – Stayed up late working. Sleep deprivation and torture upon trying to sleep. Lot of facial manipulation. Harsh frequency on left side, IBS when I rolled to right to keep me in stress positions and flopping side to side.
Tuesday, 11/17/2009 – Got my car back from ABRA. Experiencing a lot of physical tremoring and general physical discomfort. In evening, headache, great mental and physical discomfort when leaving gymnastics up to 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 11/18/2009 – Lot of facial manipulation and tremoring throughout the day, lack of emotion, fatigue, difficulty focusing, verbal hazing, IBS all day, eye manipulation, tics in right eye and eye brow. Random pain around head. 4:20 p.m. left another message for Mike Aiken.
Thursday, 11/19/2009 – IBS and headache all day long. Strong feeling of mental and physical discomfort. Head tremoring and lot of facial manipulation, eye manipulation and eye tics.
Thursday, 11/26/2009 – Work holiday but very severe torture day. Worked over last night to the point I ache everywhere. I even have difficulty walking. Severe headaches. My wife is in a similar state.
Saturday, 11/28/2009 – Received response from Mike Aiken via letter from OIG. It says they reviewed my case and it’s out of their jurisdiction.
Sunday, 11/29/2009 – Sleep deprivation again and kept in active thought, worked over. I received death threats again saying I won’t even wake up.
Monday, 11/30/2009 – I woke up. Achy and wobbly/shaky all day. Severe IBS. Worked over last night very severely again.
Tuesday, 12/1/2009 – Called to speak to OIG to find out who to turn to if government sponsored torture is out of OIG jurisdiction. In evening, very strong discomfort and disruption of mental processes. Another attempt at incontinence. I had a lucid dream about a very severe tornado overhead and bearing down on me. I’m running around the Carthage square looking for a place to take shelter, but there was nowhere to hide. Voices were saying it’s not a matter of if it will hit, but when. The buildings on the square were different. The Carthage Press building was on the north side of the square in my dream. Finally, the skies cleared , I was relieved, and was to relieve myself on the back wall of a building. That’s when I awoke.
Wednesday, 12/2/2009 – Induced sleepiness at work, left eye twitches. Penis is numb so flow constriction is difficult. Induced sleep again in afternoon.
Thursday, 12/3/2009 – Mom here. Severe IBS and head tremoring.
Friday, 12/4/2009 – Very, Very Severe IBS all day long.
Saturday, 12/5/2009 – Getting assaulted all over body every night while I sleep. Waking sore and tired every day. Progressively getting worse. Today, despite doing nothing strenuous yesterday, my arms and forearms are weak. My fingers feel sore and arthritic. Head tremors. Noticing frequent lapses in my short term memory.
Monday, 12/7/2009 – Lot of facial manipulation, IBS, very severe mental disruption, great physical discomfort, fatigue all day long.
Tuesday, 12/8/2009 – Called Mike Aiken at OIG. Left message again to tell me who can help or who is after me.
Thursday, 12/10/2009 – Pulse along my spinal cord in the middle of my back causing tremoring from that point up.
Friday, 12/11/2009 – 12:37 p.m. called Mike Aiken again. Not available. Left message that I have questions regarding complaint response and left call back number.
Monday, 12/14/2009 – Severe IBS all day long. 10:00-3:00 pushed to brink of unconsciousness. So incapacitated I could barely copy and paste from my OneNote document to a new template. What should have taken an hour has taken most of the day. Worked over pretty severely overnight. I’m conscious of a lot of thought manipulation while I sleep but not conscious of the subject matter.
Tuesday, 12/15/2009 – Achy all over, knees sore. Upper body feels like I’ve had a hard workout. My hands are swollen and feel arthritic. 3:15 p.m. I left another message for Mike Aiken. The person answering the phone said he was in, then I got voicemail. Message I left was that it’s unfortunate things are this way, but I’m adding call log to his office’s lack of response to my letter and pushing it upstream.
Wednesday, 12/16/2009 – Getting very weak and I ache in all of my joints. My knees feel very fragile and barely capable of supporting me. I’m having lots of facial manipulation, involuntary jaw opening, pain in the middle of my forearms, chest, head, in muscles, and in my bones. Head tremoring all day. IBS not as bad as previous days. Migrating pain pings most of the day. Face looks slightly reddened. I think my Jack Daniels is tainted. It tastes and smells wrong. Previously I’ve found it was cloudy.
Thursday, 12/17/2009 – Awoke with my front teeth, lower lip, upper lip, and the left side feeling anesthetically numbed. 8:20 a.m., still numbed. Sinuses are opened. Throat feels raw. Lungs feel afflicted like I had a caustic inhalant again. Voices telling me I have five days to live and they’re very irate today. Induced sleepiness or trance-like state while at work. In afternoon, my face is red and sunburned looking again. My chest is tight and my lungs feel burned. On drive home, today and yesterday, 12/16, I had what felt like an allergic reaction to something. I had difficulty breathing and couldn’t take a deep breath. It didn’t feel like anxiety. It felt more like I was just physically incapable of breathing because my lungs wouldn’t work.
Friday, 12/18/2009 – In afternoon, my wife told me I have really foul breath.
Saturday, 12/19/2009 – The only difference between the U.S. government and other torturous governments is the technology and methods employed to inflict pain and cause suffering. The perversity of their invasiveness is nefarious and grotesque.
Sunday, 12/20/2009 – My sinuses and chest still feel burned.
Monday, 12/21/2009 – IBS all day. Head tremoring. Reddening face again after eating lunch and drinking a cup of coffee. Again putting me in trance-like state at work so I’m barely conscious at times. Sinuses still feel raw after last Thursday caustic inhalant.
Tuesday, 12/22/2009 – Awoke to vibration through my spinal column in the center of my neck. At work, intense sleepiness and inability to concentrate. Head tremoring.
Wednesday, 12/23/2009 – IBS, head tremoring, induced sleep, pushed to the edge of unconsciousness throughout most of the day while trying to complete assignments. I notice that the effects last sometime after I awake like a hangover.
Thursday, 12/24/2009 – Awoke to strong vibration through my rib cage, other frequencies pushing me back into sleep. At work, I suffered physical and mental disruptions so severe that I can see other people’s reactions when they see me. I have difficulty maintaining conversation at times because of thought disruption. Feel pressure and pulsed vibrations in neck and base of skull, tremoring, lot of facial manipulation and mouth and jaw manipulation. My eyes look really messed up—red, glassy, and beady.

1/2/2008 – Right side earache, but not like normal earache. More like pierced eardrum that hurts from pressure when I push air through sinuses.
1/4/2008 – Picked up chest slides from Northside Urgent Care.
1/5/2008 – General discomfort through head, tremors.
1/6/2008 – This morning and early in week, I notice a mark on my arm that looks like a needle mark.
1/7/2008 – Facial manipulation, IBS strong discomfort in head, tremoring.
1/11/2008 – Head tremors, general discomfort, facial manipulation, jaw tension
1/13/2008 – Constant fatigue all the time. Heart pings while working. At night, constant assault while I slept. Feel it in base of skull. Awoke with lots of facial tics and grinding jaw.
1/14/2008 – Lots of facial manipulation, general discomfort, more heart pings, grinding jaw, eye manipulation and vision going in and out of focus.
1/21/2008 – Chest pains, trouble focusing my vision.
1/22/2008 – High pitched radar squeal in ears while in shower. Awoke to pain in left side. Sensitive to touch. Centralized assault on that spot, head tremors, chest pains. At gymnastics with daughter, head tremors, facial tics, general discomfort. Muscle pings in left leg.
1/23/2008 – Exhaustion, fatigue, eye manipulation all afternoon. Lost balance and stumbled to right 3 times today. Lots of facial manipulation, jaw, pursing lips.
1/27/2008 – Eight anniversary of finding keystroke logging program on my computer.
1/28/2008 – East Cobb Imaging, 1070 Woodlawn, Ste 100 770-793-9200 Reaction to iodine contrast agent. Sleep deprivation at night.
1/29/2008 – Intensifying torture all week, head tremors, severe IBS, oppressive vibration in chest.
1/31/2008 – Awoke in morning to intense pulse in leg making leg muscle spasm and relax. Groin stimulation. Continually tensing jaw and pursing lips, severe IBS, regular ping in left leg.

2/1/2008 – Head tremors, IBS, constant itch in left heel and right shoulder below surface.
2/2/2008 – Suspect chemical castration again.
2/4-2/6/2008 – Been clenching jaw intensely. Can feel pulses coming from around cheeks. Also starting Tuesday, voices broadcast louder than ever before.
2/7/2008 – Much thought manipulation while I slept. Constant theme in dreams of chasing something I can’t quite catch. Looking for something I can’t find. Reaching for something I can’t grasp.
2/10/2008 – Ongoing assaults. Much more intense while I sleep. Very uncomfortable in bed now. Chest pains and indigestion most of day. Continuous migrating headaches.
2/11/2008 – Head tremors, IBS, intense fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Eye manipulation, jaw and lips manipulation. Nighttime, more headaches, lot of dream manipulation.
2/12/2008 – Grinding jaw again. Head tremors. IBS. Heels itching. Lot of dream manipulation again.
2/14/2008 – Intense solid current through head and middle of back. In morning, can still feel middle of back and spine where beam was focused.
2/16/2008 – Being assaulted nightly by new current. Instead of pulsing off on, relax contract, it uses different frequencies to simultaneously cause muscle contraction and expansion – result is muscle spasms or feeling of continuous tremoring.
2/17-2/20/2008 – I awake each day very fatigued. Assault focused on heart and chest. I frequently feel chest pains throughout morning.
2/21/2008 – Head tremors, facial tics, eyes floating, severe fatigue/difficulty concentrating, jolting pains in both knees at same time. Great discomfort in head all through dinner.
2/25/2008 – Vibrations coming through floor in upstairs bathroom, through my feet, and into body and head.
2/26/2008 – Head tremors and jerky movements.
2/28/2008 – Head tremors, lots of eye manipulation, and severe fatigue. Pulses through eyes enhancing fatigue. Chest pain. Continuous beam through middle of chest. I think it starts in shoulder and moves downward through body. Constant assault on eyes—in and out of focus, floating, bouncing around.
2/29/2008 – Woke up with soreness around right ear. Already tensing jaw. Another day of severe IBS, lots of eye manipulation, head tremoring.

3/2/2008 – Sleep deprivation. Mind kept in active thought, much manipulation of thoughts and dreams until time I woke up. Then tremoring, attempts to induce sleep again.
3/5/2008 – Sleep deprivation. Awoke with tremors, lack of balance, and general mental and physical discomfort in head.
3/7/2008 – Head fuzzy since I woke up, 9:45 a.m. now. Also whole back feels fatigued, worked over.
3/9/2008 – Migrating headaches while trying to work. Seemed to mostly come from top of head.
3/10/2008 – All morning blurred vision, high tingling frequency through head and eyes making concentration difficult. In addition, constant severe IBS so that when I can concentrate, I have to break to go anyway.
3/13/2008 – Awoke to all over body assault, tremoring. More to head assault, affecting thought processes, migrating headaches.
3/14/2008 – Pulsed vibrating transmission from right side of tip of penis.
3/16/2008 – Dream manipulation-another dream where they were trying to coax a security password from me.
3/17/2008 – Eye manipulation, fatigue. Itching heels-both heels now.
3/18/2008 – General discomfort, IBS-severe, facial manipulation, head tremors.
3/19/2008 – Itching heels.
3/20/2008 – Sleep deprivation-body assaulted. Sore back and heart discomfort.
3/21/2008 – Facial and jaw manipulation throughout day.
3/22/2008 – Back pain, extreme fatigue.
3/23/2008 – Backache and chest pains throughout day.
3/24/2008 – Lots of facial manipulation and grinding jaw. Constant buzz in tip of my penis. Wrote letter to ACLU of Georgia, 2 pages, gave full address and phone number, www.acluga.org. Evening, felt like system check-random pinpoint buzzes all around my mouth.
3/25/2008 – Heavy, tired feeling all the time. High frequency through frontal lobe and eyes. Called ACLU.
3/26/2008 – Again, great drowsiness, difficulty thinking, eye manipulation, tingling in frontal lobe area and penile stimulation.
3/30/2008 – Tortured most of day-intense headache, increased anxiety, irritability, amplification of emotions, great discomfort.
3/31/2008 – Heart pings and throbbing or pulse sensation in tip of penis. Itching heels and pulse in penis to distract from work. Head tremors, eye manipulation, high frequency through eyeballs causing loss of focus, shifting of vision. Sleep deprivation at night.

4/1/2008 – Woke up to facial manipulation, grinding jaw, pursing lips, severe head tremors, face flushed and broken out all day.
4/2/2008 – Itching heels, burning vibration in penis, continuous distraction from work.
4/3/2008 – Steady high frequency through head all the time interrupting my thoughts. Not just distracting, but making it difficult to maintain analytical thought. Teeth very sensitive today. Either grinding my teeth or ultrasound.
4/4/2008 – Right ear tender and feels plugged. Start day with full body vibration in bed. Driving to work, facial manip, lips, jaws manipulated, heart pings.
4/5/2008 – Ear infection in right ear since Thursday. Also feeling intense pinpoint pain at times, this new.
4/7/2008 – Intense pain from pinpoint behind right ear. Pings randomly throughout day. Lots of eye manip, head tremors, IBS. At night, first night on new Sleep Number bed. 15 minutes after I fell asleep, ultrasound beams cut through my knees awakening me. I’m sure the new mattress will have chips by tonite.
4/8/2008 – Severe IBS, gas. Continued ear pings and new one down and to right of right ear. Vibration in inside right corner of right eye. 2nd night on new mattress. Sleep deprivation, high frequencies, verbal hazing, full lower body assaults with alternating frequencies causing all muscles to contract and relax rapidly. Awoke in morning very fatigued.
4/9/2008 – More ear pings, difficulty focusing, sensation coming from head of penis so when I try to pee, I involuntarily stop or can’t go.
4/10/2008 – Throughout morning, head tremors, difficulty thinking. Today and for past week, am now having difficulty with short term memory recall. I can’t freely recall knowledge or list recent project work when trying to talk to bosses. Everyone around me seeming to avoid me. People, even strangers, that I talk to frequently tell me “Take care” because of my outward appearance now.
4/14/2008 – Sleep deprivation again. Same as last night, directed energy beam causing repeated contraction/relaxation of muscles. Accelerated thought, lots of verbal hazing/interruption of my thoughts.
4/15/2008 – Very severe IBS all day, stomach acidity, constant need to go, gas, passing a lot of blood and mucous.
4/16/2008 – Head tremors, jaw and facial manipulation, pursing lips.
4/18/2008 – Vibration through left leg all day long.
4/19-4/20/2008 – Both Sat and Sun, overwhelming fatigue causing me to need to sleep. Worked over all Sunday night. Constant verbal hazing any time I awoke. IBS all night, continuing into Monday, constant head buzz, pings in left arm causing arm to jump.
4/22/2008 – Head tremors all morning. Simultaneous heel itch and buzzing in head of penis making concentration difficult.
4/23/2008 – Experiencing rapid hair loss for probably 3rd or 4th time in last few years. Awoke to intense vibration along spine in middle of back. Itching heels throughout morning. Pings in left elbow and right knee over extended period of time. Ear pains on right side.
4/24/2008 – Escalating torture. Awoke to headache, increasing in intensity after taking Tylenol. Floating eyes, itching heels, difficulty remembering what I worked on yesterday when updating project tracking. Vibration in tip of penis. All distracting me from work and making me very uncomfortable. Really intense headache now (1 p.m.) at back of neck instead of front.
4/27/2008 – Eye manipulation causing sleepiness while driving.
4/28/2008 – Heels and penis buzzing.
4/29/2008 – Chest pains throughout day, also causing sleep.
4/30/2008 – Causing sleep. Shutting down. Penile manipulation.

5/8/2008 – New pain through right knee. Intense short bursts through joint, emanating from near bone, just below knee.
5/13/2008 – Continuous assault making concentration very difficult while building Web pages.
5/14/08 – Severe head tremors throughout day, jaw manipulation.
5/16/2008 – Severe IBS.
5/17/2008 – Sensation of burning through brain. Very unpleasant sensation throughout head. Recognizing more manipulation of feelings and emotions. Changing moods and intensifying current moods. Severe IBS all day.
5/18/2008 – Repeated painful spiking in back of head, severe IBS all day.
5/19/2008 – Pulsing pain right back of head, severe IBS all day.
5/20/2008 – Pain and swelling around right ear again and itch deep inside that I can’t scratch. Repeated pain through knee. Severe IBS.
5/21/2008 – Constant jaw manipulation and tooth grinding.
5/23/2008 – Last night full body assault in bed from external directed energy weapon. Awoke at 2:30 and 3:30. Deep ache in large muscles and tingling all over. Another system check, felt each chip pinged in rapid succession throughout my body.
5/26-5/27/2008 – REM sleep and lots of thought manipulation while I slept. Awoke w/o memory of what it was about.
5/28/2008 – Starting day off with grinding jaw. Continuous itching inside of right elbow, right ear, various places on scalp. Intense itch in right ear, but cannot scratch it. Pushing me to the edge of unconsciousness making work nearly impossible. Sensation in both temples. Hard to keep coherent thought and speech.
5/29/2008 – Hair gel seems to be a different consistency than before. Now instead of smooth and slick, it feels thick and more sticky when applying. At night, sleep deprivation, intense assault started as soon as I lay down. Lots of thought manipulation, fluffing.

6/1/2008 – Arms, legs, and hands ached all day, extreme fatigue. At night, low rhythmic frequency causing expansion and contraction of muscles in bed while I sleep. This is what is having a particularly harsh affect on hands and joints.
6/2/2008 – Headache this morning.
6/7/2008 – Torture becoming different. New class of highly intense and more focused sensations, still targeting genitals, face. Also intense pain in hands and arms.
6/8/2008 – Sleep deprivation. More intense active stimulation keeping me alert and from sleep.
6/9/2008 – Lots of facial manipulation, pursing of lips, more jaw movement. I feel fuzzy faint vibrating stimulation rotating around my mouth in my lips. At night, eye manipulation coming from stimulation/ELF between eyes. More sleep deprivation, intense vibration through core and chest and groin. Mental stimulation. Beams slicing through me from different angles.
6/16/2008 – Intense head vibe through back of head at lunch causing discomfort, tremoring. Again, pushed to edge of unconsciousness, breaking concentration and ability to work, feeling of pressure through brain and around skull.
6/17/2008 – Pushed to edge of unconsciousness again and again. Vibration coming up left leg.
6/18/2008 – Again, vibration coming up left leg. Origin feels like left ankle. Continued off an on through day.
6/20/2008 – Grinding jaw all day.
6/21/2008 – Severe migraine throughout day, grinding jaw, IBS. Rob’s dad’s funeral. Migraine to point of nausea and vomiting.
6/23-6/26/2008 – Deep fatigue, falling asleep repeatedly. Continued overwhelming fatigue, mental shut down. Pushed to edge of consciousness, eyes fluttering, severe IBS.
6/27/2008 – Symptoms of nausea, severe fatigue, heavy chest with anxiety.
6/29/2008 – Sleep deprivation. As soon as I lay down, hit with high frequency. Feels like it’s from external source, coming up from angle at foot of bed, through legs and torso, another coming from different angle targeting head. Mind kept in very active state and joints not aching, but uncomfortable all over body. I found myself writhing and rolling back and forth trying to find comfortable position and place to sleep.
6/30/2008 – Head tremors.

7/10/2008 – Starting day with fatigue and lots of eye manipulation compounding work difficulty. Eyes in and out of focus and bouncing around, head tremoring. Pursing lips, facial manipulation in afternoon. Nighttime sleep deprivation, mental stimulation started as soon as I got in bed.
7/11/2008 – Difficulty concentrating today. It seems I’m easily distracted by outside noise. Usually, I have no trouble working to loud music but now cannot even work to soft music or with noise around me.
7/13/2008 – Sleep deprivation. Kept in active mental state and bouncing between REM and awake all night (1 a.m. to 6 a.m.) Continuous though manipulation. My thoughts were continually led and or completed by someone else.
7/21/2008 – Head tremors, floating eyes, fatigue, pain in right wrist, inability to concentrate, stinging buzzing in tip of penis, jaw manipulation.
7/22/2008 – Facial manipulation, heart pings, head buzzing, headaches, frontal lobe tingling. REM sleep again all night. System check on penis-5 – 6 rapid stinging pings in different locations all on my penis.
7/23/2008 – Second morning in a row that I didn’t wake to my alarm. Heather woke me. Fatigue, tired all day, steady oppressive transmission through brain most of day. Lots of eye manipulation, eyes floating, going in and out of focus, manipulation of jaw and mouth. Uncomfortable squelch or high frequency in right ear while priming deck ceiling.
7/24/2008 – Whole bottom side of penis is numb. Head tremors and facial manipulation already in morning, pain in head during shower. Mid morning, more high frequency in right ear. Night, kept in REM sleep while constantly assaulted by alternating frequencies making all muscles relax and contract repeatedly.
7/25/2008 – Awoke exhausted.
7/28/2008 – Facial manipulation, uncomfortable transmissions through head. Head tremors. Back of head is sore on surface, but I haven’t hit it on anything. Severe IBS.
7/29/2008 – Evening, continuous high intensity frequencies throughout night.
7/30/2008 – Jaw manipulation, severe IBS.
7/31/2008 – Jaw manipulation, constant uncomfortable feeling of pressure inside my cranium. Afternoon, vortex pulse directed at torso while in cubicle at UPS.

8/1/2008 – Pinging in both elbows making arms jump.
8/3/2008 – Lot of focus lately on not being able to pee. Much more difficult now. Stronger frequencies controlling muscles. Night: Sleep deprivation, kept in REM state, lots of thought manipulation. Awoke aroused again. IBS even while trying to sleep or asleep.
8/4/2008 – Feeling on underside of penis is back. Frequency through chest like having trouble breathing. Similar frequency through throat causing feeling of anxiety.
8/6/2008 – More intense mental discomfort caused by frequencies in head, tremors. Night, sleep deprivation, REM state, very light sleep. Ongoing assaults while I slept.
8/7/2008 – More intense mental discomfort caused by frequencies in head, tremors. Right index finger pings making my finger jump repeatedly while trying to use mouse at work.
8/11/2008 – Intense assaults through lunch. Head bobbing, eye manipulation, general entire body and mind physical discomfort. Severe back fatigue, pain. Sleep deprivation, full body assault, lots of facial manipulation, jaw opening, trembling lips, penile stimulation, REM sleep.
8/12/2008 – Felt like I had caustic inhalant in my car after work. I coughed and choked. Chest hurt all evening, feels raw.
8/13/2008 – Severe IBS through work meeting. Lungs still sore today, coughing, really foul breath. In bed, middle of back targeted.
8/14/2008 – Burning headache in frontal lobe. Severe state of mental and physical discomfort, severe head tremors, facial manipulation, really bad breath and IBS still. Trembling hands as well.
8/16/2008 – Deep tissue pain and fatigue in right bicep, additional pain and feeling of strain in left upper arm despite not working out. In bed, head and upper body assaults, working my hands over like they did my knees. Feel arthritic and weak.
8/17/2008 – IBS in church. Very oppressive feeling in chest, difficulty breathing. Back targeted from right side of mattress.
8/18/2008 – Starting today with severe head tremors. Very oppressive feeling in chest all day with trouble breathing. Entire body worked over while I slept. Chest pains, fingers all very sore, entire body fatigued.
8/19/2008 – Severe head tremors. IBS. Oppressive feeling in chest again like anxiety. Mouth corners involuntarily turning down. High pitched frequencies in my ears.
8/20/2008 – Experiencing acute intense jolts of pain in various points. Night, full all over body assault. Thursday morning, shoulders and fingers very arthritic feeling, head tremors.
8/21/2008 – Severe all over fatigue and aching. Sensation in groin and privates is like spinal block. I still have feeling, but in entire area, I feel same frequency that seems to negate all other feeling. Spinal block implants could be reason for all over intense torso vibrations.
8/25/2008 – Sore areas all over top and right of head. Intense stupefying fatigue in afternoon, respiratory suppression. Lots of thought manipulation at night, REM sleep, hands very sore upon waking.
8/26/2008 – Head tremors, general state of discomfort through head. High frequency interrupting my nervous system. Afternoon, intense stupefying fatigue, drilling sensation in both temples. Lots of eye manipulation. Very severe IBS all day long. Again, respiratory system suppression.

9/4/2008 – Awoke to frequencies putting me back to sleep. New voice transmission more audible like headphones, but kept breaking up.
9/5/2008 – Awoke to burning sensation all through head.
9/7/2008 – New muscle manipulation, pings in left cheek like mild electric shock causing muscle to contact visibly. Nighttime, sleep deprivation, kept in REM state or no sleep at night, verbal hazing, worked over head to toe.
9/8/2008 – Again, worked over extensively through night. Projected frequencies moving up and down body while in bed.
9/11/2008 – Severe physical and mental discomfort most of day, head tremors, facial manipulation. Night, severe head tremors and IBS while in Rider’s Edge course.
9/12/2008 – Severe head tremors and IBS while in Rider’s Edge course.
9/13/2008 – Lucid dream of alien attacking me while I worked at hotel. I kept shooting and shooting, but it kept coming. Conscious of thought manipulation to create scenario.
9/15/2008 – Very very severe IBS, facial manipulation, head tremors.
9/16/2008 – Awoke at 1:15 a.m. with groin being assaulted. Lucid dream of barn, lots of thought manipulation. Both shoulders very tired next morning.
9/22/2008 – Stupefying fatigue in afternoon. Nighttime, worked over, awoke tired, uncomfortable vibration through back and legs, feeling of spinal block again. Can’t move away from the sensation because it feels like it’s coming from one spot along my spine.
9/23/2008 – Lots of jaw manipulation, severe head tremors, stupefying fatigue.
9/25/2008 – Overwhelming fatigue, inability to think and concentrate; severe head tremors. All over body assault through night. Thought manipulation and sleep deprivation.
9/29/2008 – Sleep deprivation, awaken frequently throughout night. Lots of thought and dream manipulation.
9/30/2008 – Tuesday, awoke with whole head burning, lasted throughout morning, jaw manipulation, head tremors, mid-morning: feeling of anxiety in chest lasting throughout evening. Constant state of great mental and physical discomfort throughout day. New facial tic in right upper lip. Lots of jaw and facial manipulation during work related meeting.

10/1/2008 – Sensation in chest causing feeling of anxiety morning to evening, lots of facial manipulation.
10/2/2008 – Head tremors, more facial manipulation.
10/3/2008 – Migrating pains in head, temple area, back of head. Moderate pain.
10/5/2008 – Lot of thought manipulation while I slept. Another dream where something is close, but unattainable. In dream, I kept meeting and coming close to different women, only to be steered away each time by homosexual trying to befriend me.
10/6/2008 – Head tremors and jaw manipulation. Overwhelming fatigue in morning and throughout most of day. Feel waves rolling through my head. Hard to focus, concentrate, stay awake. Again, worked over at night. Lot of dream manipulation.
10/7/2008 – Ability to urinate restricted again. Itch deep down in right ear throughout day. Again, lot of thought manipulation in dreams and REM sleep, but I cannot recall scenarios.
10/8/2008 – Ability to urinate restricted again. Itch in right ear again. Very tired feeling. Muscles tired all over body. Difficulty concentrating.
10/9/2008 – Ability to urinate restricted again. Jaw manipulation. Steady buzz through head all day disrupting thoughts and causing continuous state of discomfort. Light head tremors. IBS all day. Hand tremors.
10/10/2008 – Suspect chemical castration again. Severe head tremors, loss of balance most of day.
10/13/2008 – Inhibiting ability to urinate again. Tremors, IBS, severe fatigue in afternoon.
10/14/2008 – Inhibiting ability to urinate again. Awoke to directed energy through middle of back and chest, knees aching, tired all over, but no head tremors. Intense itch/tickle though middle of penis, however, completely numb from middle to end.
10/17/2008 – Overwhelming fatigue, close to unconsciousness throughout morning and afternoon at work.
10/19/2008 – Really fuzzy hangover feeling.
10/20/2008 – Awoke again with really fuzzy hangover feeling. Overwhelming fatigue in morning.
10/21/2008 – Overwhelming fatigue throughout day.
10/22/2008 – Getting feeling again in penis, but now have new sensation-frequency negating muscle control and sensation throughout torso. Also unpleasant short bursts through head and torso. Severe IBS all day and into evening.
10/23/2008 – No erection since 10/10. Severe torture last night with lots of thought manipulation. Awoke fuzzy again. Skin on left side of head very sensitive, red. Lots of jaw manipulation already this morning.
10/24/2008 – Lots of jaw manipulation. Eyes glassy, skin sensitivity again. Head trembling.
10/25/2008 – Awoke again to completely numb penis. Can get erection but can’t feel anything. Also, head feels burned again. IBS throughout day, eye manipulation, head tremors, vibrating through lips and face. General feeling of discomfort and unease. Very severe disruption of nervous system in evening. Tremors, shakiness all over, great discomfort and physical stress through happy hour with friend. Once home, knocked out on couch.
10/28/2008 – Awoke to head tremors. Burned feeling in head turned on in mid afternoon. Continuous state of great physical stress and mental angst.
10/30/2008 – Burned feeling throughout day. Constant state of mental discomfort, tremors, difficulty thinking clearly.
10/31/2008 – Strong transmissions interrupting thought, bad head tremors, great physical and mental discomfort, powerful waves and pulses coming through front of face from back of head. Severe IBS.

11/02/2008 – Another home invasion? Awoke Monday morning with sore in top of mouth right behind teeth and in bottom lip. I think large gauge hypodermic was used. See notes on 11/5/08.
11/3/2008 – Assault in bed began as soon as I laid down.
11/4/2008 – Burned feeling in head all day.
11/5/2008 – Burned feeling in head all day. New transmission. Very strong, intense transmission through middle of head. Much more powerful than previously experienced but doesn’t seem to interfere with thought or nervous system. 2:00 a.m. after getting up for restroom.
11/6/2008 – Lunch with colleagues. Facial manipulation, eyes manipulated, severe IBS.
11/10/2008 – Severe torture throughout night. Aches and pains everywhere. Migrating headaches throughout the day. Severe IBS all day, but primarily in afternoon. Also sleep/fatigue induced in afternoon.
11/11/2008 – Fatigue, sleepiness, facial manipulation. Night, intense piercing high frequency going through head for approx. 30 minutes.
11/12/2008 – Jabs of pain randomly in various muscles throughout body. Legs, arms, shoulders, chest, legs…
11/13/2008 – Chest tightness all day. Migrating deep muscle pains.
11/15/2008 – Awoke at 5:00 a.m. to give Jack breathing treatment. Then at 9:00, back was total mess. It was more than my back being out. Complete muscle fatigue throughout back, shoulders, lower back.
11/17/2008 – Sleep deprivation. Kept in light alert very mentally active state by high frequency.
11/18/2008 – Feeling of pressure within my head all day. More prominent in front and top of head and disrupting thought.
11/20/2008 – Awoke to targeting in base of skull and penile stimulation.
11/24/2008 – Disruption of thought throughout morning and early afternoon. Nighttime all over blanket assault.
11/25/2008 – Migrating head pains. Left, right, left, occasional high-pitched frequency in ears. Afternoon, severe IBS, frequencies disrupting thoughts. Bitchy agents today. Feel light burning sensation on both sides of head and through middle of head. Sensation causing distraction or inability to focus. Discomfort.
11/26/2008 – Worked over pretty good last night. Hands and arms very sore and tired. Could feel residual vibrations going through me for 10 minutes after I got up, similar to feeling of being on a boat when back on land. Lots of head tremoring and facial manipulation this morning already by 8:15. Afternoon, right side of head is very tender in spots. Primarily approx. 1” above and 1” in front of ear.
11/27/2008 – Heart, chest pains throughout day. Burning through brain. Happy Thanksgiving.
11/29/2008 – Worked over last night. Very sore and tired all over.
11/30/2008 – Worked over. Very sore and tired all over. Mental agitation, burning in brain.

12/2/2008 – Core of penis is still numb.
12/3/2008 – Deep intense heavy feeling in head all day, like sandbag on my head, right ear crackling.
12/4/2008 – Migrating headaches, IBS, tremors. Lot of facial manipulation, head tremoring, IBS through Mom’s visit. New facial tic in my right eyebrow. New frequency causing sensation of itching all over. Tremendous physical discomfort, writhing around to try to get comfortable while in bed.
12/5/2008 – Worked over and left feeling tired and exhausted. All muscles tired and weak.
12/8/2008 – IBS, lot of eye manipulation artificially causing fatigue, sleepiness, difficulty working. Knocked out as soon as I tried just lying in bed. Repeatedly, I am put to sleep when trying to just lie in bed thinking.
12/9/2008 – 8:00 Awoke to all over blanketed ELF assault. When returned to bed after bathroom, switched to very discomforting frequency. Starting off day with lots of jaw manipulation, general physical discomfort through head. Light burning sensation in brain, lots of facial manipulation, disruption of balance, head tremors and unsteadiness. Difficulty typing, not because of swollen hands. Just can’t type. Headache when going to bed.
12/10/2008 – Different headache this morning. Core of penis still numb. Lots of jaw manipulation. Severe IBS and intense state of mental discomfort all throughout day. Quit when I got home. Evening-brief blast while on upstairs toilet of same frequency that caused itching and writhing in bed.
12/11/2008 – Dizziness, lightheaded, followed by stupefying fatigue. Difficult to think or focus.
12/13/2008 – Dreams manipulated. Impersonation and personification of Dad and Mom manipulating my thoughts.
12/14/2008 – Headache all day long. Doesn’t matter how much Tylenol or ibuprophen I take. It intensifies and moves around.
12/15/2008 – Again, headache all day despite taking ibuprophen, Tylenol. This one in forehead and right eye.
12/16/2008 – Headache pains again this morning. Penis completely numbed again to the point that I can’t feel myself urinate. I had most of feeling back yesterday. Also rectum area void of feeling. I now think this is long-term contributor to IBS. Lots of facial manipulation all day. Jaw, lips, facial muscles.
12/17/2008 – Beginning day with lots of facial manipulation and jaw involuntarily opening. Again, lots of facial manipulation, severe head trembling all day.
12/18/2008 – Severe tremors, lots of facial manipulation, new forms of facial manipulation, lips trembling, mouth expression, left-side mouth droop.
12/19/2008 – Chest pains, discomfort. Jaw manipulation, IBS, pulsations through groin and lower stomach throughout day.
12/22/2008 – Awoke to all over light frequency and sore and tired all over. Beginning day with assaults on eyes. Blurred vision, irritation, new vibration in tip of nose. Night sleep deprivation. I lay on my left side, I get heart assaults. I lay on my right side with my back to my wife, I get IBS. I flip flopped repeatedly until I finally got to sleep.
12/23/2008 – IBS, feeling of need to urinate, but cannot go. Lot of thought manipulation while I slept.
12/24/2008 – Feels like I was numbed again last night. If Botox, continued injections may become permanent.
12/29/2008 – Numb again. Can’t feel anything below first inch. Jaw manipulation in afternoon. Evening, IBS, tremors, facial tics. Sensation from base of skull causing fatigue, discomfort, disruption of thought while trying to build Web site.
12/30/2008 – Head tremors, jaw manipulation, face flush most of day, general discomfort again in base of skull. Pushed to point of almost unconsciousness, loss of balance, bouncing off walls for balance when trying to go to bed.

Tuesday, 1/2/2007 Continuous assaults all day causing IBS, interruption of thoughts. Head tremors, intense assault through dinner at Cheesecake Factory. Loss of concentration.
Wednesday, 1/3/2007 Head tremors at work today. Obvious enough that I can see people’s responses. Assault throughout night. I awoke several times to vibrations through back and head.
Thursday, 1/4/2007 – Intense assaults all day. Eye activity, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision, head tremors, pain all day long.
Friday, 1/5/2007 – Head tremors and blurred vision, unbalanced. Less severe than yesterday so far.
Sunday, 1/7/2007 – Head buzzed all day. Work on amplifying my emotions. Sensitive to sound, easy to anger all afternoon and evening.
Monday, 1/8/2007 – My son awoke many times throughout night. I awoke to intense pulsed ELFs several times coming from within head and back.
Wednesday, 1/10/2007 – Fatigue all day, inability to concentrate. Worked over intensely all night. Awoke to headache and extreme fatigue everywhere, but in torso in particular.
Sunday, 1/14/2007 – Continued buzzing in forehead region in brain all afternoon and evening. When trying to sleep, continuous buzzing in back of head around base of skull.
Monday, 1/15/2007 – Now continuous light buzzing throughout head disrupting thoughts. High pitched squeals in ears.
Tuesday, 1/16/2007 – Eye manipulation, turning both eyes far outside at same time. In evening, continuous high frequency for hour in head disrupting thought processes. Also, eye manipulation while trying to work.
Wednesday, 1/17/2007 – Continued buzzing in head making thought more difficult. General level of discomfort and head tremors.
Saturday, 1/20/2007 – Headache throughout most of day. Constant drilling sensation coming from top of head.
Sunday, 1/21/2007 – Headache again all day. Even after 5 Tylenol. This one different. General ache instead of focused sensation.
Monday, 1/29/2007 – Woke up with both nostrils bloody. Difficulty focusing eyes all day. Head buzzing making concentration difficult. Severe IBS all day.
Tuesday, 1/30/2007 – My son awoke several times last night. Drilling in my head, chest. Headache upon awakening.
Wednesday, 1/31/2007 – Lots of eye manipulation. Eyes floating outward and inability to focus.

Thursday, 2/1/2007 – High pitched squeals in ears, IBS all day. Lots of eye manipulation.
Friday, 2/2/2007 – Tingling at base of skull, head tremors, interruption of thoughts with very high frequencies, more eye manipulation today.
Monday, 2/5/2007 – IBS throughout day, head pains, tremors, lack of balance.
Friday, 2/9/2007 – Went to WB. No return phone call.
Sunday, 2/11/2007 – Fatigue all over. Head tremors. Sore arms.
Monday, 2/12/2007 – REM sleep most of night. Active thought manipulation.
Tuesday, 2/13/2007 – IBS all day. Head tremors. REM sleep most of night. Active thought manipulation.
Wednesday, 2/14/2007 – IBS all day. Lots of head tremors, great discomfort.
Thursday, 2/15/2007 – Awoke at 4:00 a.m. to use bathroom. Strong pulsed vibration through left foot and into left arm. I lied back down to continuous rapid pulse vibration through chest. Random spikes of pain through head, IBS all morning.
Friday, 2/16/2007 – REM sleep all night.
Saturday, 2/17/2007 – Awoke completely exhausted. Entire body fatigued, lethargic, no energy. REM sleep again all night.
Sunday, 2/18/2007 – REM sleep again all night. Active thought manipulation.
Monday, 2/19/2007 – Trouble talking all day. High frequency running through head all day. Sleep deprivation. Lots of thought manipulation.
Thursday, 2/22/2007 – Head tremors, IBS.
Friday, 2/23/2007 – Fatigue and pain in arms. Head tremors and IBS all day.
Saturday, 2/24/2007 – Sleep deprivation over weekend. Constant REM activity and thought manipulation during sleep. Awoke tired, uncoordinated, sore all over, not well rested.
Sunday, 2/25/2007 – IBS, chest pains also.
Sunday-Monday, 2/25/2007-2/26/2007 – Awoke to lulling sensations making it difficult to get up and stay up. Trouble with balance, stiff and sore, IBS all day, pain directly in heart.
Tuesday, 2/27/2007 – Pulsed pain in left side of head near temple throughout afternoon. Called AP 404-522-8971, fax 404-524-4639, referred to Barry Bedlan.
Wednesday, 2/28/2007 – Spoke to Barry Bedlan, news editor at AP.

Thursday, 3/1/2007 – Emailed pics and Larson report to Barry Bedlan.
Saturday, 3/3/2007 – Throughout day, I found myself frequently walking into another room to get something and forgetting what I went there for. Also not able to think of names of things or songs that come to mind.
Sunday, 3/4/2007 – Chest pains throughout day. IBS all day.
Monday, 3/5/2007 – Head tremors, IBS all day today. Feel general uneasiness from frequencies in head, hand tremors from neck sensations, probably retaliation from trying to contact AP. Woke to vibration through entire chest. Lots of eye manipulation while trying to read documents at work.
Tuesday, 3/6/2007 – Worked over all night. Sleep deprivation, very tired today with trouble focusing mentally. Can’t focus my eyes all day.
Wednesday, 3/7/2007 – Starting off day with bad head tremors. Will try to draft letter to Barry Bedlan tonight. Severe IBS all day.
Friday, 3/9/2007 – Piercing squeals in ears. Mostly right side.
Monday, 3/12/2007 – Awoke to rapid pulsed vibe through head. Went to bathroom. Came back to bed. Rapid pulsed vibration now focused on torso. I ran hand between me and bed to see where it’s coming from-sometimes me, sometimes from bed. Pulses made my fingers twitch uncontrollably from involuntary contracting muscles. Heart and chest pains throughout day.
Wednesday, 3/14/2007 – Left arm twitching from shoulder down all morning. Twitches come like a ping every 10-20 seconds. IBS.
Thursday, 3/15/2007 – Head tremors. IBS.
Monday, 3/19/2007 – All day fatigued. Buzzing in head. Great difficulty concentrating or thinking. Bad IBS all day. REM sleep, thought manipulation. Awoke to stimulation of groin area.
Tuesday, 3/20/2007 – Bad head tremors. REM sleep and lots of thought manipulation. Awoke exhausted and weak.
Wednesday, 3/21/2007 – Kept in REM sleep all night until right before time for alarm. Then allowed to sleep deeply. Violent dreams.
Friday, 3/23/2007 – Fax sent to Barry Bedlan at AP.
Saturday, 3/24/2007 – Worked over all over. Awoke Sunday stiff and sore everywhere. Very tired throughout day.
Sunday, 3/25/2007 – REM sleep. Lots of thought manipulation but couldn’t distinctly remember anything upon awakening. Targeting of groin stimulation again.
Monday, 3/26/2007 – High frequencies interrupting thought. High pitched squeals causing discomfort.
Wednesday, 3/28/2007 – 5:00-8:30 p.m., severe discomfort, burning tingling sensation throughout head. Head tremors, balance problems, quick to anger.
Thursday, 3/29/2007 – Throughout night, vivid dreams of pleasant things alternating with bad things. Home intrusion, violence. Kept in REM sleep throughout night. Wife said I came to bed early in the morning, but I can’t recall ever getting out of bed.

Sunday, 4/1/2007 – Chest pains and stomach pains throughout day. Intermittent pains through head from different angles.
Monday, 4/2/2007 – Started this morning with chest pains, intermittent pains through head. General haziness with difficulty thinking coherently.
Tuesday, 4/3/2007 – Severe head tremors, great feeling of discomfort, burning through my entire head.
Wednesday, 4/4/2007 – Awoke to burning, lack of balance again intense.
Thursday, 4/5/2007 – Getting worked over today. Tremors much worse and head tremors even when I’m not moving around. I feel pulses coming from around neck and base of skull in quick succession.
Sunday, 4/8/2007 – Intense headache all day. Tylenol and ibuprophen didn’t help.
Monday, 4/9/2007 – Start day with head tremors, but at least I feel like I slept fairly well.
Tuesday, 4/10/2007 – Strobe through mid-back. Lightheaded and dizzy all morning. Feel light pulses coming through eyes. Eyes going in and out of focus.
Wednesday, 4/11/2007 – Off balance. Bad head tremors and occasional pains in legs, head.
Sunday, 4/15/2007 – Worked all over. Tired all over. Bad head tremors through day.
Monday, 4/16/2007 – Worked over again throughout night. Great difficulty getting to sleep. REM activity all night. Awoke tired. Chest pains and discomfort throughout morning. Head tremors.
Tuesday, 4/17/2007 – Chest pains, discomfort, continuous pulse in right leg near front pocket. Continuous head buzz as if hung over, eyes going in and out of focus.
Monday, 4/23/2007 – Worked over all night. Awoke Tuesday very tired and muscles very weak. Even my son is hard to lift today.
Wednesday, 4/25/2007 – Stayed up late last night. Throughout day, eyes fluttering, difficulty working.
Thursday, 4/26/2007 – Seven hours sleep. Awoke to assaults again. Head tremors throughout afternoon and evening, IBS with meetings.
Sunday, 4/29/2007 – Kept in REM sleep all night. Much thought manipulation from as soon as I started to try to sleep until I awoke in morning.
Monday, 4/30/2007 – Itching right heel. Pressure between eyes all day long growing to headache in evening. Night spent getting assaulted by Godless cowards and ELF waves. Awoke shaky, tired all over. Feet feel arthritic.

Tuesday, 5/1/2007 – Night same as last night. Worse head tremors this morning. Occasional pain jabs.
Wednesday, 5/2/2007 – Not as intense ELFs last night sleeping in guestroom. Seem to be from external sources rather than mattress. I could feel them being directed and moving from feet up legs.
Thursday, 5/3/2007 – Continuous assault throughout morning. Bad head tremors.
Friday, 5/4/2007 – Bought heavy bag last night. Began day with shortness of breath, chest pains, floating eyes, eyes going in and out of focus, head tremors, sickening and painful pulses through head. Whenever I start working out, they try to break me down more.
Saturday, 5/5/2007 – Began to write my novel. Note, it’s been hard to get anywhere with any long-term projects because of severity of assaults and disruption of my life.
Sunday, 5/6/2007 – Hung over and now facing more severe attacks. Severe head pain, head tremors, vibrations in middle of chest. Severity of torture usually increases when hung over or when not feeling good. Kept awake. Assault started as soon as I went to bed. Awoke to continuous pulsed ELFs. Chest hurts. Heart feels like it was worked over last night or being assaulted now.
Monday, 5/7/2007 – Soft steady ELF lulling me into sleepiness and making it harder to stay focused and concentrate. I feel it through my eyes. Intense IBS. Fluttering eyes throughout afternoon and eyes continually going in and out of focus. Continued through entire drive home.
Tuesday, 5/8/2007 – Lighter today, but I feel as if I was worked over while I slept. Awoke stiff and sore. Intense chest pain and head buzz while I sat at lunch working on book notes. Intense IBS to the point of fatigue all evening.
Wednesday, 5/9/2007 – Awoke with back stiff and sore. Assaults started as soon as I went to bed and continued as I tried to sleep later in the morning. I ran my hand over the mattress and felt tiny pulses coming from everywhere. Muscles contract, relax, contract, relax. After fatigue in back wears off, I’m left with unpleasant tingling through head as if I’ve been cooked again.
Thursday, 5/10/2007 – Woke up to vibration in head of my penis. Turned to chest pains by time I was in shower, then head tremors and unpleasant head sensations and pain on drive to work. Severe IBS during day, eye manipulation, severe head tremors, face tics all day long.
Friday, 5/11/2007 – Intense vibration all throughout upper torso. Felt like it would vibrate a quarter off of my chest. Head tremors throughout day, gas, IBS.
Monday, 5/14/2007 – Torturing continuing throughout every day, differing in action and severity, but does not cease. Targeted areas change-head, heart, eyes, muscle groups (pain, twitches and spasms, colon spasms, etc.).
Tuesday, 5/15/2007 – Really bloody stools, continuous IBS. At night, kept in REM sleep with much thought manipulation.
Wednesday, 5/16/2007 – Start day with stimulation in penis alternating with burning, uncomfortable sensation also in head of penis. Makes me feel I constantly have to urinate, but then can’t. Throughout morning, intense, dizzying, nauseating and painful stimulation in head.
Sunday, 5/20/2007 – REM sleep. Lots of muscle manipulation. Awoke in a.m. with poor balance, fatigue.
Monday, 5/21/2007 – Sensation in center of forehead, continuous assault on eyes, making it very difficult to focus eyes and stay alert.
Tuesday, 5/22/2007 – High frequency through head all morning making it difficult to focus and keep train of thought. Went to sleep to tingling whole body assault. Awoke to same, but more intense. All night long, all of my muscles continually relax and contract. Awoke exhausted, tired all over. Joints feel arthritic.
Wednesday, 5/23/2007 – Since early afternoon, intense buzzing through head leading not to pain, but great discomfort, tunnel vision, head tremors. Continued and intensified until approx. 10:00 p.m. leaving me exhausted.
Monday, 5/28/2007 – I feel like most of the day was stolen from me. Deep rhythmic pulses through my head emanating from center of forehead causing overwhelming fatigue. I slept through better part of the day. Nighttime difficult to sleep. Kept in an agitated state and REM sleep. Again lulled to sleep when trying to awake.
Tuesday, 5/29/2007 – Head tremors, head pains, vibrations through left foot, severe IBS all throughout day.

Tuesday, 6/5/2007 – Head tremors throughout morning. Euphoric dizziness all day.
Wednesday, 6/6/2007 – Awoke to intense vibration through torso and back.
Tuesday, 6/12/2007 – Exhaustion and fatigue, intense drilling in temples to point of nausea all afternoon. Stew called and talked a while. I told him about implants.
Wednesday, 6/13/2007 – Headaches and discomfort around temples throughout evening and into early morning Thursday.
Thursday, 6/14/2007 – Awoke to erection and vibration through head of penis. I often think I’m having thoughts manipulated and then awake to a favorite song running in my head to forget what I was made to think. This morning’s song was Dave Mathews Band “Crash.” Some pain and discomfort in temples throughout afternoon. Assault on eyes and temples making concentration and focus difficult.
Saturday, 6/16/2007 – Awoke stiff and sore with all joints hurting. Lethargic all day. Euphoric head buzz all day.
Monday, 6/18/2007 – Awoke to head tremors, sore hands, vibration in penis and groin. Vibration lasted through shower. Also feeling higher frequency through head interrupting train of thought and causing steady mild to medium discomfort.
Tuesday, 6/19/2007 – Another shitty night sleep on shitty mattress. Awoke to severe lack of balance, head tremors, floating eyes, penile stimulation throughout day, IBS, wall-eyed appearance, head tremors.
Sunday, 6/24/2007 – Intense vibration through stomach. Frequencies to greatly enhance levels of discomfort and severity of hangover.
Tuesday, 6/26/2007 – Eyes manipulated all morning. Difficulty focusing, keeping on target. Feel light frequencies through eyelids. Eyes fluttering, euphoria, stomach queasiness throughout afternoon. Extreme fatigue – hard to keep eyes focused and open.
Wednesday, 6/27/2007 – Bad head tremors. More extreme fatigue. Very difficult to keep from nodding off. Worked over all night. Every muscle tired this morning. Very achy and unsteady.
Saturday, 6/30/2007 – Couldn’t sleep most of night.

Sunday, 7/1/2007 – Worked over all night. Awoke sore all over, sides, joints, torso, arms.
Thursday, 7/5/2007 – All throughout morning, extreme fatigue, eyes fluttering, unable to concentrate, high frequency in head causing interruption of thought, hand tremors. 3rd day this week at work like this.
Saturday, 7/14/2007 – Left eye moving around independently while in bathroom.
Monday, 7/16/2007 – Torture starting to really intensify in severity, length of assaults, use of multiple methods.
Wednesday, 7/18/2007 – Intense head tremors and eye manipulation throughout morning/early afternoon. Continuous great feeling of discomfort in head.
Thursday, 7/19/2007 – Intense IBS, head tremors in morning and through HOA meeting.
Saturday, 7/21/2007 – Awoke to entire left side hurting-every point my skin was in contact with the mattress.
Sunday, 7/22/2007 – Same treatment all day seeming to rob me of feeling of happiness, leaving me more antisocial and quick to anger. Chest pains also all day. Heart discomfort.
Monday, 7/23/2007 – All morning, balance off, more intense thought disrupting frequency through head making thought difficult and work almost impossible. Very unproductive. Can’t focus eyes. At night, frequency in mattress not just off and on; relax and contract. They are now rapidly staged in increasing intensity and then off in 5 pulses every second to second and a half.


Tuesday, 7/24/2007 – Severe head tremors and IBS all day. Rotated mattress. Now worst is in center of my back causing imbalance.
Thursday, 7/26/2007 – Awoke to vibrations all through bed, burning and stinging pain in tip of penis, pain moving around outside of head while driving to work.
Monday, 7/30/2007 – Called Dr. Thomas Holmes office. Very severe IBS all day.
Tuesday, 7/31/2007 – Severe IBS all day.

Wednesday, 8/1/2007 – Severe IBS, assaults on eyes, difficult to focus eyes. Eyes fluttering constantly.
Wednesday, 8/8/2007 – Physical fatigue throughout day. Eyes fluttering and manipulation to compound exhaustion. Continuous verbal hazing, IBS.
Sunday, 8/12/2007 – REM sleep, thought and dream manipulation.
Monday, 8/13/2007 – Continuous distraction and disruption from work all day long. Either IBS of intense fatigue and difficulty staying alert and focused.
Tuesday, 8/14/2007 – Severe IBS throughout day. Head tremors, overwhelming fatigue. Continuous discomfort in head and loss of balance. I can feel rapidly pulsed vibration when I put my hand on back of my neck.
Tuesday, 8/21/2007 – Caustic inhalant in my car.
Thursday, 8/23/2007 – Fatigue in morning. Caustic inhalant in car again in afternoon.
Friday, 8/24/2007 – Called neurologist.
Wednesday, 8/29/2007 – Muscle spasms in leg like larger strong jolt of electricity. At night, more intense larger vibration all through legs in early morning Thurs.
Thursday, 8/30/2007 – Head tremors, headaches, discomfort in center of forehead.

Tuesday, 9/11/2007 – Eyes floating and trouble focusing. Severe head tremors and IBS all afternoon. General discomfort in head and difficulty focusing and thinking.
Sunday, 9/16/2007 – Continuous spasms in left shoulder.
Monday, 9/17/2007 – Head tremors, IBS, sharp stabbing pain below left armpit in rib cage. Awaken at 12:30 a.m. sharp.
Tuesday, 9/18/2007 – New stinging like in left rib cage, but in left side of penis. Feels like electric shock. Severe head and brain assaults throughout afternoon affecting vision, ability to think. Bad tremoring.
Wednesday, 9/19/2007 – Throughout morning, accelerated thought turning to burning sensation all through head. Concentration difficult. Assaulted continuously through night. Awoke aching all over side in contact with mattress. Heart and chest pains.
Sunday, 9/23/2007 – Lots of eye manipulation while working on guestroom. Extreme fatigue most of day. Immediate assaults when I went to bed. Sleep deprivation throughout night. Rapid brain/thought activity.
Monday, 9/24/2007 – Worst night of torture for quite some time and second night in a row. High frequency from in head causing sleeplessness or REM state throughout night coupled with constant verbal barrage. In addition, worked over extensively with directed energy from an external source. Felt like constant flow of waves shooting through me and moving back and forth and up and down body.
Tuesday, 9/25/2007 – Extreme fatigue this morning coupled with eye assaults making eyes pulse in and out of focus, also intensifying fatigue. Head tremors, eyes floating all over.

Tuesday, 10/2/2007 – Dr. Alan Maloon, Neurologist.
Sunday, 10/7/2007 – IBS began as soon as we got home.
Monday, 10/8/2007 – Head buzz causing fatigue throughout day as well as continuous eye manipulation and loss of vision focus.
Tuesday, 10/9/2007 – Continuous head buzz causing general discomfort and loss of concentration. Severe IBS.
Wednesday, 10/10/2007 – Lightheaded and very dizzy all afternoon. Part of cause is right eye going in and out of focus while left eye floats back and forth.
Thursday, 10/11/2007 – Chest has burned all day as if I’ve inhaled something caustic. Glassy eyed today too and feel vibration through upper torso that seems to be suppressing my breathing.
Tuesday, 10/16/2007 – Active thought manipulation throughout night coupled with genital stimulation, sleep deprivation.
Wednesday, 10/17/2007 – Sickening intense wave frequency that disrupts thoughts, ability to concentrate. Head tremors and general feeling of disease.
Monday, 10/22/2007 – Dreamed of swimming with twin brother in a crystal clear reservoir. Awoke to greatly accelerated thought, head tremors, great discomfort and feeling of unease and anger. Moods being manipulated. Painful burning on both sides of chest.
Tuesday, 10/23/2007 – IBS all day. IBS at gymnastics. A guy turned and took my picture. He looked like same guy from Blue Ridge train ride.
Wednesday, 10/24/2007 – Another appt. with Dr. Maloon.

Thursday, 11/1/2007 – Continuing assaults daily, sleep deprivation, disorientation, head tremors, pin in different parts of head, eyes floating. Eyes out of focus, general fuzziness in head. At night, sharp pains in head and legs when thinking what they don’t want me to think about.
Friday, 11/2/2007 – Lightheaded and dizzy all the way to work. Migrating head pains.
Sunday, 11/4/2007 – Third of fourth night in a row that I was worked over while I slept, but probably worst of each night. Awoke Monday morning completely lethargic, no strength or energy. Migrating headache. Hard just to breathe deeply, discomfort in chest. IBS.
Wednesday, 11/7/2007 – Rapid pulsed high frequency keeping me in light REM sleep or awake and thinking rapidly while trying to go to bed and sleep, continuing upon waking in morning.
Friday, 11/9/2007 – Severe head assault again last night. Awoke feeling very fuzzy and disoriented. Feeling lasted for 2.5 hours. Through day and into evening, severe IBS, head tremors, great discomfort all through head, left eye pulsing in and out of focus. Both eyes floating all over. First day in a while that I have a lot of blood in stool again.
Wednesday, 11/14/2007 – Head tremors, continuous burning in frontal lobe and skin. High pitched squeal in ears throughout day. Continuous verbal assaults, IBS.
Friday, 11/16/2007 – Constant pulsing from base of skull, hand tremors, lack of balance, severe IBS, eyes out of focus.
Saturday, 11/24/2007 – Bruce Friddle came to visit while at parent’s house in Carthage.
Wednesday, 11/28/2007 – All day severe IBS, head tremors.
Thursday, 11/29/2007 – Throughout day, severe tremors, great discomfort in head, facial tics, IBS.

Monday, 12/3/2007 – Another visit with Dr. Maloon. I haven’t told him cause of all tremors, but he tested nerve transmission with electric impulses and they were normal.
Wednesday, 12/5/2007 – Fatigue, disorienting and exhausting vibes and eye manipulation. In afternoon, severe IBS, still grinding jaw, severe head tremors, constant need for bowel movement.
Sunday, 12/9/2007 – Sleep deprivation.
Monday, 12/10/2007 – Sleep deprivation, verbal hazing, bad head movements in morning. Not tremoring, more like jerks.
Tuesday, 12/11/2007 – Sleep deprivation again. Constant barrage of vibrations after awoken in middle of night.
Wednesday, 12/12/2007 – Extreme fatigue. Eyes targeted heavily to increase feeling of exhaustion, but not just eyes this time; oppressive heavy feeling over my entire head.
Thursday, 12/13/2007 – Chest pains while driving home and at home. Up late, but still suffered sleep deprivation when I went to bed. IBS, usual stuff, but also felt like external assaults swept up and down me like I was in a scanner.
Friday, 12/14/2007 – Awoke exhausted, skin tingling all over, teeth hurting. Muscles in chest and arms feel as if they have flexed repeatedly. No song of the day today.
Saturday, 12/15/2007 – Awoke to sequenced pulsed in back of skull from 5 points. They seem to scramble thoughts pretty well and keep me from sleeping longer.
Sunday, 12/16/2007 – Severe IBS throughout day. Constant need but unable to go.
Monday, 12/17/2007 – Awoke to pulsed vibration over entire body. Shaky. Mid-morning intense humming in frontal lobe causing severe fatigue coupled with eye manipulation. Severe IBS all day long and into evening. Bump on chin and two pimple like bumps on base of skull. Awoke at 3:30 a.m. to son crying for water. Head assaults. Whole brain feels like it’s burning. No deep sleep rest of night.
Tuesday, 12/18/2007 – When I awoke, I couldn’t sit up straight w/o rocking back and forth like Ray Charles. Intense fatigue. Chest and heart pings.
Wednesday, 12/19/2007 – Intense fatigue. Chest and heart pings.
Thursday, 12/20/2007 – Intense fatigue. Both head and eye manipulation. Very severe IBS. Chest and heart pings.
Friday, 12/21/2007 – Facial tics.
Monday, 12/24/2007 – Really intense migraine.
Tuesday, 12/25/2007 – Awoke to stabbing pain in neck. Very similar to headache. Felt like pencil jabbed in approx. 2.5”-3”.
Wednesday, 12/26/2007 – Slight headache, sensation making me quite uncomfortable and distracting from work. Sores on my head the other night it seems are from new implants and are not zits. Facial tics, grinding of jaw and pursing of lips. Severe IBS while trying to watch Bourne Ultimatum. Had to go every 15 minutes or so.
Thursday, 12/27/2007 – Strobes through eyes causing fatigue, loss of concentration, trouble focusing eyes and concentration.
Friday, 12/28/2007 – Pulsing through left eye causing loss of focus and concentration, fatigue.

Tuesday, 1/24/2006 – Fumes in my car.  I’m having trouble breathing.

Tuesday, 3/7/2006 – Blurred vision to point I can’t focus my eyes or work.
Thursday, 3/9/2006 – Mild headache in frontal lobe.  Strange feeling in chest and sinuses. IBS through meeting.
Tuesday, 3/14/2006 – Kept awake throughout last night. Woke up with clear sinuses and intense deep pain in sinuses, blood in left nostril.
Sat-Sun, 3/18-3/19/2006 – Varying degrees of physical manipulation throughout weekend including induced sleep, muscular pains, headaches, IBS, heart.
Tuesday, 3/21/2006 – Severe IBS.
Wednesday, 3/22/2006 – Severe IBS.
Thursday, 3/23/2006 – Trouble focusing my eyes for hours throughout day.
Monday, 3/27/2006 – Overwhelming fatigue in evening.
Tuesday, 3/28/2006 – Overwhelming fatigue in evening.
Wednesday, 3/29/2006 – Talked to Bruce, another suspected TI in Neosho.

Wednesday, 4/5/2006 – Left message for I-Team re: torture.
Thursday, 4/6/2006 – Left message for Mara Shalhoup at Creative Loafing.  Visited downtown ACLU office. No one was there.
Tuesday, 4/18/2006 – Tingling in joints, knees, sleep deprivation again.
Wednesday, 4/19/2006 – Eye focus, thought process interrupted. Sleep deprivation.
Thursday, 4/20/2006 – Vision and focus, facial tics.
Friday, 4/21/2006 – Focused assault through head. Both sides, nauseous feeling, burning, head tremors.
Monday, 4/24/2006 – Steak-out with Chris. Severe IBS through Mark Richt speech.
Fri-Sat, 4/29-4/30/2006 – Talladega weekend. New methods of torture being tested. Pulsed rapid vibrations through chest and deep rhythmic pulse through head that causes more head tremors. Sharp stab of pain through right elbow joint.

Tuesday, 5/2/2006 – Woke up with whole body pulsations. Head tremors all morning and throughout afternoon as well as IBS.
Thursday, 5/4/2006 – Lucid dreams. Directed energies stimulating genitals kept me in REM sleep most of week.
Friday, 5/5/2006 – IBS and head tremors throughout weekend.
Sunday, 5/7/2006 – Kept in active mental state most of the night. Did not sleep until 4 a.m.
Monday, 5/8/2006 – Head tremors, IBS, and ongoing interval stimulation in my head.
Tuesday, 5/9/2006 – More intense assault on head. Sleep deprivation.
Thursday, 5/11/2006 – Woke up feeling drunk. No balance and wobbly. Sinuses burning again and lungs tight. I’ve felt this way a few times in the morning as if I inhaled something caustic. Really rancid gas all day. Blood in sinuses.
Friday, 5/12/2006 – Put my story on eBay with $1,000,000 price to try to get attention. Woke up with more intense torture. Elevated emotions and anger. Pain from spot in forehead and right elbow.
Sunday, 5/14/2006 – Lucid dreams of Talladega. Awakened at 3:15 with gas and heartburn. Woke up this morning and spent morning with drilling in and around temples. My bed is being used as a torture device. At night, I’m assaulted by tingly feeling that makes all my muscles contract and relax. My brain is forced to stay active, and my eyes bounce around as if in REM. The longer I stay in bed, the more tired I am when I wake up.
Tuesday, 5/16/2006 – Extreme fatigue in temple regions for couple of hours.
Wednesday, 5/17/2006 – Right side buzz all the way to work. IBS throughout day, head tremors. Sent eBay link to Fox, 11Alive, Mara Shalhoup.
Thursday, 5/18/2006 – Head tremors. Pulsing at back of skull for much of day. Head tremors, IBS.
Friday, 5/19/2006 – Woke up with chest pains and left eye shifting rapidly.  Head buzz and drilling over temples. Elevated anger all evening.
Saturday, 5/20/06 – Woke up with joint pains and severe fatigue all over. Pain in muscles too.  Pulses through me while I tried to nap.
Monday, 5/22/06 – Woke up with poor balance and very wobbly.  Rapidly shifting left eye, loss of eye focus.
Tuesday, 5/23/06 – Constant low-level buzzing that impedes my thought processes.
Wednesday, 5/24/06 – Head tremors.  Head pains originating from base of skull.
Friday, 5/26/06 – Headache.  Drilling through temples.  Teasing my privates again.
Saturday, 5/27/06 – Misc pains through torso, chest pains.
Sunday, 5/28/06 – Most of day targeted with head assaults causing tiredness and fatigue.
Monday, 5/29/06 – High pitched squealing in ears throughout day.  Flipped mattress to side I haven’t used in a while.  Only one buzz straight through middle of sleeping area.  That will probably change by tonight.

Thursday, 6/1/06 – Feel as if I’ve had caustic inhalant.  Really bad breath.  Chest, throat, sinus burn, shortness of breath.  REM in morning, dream manipulation.  Overwhelming fatigue throughout morning.
Friday, 6/2/06 – Random pains.  Head, chest, leg, head…
Sunday, 6/4/06 – Installed front door deadbolt.  Intense 3” focused beam through middle of back while sleeping.
Monday, 6/5/06 – Pulsing through right knee to wake me up.
Tuesday, 6/6/06 – Right knee pains occasionally. Woke up smelling chemicals twice. Again, feel like I had caustic inhalants. Chest and sinuses wide open.  Breath smells like blood.
Thursday, 6/8/06 – Tingling in neck, head tremors, headache in forehead again.  Breath still smells like blood. Installed back door deadbolt lock.
Friday, 6/9/06 – Severe IBS all day.  Painful pulses in left knee.  Vibration in middle of back on spinal cord causing left knee to tremor.  Intense radiating pulse vibration from center of back through night leaving me very fatigued and w/ sore back in morning. Also, while going to sleep, pulsed, radiating vibration coming from right knee. Morning head tremors and chest pains.
Monday, 6/12/06 – Chest pains throughout morning. Tingling at base of neck through skull. Head tremors and neck discomfort. ¼” scratch across back of left hand that has itched all week. Also spot on my stomach like this.
Tuesday, 6/13/06 – Chest pains, head tremors, IBS.
Wednesday, 6/14/06 – Woke up to tingling through lower half of body. Entire head buzz interrupting thought processes. Severe assaults, extreme fatigue, burning on temples, head tremors, thought interruption, jabs of pain, lots of eye movement.
Thursday, 6/15/06 – More fatigue and general head buzzing intensified while driving to work.  Head tremors throughout day.
Friday, 6/16/06 – Continuous vibe through groin. Occasional joint jabs.
Sunday, 6/18/06 – Head tremors and IBS through breakfast at Watershed.
Monday, 6/19/06 – Stabbing, throbbing pain in right armpit.
Wednesday, 6/21/06 – Multiple strobe pulses all around spinal cord at base of neck. I could feel them on the surface with my hand on back of neck. Induced fatigue and sleepiness.
Thursday, 6/22/06 – Chest pains.
Friday, 6/23/06 – Woke up to strong pulses in neck and back again coming from my back. Light head tremors, eyes making me drowsy. Throughout night, constant assaults, manipulating tongue movement for three days now and I have sores all over it from rubbing my teeth. Stimulation of penis, burning in right knee, intense pulses along spinal column, REM sleep.
Tuesday, 6/27/06 – Sleep deprivation.  Elf waves that are short, high frequency of spectrum and stimulate mental state. REM activity and dream manipulation complimented by penile stimulation. Wife also couldn’t sleep. 
Thursday, 6/29/06 – Severe assault on torso while I slept.  Woke up with pains in back and felt as though I could hardly move or take a deep breath. Again, wife also affected, it seems.

Sat-Sun, 7/1-7/2/06 – Sat. and Sunday both overnight ELF assaults leaving me feeling arthritic in all of my joints. All of my muscles ache. I feel very fatigued and weak.
Wednesday, 7/5/06 – Head tremors. Severe headache all morning, even after 5 aspirin and 2 Tylenol, pain to the point of nausea.
Thursday, 7/6/06 – IBS, trying to induce sleep, lack of concentration.
Sunday, 7/9/06 – Sleep deprivation. Up until 4 a.m. Awoke to drilling in middle of back, bone chilling ultrasound through knees, head tremors, bitchy agents-lots of verbal assaults.
Monday, 7/10/06 – Continuously assaulted while I sleep. More thought manipulation and penile stimulation.
Thursday, 7/13/06 – Moving and floating eyes.
Friday, 7/14/06 – Head tremors throughout day.
Saturday, 7/15/06 – Have become aware of use of implants in other parts of my body being used to target other areas. Implants in knees sending pulses at head while sitting.  Implants in arms and elbows targeted at head when lying down.  My normal sleep position is on my side with head on an arm.
Sunday, 7/16/06 – Most of day spent listening to verbal abuse and dealing with floating eye. Eye kept moving through circles and back and forth at their control for most of day. Much stronger manipulation than normal-floating, circles, back and forth, through geometric shapes, back and forth.
Monday, 7/17/06 – Light head assault all day, but not enough for visible tremors.
Tuesday, 7/18/06 – Woke up to assaults and penile stimulation.
Thursday, 7/20/06 – Ultrasound or infrasound in knees to keep me awake in recliner. 
Saturday, 7/22/06 – Repeated vibrating left foot, even on cement floor. Strong continual pulsating in chest and back. Thought manipulation while I sleep, multiple types of ELF assaults.
Sunday, 7/23/06 – Continual assaults throughout night. Intense pulse through back and center of chest. Baby awake several times crying. Vibrations through limbs, groin, penis.
Monday, 7/24/06 – More intense vibrations targeted at my back, head. Woke up to vibes, inducing sleep, causing lack of balance, heavy lethargic feeling.
Wednesday, 7/26/06 – Mild tremors throughout day. 
Friday, 7/28/06 – Yesterday and today, steady continuous buzz through head.  Yesterday, feeling fatigue, tired. Today, sensation is of discomfort, illness, unease, lack of focus.
Saturday, 7/29/06 – Sleep deprivation through night with vicious types of assaults, tingling in knees, chest, etc.
Monday, 7/31/06 – Contradicting alternating pulsations to make me tense, then relax, over and over, leaving me tired.

Wednesday, 8/2/06 – IBS all day.
Thursday, 8/3/06 – Head tremors and wobbling, tingling coming from base of neck. Pain through head from back of head and top during times. Stopped immediately after dinner.
Friday, 8/4/06 – Head tremors, lack of balance all day long.
Saturday, 8/5/06 – Long pulsing ELFs through day, head tremors most of day.  Pains shooting through left knee seems to originate in foot.
Sunday, 8/6/06 – Woke up to lack of balance and tremors. Pain through forehead all morning while I worked.
Monday, 8/7/06 – Intense pulsed vibes through center of back, stimulation in privates, drilling through top of head. Lot of thought manipulation while I slept.  Dreams of losing baby and having trouble finding him.
Tuesday, 8/8/06 – Pain stabs in head from top.
Thursday, 8/10/06 – Intense drilling through left arm, side, back.
Friday, 8/11/06 – Lots of thought manipulation, penile stimulation, dreams of my kids.
Saturday, 8/12/06 – Occasional stabs of pain through head.
Wednesday, 8/14/06 – Chest pains through afternoon and into evening. Lots of eye manipulation, REM type activity.
Tuesday, 8/15/06 – Awoke to active assault causing tremors and loss of balance.  Intense pain through back, right side of head. Sleep deprivation, woke up in middle of night 8/15 and 8/16.
Wednesday, 8/16/06 – Intense pain stabs through back, right head. Chest pains and heart manipulation.
Thursday, 8/17/06 – Pain stab through head again. Lots of REM sleep, little rest, Woke up fatigued.
Friday, 8/18/06 – Light head tingling and head tremors throughout day, at times difficult to talk or think.
Saturday, 8/19/06 – Woke up Saturday morning with uncomfortable vibrating coming from head of my penis and vibrating in left heel. Heel one causes continuous itching that I cannot scratch. Tremoring left leg with strong pulse traveling all the way up my leg from foot.
Sunday, 8/20/06 – Stabbing pain through entire chest and through heart, buzzing through frontal lobe causing fatigue, need for sleep, continuing for hours. Ongoing torture through whole weekend including sleep deprivation, lots of thought manipulation, ultrasound vibration through left knee causing high level of discomfort, low level of pain.
Monday, 8/21/06 – More stimulation from head of penis and right heel. Intense vibration through left knee while I try to sleep. Home with baby today as he’s teething and running a low temp. Facial tics all day long, left side of mouth.
Tuesday, 8/22/06 – Woke up at 2:00 a.m. Intense manipulation of eyes, pulsed ELFs through eyeballs coming from my face. Then woke up this morning to ongoing verbal assaults and pain stabbing from top of head.
Wednesday, 8/23/06 – Pain coming from top of head down intermittently throughout day.
Thursday, 8/24/06 – Lots of thought manipulation, feeling of great fatigue upon awakening from long night of sleep.
Saturday, 8/26/06 – Woke up to vibration in right heel. Ultrasound or infrasound through knees while trying to nap.
Sunday, 8/27/06 – Assaults turning to nauseating pulse through brain with intense pain. Lots of misc. pain jabs through legs and shoulders and assault appears they want to dissuade me from making fitness goal again. Sleep deprivation, lots of though manipulation, Woken up many times.
Monday, 8/28/06 – Facial tics all day.  Lots of active thought manipulation, REM sleep, frequently awoken.
Tuesday, 8/29/06 – Tried going to Greenberg Traurig attys, don’t know what I’m doing, they are big firm, but handle entertainers. Also have served Fed govt, so can’t represent me.
Wednesday, 8/30/06 – Woke up to thought manipulation that was of hard drugs, nieces, physical stimulation of penis, and Statler Bros. song, Walk With Me. I think this is to build positive association and recall to present physical stimuli. Later woke up to similar thought manipulation of Jen and Pat and Battle Mountain HS girl in water.

Friday, 9/1/06 – Pain through top of head all day. Active thought manipulation at night.
Saturday, 9/2/06 – Fatigue feeling in head. Artificially stimulated. Again, pain through top of head throughout day. Thought manipulation again, woke up aroused. Penis stimulation.
Sunday, 9/3/06 – Through night, continuous artificial muscle spasm in right arm, triceps, and ultrasound through right knee all the way to foot keeping me awake. Also accelerated mind activity.
Monday, 9/4/06 – Spasms in right arm continuous upon waking. Woke up weak and tired.
Monday, 9/11/06 – Continuing thought manipulation while sleeping. Slept very little Sunday night. Monday slept well, but REM sleep. 
Tuesday, 9/12/06 – Worked over again while I slept. I woke up at 1:00 feeling like it was morning, waking from dream, glad it was only 1:00 am. Woke up in morning with both arms sore, dizzy, head tremors, and buzz inside.
Thursday, 9/14/06 – Again, repeated assaults throughout night. Very little sleep before Comforce interview.
Friday, 9/15/06 – Tried to nap, but painful jolts through knees.
Tuesday, 9/19/06 – Tingling through head, continued after waking.
Sunday, 9/24/06 – Sleep deprivation.
Monday, 9/25/06 – First day UPS. Sleep deprivation.
Wednesday, 9/27/06 – IBS all day long. Very severe. Starting and ending while meeting with others. Wife back from Dallas. Assault on frontal lobe, intense buzzing, but not headache.
Saturday, 9/30/06 – Woke up stiff and sore all over. Arms worked over again, joints in knees popping. Torture (in afternoon) began with overwhelming fatigue caused by head ELFs, then when trying to sleep on flight (Peurto Vallarta), knee joint pains. Torture continued throughout the week and included bed vibrations, sleep deprivation, IBS, verbal assaults.

Sunday, 10/8/06 – Rapid mental activity, sleep deprivation, assaults when waking.
Tuesday, 10/10/06 –
Lots of REM activity, dream manipulation, imposed thoughts of separating from wife.
Thursday, 10/12/06 – Lots of REM activity, woke up extremely fatigued, vibrating bed.
Saturday, 10/14/06 – Saturday and Sunday both woke up with extreme fatigue, pain in all muscles including heart, mostly upper body assaults. Fatigue lasting all day.
Sunday, 10/15/06 – Knocked out on couch in evening. One-hour continuous verbal assaults.
Tuesday, 10/17/06 – Sent email to Mind Control Forum for permission to advertise their site. Met immediately by more intense assaults and full body worked over while I slept.
Wednesday, 10/18/06 – Left eye floating uncontrollably back and forth at even pulse. Assault throughout night. Entire body fatigue. No energy in morning and lots of muscle aches. 
Thursday, 10/19/06 – Sleep deprivation starting with vibrating bed as soon as I laid down. I stayed up and watched TV for a while. Vibrating bed as soon as I lay back down at 2:30 a.m.
Friday, 10/20/06 – Tremors, fatigue, muscle and joint discomfort, aggressive verbal assaults. Severe torture throughout workday including ongoing hazing, lots of eye manipulation, head assaults making it hard to focus and concentrate.  It strengthens my resolve.
Sunday, 10/22/06 – IBS through dinner with Richardsons.
Monday, 10/23/06 – Continuous assault on eyes throughout day causing loss of focus, fatigue, difficulty in reading and concentrating.
Tuesday, 10/24/06 – Chest pains throughout most of day. At night, lots of REM sleep, thought manipulation from as soon as I lay down.
Thursday, 10/26/06 – Worked over throughout night. Extreme fatigue, weakness. Head pains in morning.
Friday, 10/27/06 – IBS all day, when off work, no more IBS, but constant eye movement and sickening ELFs through head causing disorienting nausea, fatigue. At night, thought manipulation all night while I sleep both Friday and Saturday night. REM sleep and voices manipulating my thoughts.
Saturday, 10/28/06 – More intense head assault while shopping at Publix, eye movements, head doesn’t feel right. IBS through movie.
Monday, 10/30/06 – IBS throughout day. Stabs through chest and heart regularly all day. Head tremors through evening. Continued assaults throughout night.  Body primarily with lots of muscle fatigue following morning.
Tuesday, 10/31/06 – Awoke with intense pulsed vibration coming from inside of skull.

Wednesday, 11/1/06 – Email to heart@dslextreme.com (Vicki of MCF) rejected.  Awoke with intense pulsed vibration coming from inside of skull.
Thursday, 11/2/06 – Sleep deprivation, woke up with intense headache, 6 a.m., continuing approx. 1.5 hours, and right shoulder and arms spasms.
Friday, 11/3/06 – Right upper arm pain continually for over an hour while I type documents. Switched to head sensations while trying to review documents. This one causing lack of focus. Nostrils feel sore today, all the way up nose and through sinuses. Pain in both ears.
Sunday, 11/5/06 – Woke up with sore muscle in back, intense nauseating headache most of day.
Monday, 11/6/06 – Woke up to head assault, vibration throughout skull. REM activity as soon as I lay down. Awoke at 2:53 with head fully charged as if on endorphin rush. Conscious that my dreams are being manipulated and dreaming very violent dream of beating a man into submission and breaking his fingers.
Tuesday, 11/7/06 – Intense IBS throughout meeting at work. I also suspect daughter is being manipulated. Repeated chest pains, jabs through heart all day, evening, until I went to bed at 11:30 p.m. Intense IBS when at chiropractor.
Wednesday, 11/8/06 – Woke up to head assault. Full head vibrations from inside my skull. Mostly affecting my eyes. IBS all day, in particular, when Project Manager came to my cubicle for meetings.
Thursday, 11/9/06 – Awoke again to head assault. Head tremors, loss of balance. Vibrations started all over as soon as I went to bed.
Friday, 11/10/06 – Woke up completely exhausted. Head buzzing, causing instability of legs, loss of balance, dizziness. Drove car up on curb today causing front end damage.
Sunday, 11/12/06 – Continuous assaults all throughout weekend. Prolonged head sensations of nausea, imbalance, head tremors, pain jolts, tones in ears, full body work over while I slept. Aches and pains all over when I wake, extreme fatigue, feeling of arthritis aches in every joint. Starting to feel like I’m getting very forgetful. Multiple times I walk into next room to get something and forget what I went there for.
Monday, 11/13/06 – I have a film on inside of my windshield that doesn’t come off with glass cleaner. It looks white and blocks my view when sunlight hits it.  Woke up to intense vibration from center of my back. Not sure if it came from internal or external transmitter. Woke up shaky all over.
Tuesday, 11/14/06 – IBS through meeting again.
Thursday, 11/16/06 – IBS through lunch coworkers.
Friday, 11/17/06 – Day started with head tremors, unsteadiness, and strange buzz through whole head. Got my car back from shop today. Intense IBS again all day. Strong internal head assault through lunch causing tremors, great discomfort. Off and on throughout day-manipulation of my eyes, shifting and focusing ability, continuous ELFs causing muscle contraction and relaxation in arms, neck, facial tics.
Saturday, 11/18/06 – New sore spot on head-top left side, noticed Th or Fri, still very tender.
Sunday, 11/19/06 – Most of weekend spent with intense head vibrations and moving pains. Sleep deprivation with ELFs to keep mind very active until wake-up time, then frequency changes to make me want to sleep.
Monday, 11/20/06 – Spot on head still very tender. Intense head assault again throughout lunch. Lack of motor skills, head tremors, trouble thinking, continued verbal abuses. Extreme pulsing through head and eyes for long period, over an hour, to try to induce sleep and lack of focus.
Saturday, 11/25/06 – Fatigue and sleepiness from head assaults, occurs several times throughout holiday weekend.
Monday, 11/27/06 – Lots of eye manipulation and changing in focus while I was driving, including while driving kids home from school.
Tuesday, 11/28/06 – IBS every time I’m in close proximity of others. Eye manipulation causing sleepiness, fatigue. Lots of thought manipulation while sleeping. I remember shallow REM sleep but can’t remember dreams. Woke up w/ fatigue and very unstable.
Wednesday, 11/29/06 – Eye manipulation causing sleepiness, fatigue. Worked over so much I awoke next morning with extreme fatigue.
Thursday, 11/30/06 – Worked over so much I awoke next morning with extreme fatigue and head tremors.

Monday, 12/4/06 – Chest pains throughout evening. Intense thought manipulation through dreams. Specifically recall Swingles. Woke up exhausted and hard to get up. More thought and dream manipulation throughout night.
Thursday, 12/7/06 – Woke up at 5:30 a.m. No balance or coordination, active assaults, head tremors.
Wednesday, 12/13/06 – Awoke at 4:00 a.m. to active assault including rapid pulsed waves keeping my mind active and making it difficult to sleep. Continued verbal assaults, tremors, lack of balance upon waking, pain and headaches, difficulty thinking. Continued assaults throughout day-head pain, eye fluttering and floating, IBS, head tremors. I talked to Bruce while driving home one night this week. He referred to the head assaults as “stupefying.” Really foul odor in my car.
Thursday, 12/14/06 – Intensive manipulation of eye focus while trying to drive home. I could feel slow rhythmic pulse causing my eyes to go in and out of focus.
Friday, 12/15/06 – Tremors, ELFs, eye manipulation even while waiting on hospital gurney for colonoscopy.
Saturday, 12/16/06 – Lots of head assaults, vibrations throughout head, occasional pain jolts.
Monday, 12/18/06 – Strong exhaust odor in my car while driving to work.  Carried on my breath throughout day. Eye manipulation while driving home again. Head tremors and facial tics while working with Michael on Christmas lights.
Tuesday, 12/19/06 – Strong chemical odor in my car while driving to work.  Again, odor carried on my breath during day. Sleep deprivation, awoke exhausted all over, found it hard to breath, chest pains.
Wednesday, 12/20/06 – Head tremors and eye float throughout day.
Thursday, 12/21/06 – Awoke to vibrations through lower back. Continuous higher frequency through head while working causing interruption of thought and head tremors. IBS around Teri. 
Monday, 12/25/06 – Sleep deprivation.
Tuesday, 12/26/06 – Really accelerated mental activity while sleeping. Can’t recall dreams, woke up feeling hung over and worn out. Hard to think all day after nighttime assaults.
Thursday, 12/28/06, headache all morning and into afternoon. Vision issues while driving.

Friday, 1/7/05 – New implants suspected.  I awoke with small sore on the side of my head above my right ear. Whole side of face and head is sore. Arthroscopic surgery?
Friday, 1/14/05 – Now experiencing vibrations from ELFs (extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves), but they are coming from internal source instead of external source. I feel stimulating vibrations in my groin, stomach, eyes, throughout my head now and am 100% certain they are internalized.
Tuesday, 1/25/05 – Sent email to Vicki, Kennedy, et al.
Thursday, 1/27/05 – 5th anniversary of keystroke logging program being placed on my computer.

Friday, 2/11/05 – 5th anniversary of finding keystroke logging program on my computer.

Tuesday, 3/1/05 – Intense pain through back of neck near spine.
Thursday, 3/3/05 – Constant pulsed vibrations through chest no matter where I laid in bed. Kept me uncomfortable and awake.
Friday, 3/18/05 – Late night, sleep deprivation, exhaustion and fatigue from travel, dehydration. Continuous muscle twitches in arms and face. Scanned at Vail Valley Med.

Monday, 4/11/05 – Spike’s last trip to vet. I had to put him down because he has lost all bowel control. 

Sunday, 6/5/05 – Sleep deprivation. Couldn’t sleep all night.
Monday, 6/6/05 – Head tremors began. Specific target is base of skull.
Tuesday, 6/7/05 – Head tremors worsen.
Wednesday, 6/8/05 – Tremors also in extremities. I fear that damage could be permanent.
Thursday, 6/9/05 – Dropped off Vail scans at print shop for high resolution scans.
Friday, 6/10/05 – Went for urine screen at Any Lab to test for anything. I came up completely clean.
Sunday, 6/12/05 – Son is born 10:43 a.m. 19 in., 5 lbs. 11 oz.  Kept awake all night with continuous drilling in both sides of head.
Monday, 6/27/05 – Kept awake through night with pains to chest and knees.
Tuesday, 6/28/05 – Can feel pulsations from base of skull.
Wednesday, 6/29/05 – All afternoon feeling pulsations in base of my skull, resulting in intense nauseating headache.
Thursday, 6/30/05 – Awoke with tingling sensations on sides of head. Seem to feel sickly and lacking fine motor skills and motivation.

Sunday, 7/10/05 – Intense drilling through sides of head.
Friday, 7/15/05 – Told story to Betsy Riley, Atlanta Magazine.
Tuesday, 7/26/05 – Follow up call to Betsy Riley.

Monday, 8/1/05 – Intense IBS, walk through of HD museum with Blanche.
Tuesday, 8/2/05 – Intense IBS, walk through of HD museum with Gary Nolan.
Wednesday, 8/3/05 – Intense IBS, stomach pain, bloating, gas, all afternoon, also pain through side and back.
Thursday, 8/4/05 – Pain has moved to chest.
Saturday, 8/6/05 – Fever of 102, felt like I was getting cooked throughout afternoon prior to discovery of temp. Tingling through head.
Thursday, 8/11/05 Off balance with head tremors. More severe in morning.
Friday, 8/12/05 – Middle of night and morning wake up with head fuzzy, disoriented, tired, off balance. Cleared quickly when I started moving.
Thursday, 8/18/05 – Pulsed vibrations emanating from base of skull up through top of head causing more head tremors. Began while I was meeting with Fran. New sore on back of head at base of skull. Scabbed over, but not a zit.
Saturday, 8/27/05 – 311 and Papa Roach at HiFi Buys.
Wednesday, 8/31/05 – Awoke with new sore on right side of head approx. 1.5” above ear and forward at 45-degree angle. I wonder what this one does.

Friday, 9/9/05 – Very uncoordinated. Ongoing morning assaults causing tremors, head dyskinesia, lack of balance. Left message for Mara Shalhoup of Creative Loafing. This is third message. Creative Loafing access just now blocked by HD server.
Thursday, 9/29/05 – Fly to KCI, met Paul, drove to Carthage. Drove w/ brother in WRX STi. Drove Carthage to Atlanta with Paul.

Monday, 10/3/05 – Blurred vision and IBS throughout day.
Saturday, 10/8/05 – Brother killed in WRX STi. 1:44 p.m.
Monday, 10/10/05 – Most of this week spent experiencing higher than average level of torture. Focus on head, eyes, tremors, sleep deprivation.
Saturday, 10/15/05 – Sleep deprivation.  Head tremors, floating eyes.
Sunday, 10/16/05 – More of same.  Spent night at friends’ house in STL.
Wednesday, 10/19/05 – Bad head tremors. Lack of eye focus during morning commute and throughout most of morning.

Sunday, 11/6/05 – Awoken at 2:40 a.m.
Monday, 11/7/05 – Awoken at 2:40 a.m. Vibrating bed, lots of dream manipulation. Son awakened too, multiple times throughout night.
Tuesday, 11/15/05 – Intense prolonged pain in my left temple.
Wednesday, 11/16/05 – Pain in my head and left temple throughout the day at intervals.
Thursday, 11/17/05 – Moderate temporal pain, both sides, throughout day

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